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13. September 2014 at 2:24 am #17047
Page 27
On 28. 4. is the birthday of the deceased beekeeper Carl Rehs . Already as a boy, he had a penchant for beekeeping and worked on the apiary in his parents’ house. Later, besides tireless practical work, he turned more and more to the scientific side of beekeeping. In 1906 he was at the age of 36 years on the board of the local association Ponarth, 1918 he became editor of the Prussian bee newspaper and board of the then provincial association, and since 1924 board member of the German beekeeper. In 1930, he took over the leadership of the country specialist group beekeepers East Prussia. Thanks to his initiative, the Staatl. established apprenticeship and research institute for beekeeping in Korschen founded, which became known under his leadership well beyond East Prussia’s borders. Carl Rehs dealt with the questions of beekeeping in his books “German Beekeeping” – published for the first time in 1914 – “Buntes Allerlei von Immen” and “Von Kanitz zu Kirchhöf fei”. In 1945, like hundreds of thousands of others, he had to join in the tribulations and sufferings of the Russian invasion, which the 78-year-old was no match for. On the 2nd of October, 1945, this ever upright, benevolent, selfless man, devouring himself for the idea and the work, succumbed to the suffering and was buried miserably in Konigsberg on the day of his golden wedding. His wife, Gertrud Rehs , was expelled from Königsberg in March 1948 with her daughter Eva . Today she lives with her children in Fulda, Marienstraße 11School Board member August Sadowski died during the war in Krakow. More details can be found with his brother, middle school teacher Julius Sadowski in (21) Schwaney 95, Paderborn
The head of the institution had a Fritz zu Eulenburg-Prassen. But the inner foundation was the work of the Dembowskis . First there was the father Dembowski, followed by his brother, Privy Councilor Dembowski and since 1929 the son of the first director pastor Heinz Dembowski after his death in 1913 . It was a hard stroke of fate for him when, in the spring of 1939, the Gestapo drove up, forbid the Kuratorium any activity, transferred the institution – which was hated and suspected of Christian charity – to the provincial association, and him, the commendable director of the institute Office relieved. He also had to experience that some of his wards went to the gas chambers, some were distributed to other institutions, and the buildings of the SS were used as barracks. His life’s work was broken. He died on 22 February 1945 as a result of a frostbite on one foot and he rests on the central cemetery Danzig-Silberhammer. As the last chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Carishöfer-Anstalten I call on him in the name of countless, who loved and revered him: Thank you for your loyalty and your love! Freiherr zu Knyphausen, District Administrator a. D.
25. September 2014 at 3:26 am #17048Page 32
Subsequently, for information. Far away from our beloved homeland, on 14 November 1945, my dear father, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and great-uncle Reichsbahnamtmann i. R. Paul Goldau in his 77th year After a short marriage to the consequences of Russian captivity on February 3, 1949, he was followed by my beloved husband and son, merchant Harry Bethke, in his 47th year of age. In deep sadness: Gertrud Bethke b. Goldau
Berlin-Wilmersdorf. Mecklenburgische Straße 26, formerly Königsberg / Pr., Mozartstraß 14Heinz Kerwelies , Lieutenant, b. 24. 7. 21, dropped on 19. 4. 45 in Belzig (Mark). In faithful remembrance: Mrs. Martha Kerwelies formerly Tilsit, Steinmetzstr. now Borstel / Soltau, Hann.
After God’s hl. Will died at the age of 89 years on 7. 3. 1950, provided with the heil. Death Sacraments, my dear husband, our loyal father and grandfather farmer Emil Wedig from Münsterberg, Kr. Heilsberg / Ostpr. In unforgettable mourning: Joh. Wedig – wife children and grandchildren, z. Zt .: Adlkofen-Ndb. at Landshut
On Monday, March 27, 1950, 2:00 pm, after long, heavy suffering, carried with serene patience, all of a sudden and very gently my dear husband, our good father, father-in-law, grandfather, son and brother farmer Oskar Busch , Captain zVa D. in the completed 66th year of life. He died away from his beloved adopted country East Prussia and far from the homeland of his fathers. In the name of all the bereaved in silent mourning: Mrs. Frida Busch born. Peter Corwingen
After years of waiting and always hoping for a reunion, we received the painful news that our dear only son and brother Uffz. Helmuth Lenuweit died at the age of 28 years on 2. 2. 1945 in the camp (7126) in Nikolayev. Unforgotten, he rests on foreign soil. In deep mourning: Friedrich Lenuweit and wife and Fam. Artur Schmidt , formerly Tilsit, Ad.-Hitler-Str. 1, now (20a) Celle / Hannover, Fuhrbergerstraße 131
After years of waiting and hoping for a reunion, I now received the incomprehensible news that my dear, unforgettable husband, the corporal Herbert Wegel , had to give up his young life at the last fights in Holland on 17 January 1945. In deep, silent mourning; Gertrud Wegel born Steinbeck and all relatives.
Königsberg, Am Schloss 1, z. Zt. Südlengern, Herford Westf.Afterward, all relatives and our revered former customers were informed that my dear husband, our kind hearted father, the restaurant owner Hans Knuth , Kalthöfsche Straße, formerly Königsberg, on 22. 4. died in 1945 in Munich. In the name of all survivors: Mrs. Anna Knuth , now Steinsfurt about Heidelberg
On April 3, 1950, my good life companion, our loyal, dear dad, Karl Bäuerle , a student advisor, left us after a tragic accident. In deep sadness: Erika Bäuerle geb. Bolz with Lutz, Frank and Erikale .
Girsau, Kr. Calw, Uhlandstr. 76, formerly Wehlau / Ostpr.All friends u. Known later on the knowledge that on 17. 6. 1949 unexpectedly due to heartbeat, without having seen his beloved son Bruno again, our so loved father, father-in-law and brother, the barber Otto Schiemann geb. 28. 9. 1891 from Königsberg, Farenheidstr. 35, died. In faithful remembrance: Christel u. Siegfried Schiemann , z. Zt. Wüster, Rathausstr. 18, Bruno , missing in East Prussia, Ruth and Paul Noetzel, b. Schiemann ,
Lauth b. Königsberg, settlement 41, z. Zt. Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Königsturmstr. 29God wanted it! In the hope of seeing him soon with his children, our dear, good father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle Postbetriebswart passed away on 15. 1. 1950 after a short and severe illness in our dear home. D. Karl Konopka in Rhine, Kr. Lötzen / Ostpr. in the 70th year of life. He followed his dear, good wife Anna Konopka geb. Schmidt
our kind, unforgettable mother and grandma, in the eternity, suffering from the suffering of the flight, allegedly died in the spring of 1945 in the hospital in Sopot near Gdansk. In quiet, deep sadness; his children Gertrud Czymmeck , Wwe., born. Konopka and children, Schwackenreute, Kr. Stockach, Baden, formerly Lower Lake, Kr. Sensburg, Frieda Grimm born. Konopka and family, Duderstadt, Steintor 4, formerly Rhine, Kr. Lötzen, Helene Konopka in Mragowo (Sensburg), Gustav Konopka and family, Ahlen, Westf., Bankenstraße 7, formerly Stralsund, Pomm., Alfred Konopka and family, Neumünster, Holst., Wasbecker-str. 158, formerly Rhine, Kr. Lötzen.
Neumünster, in March 1950All our friends and acquaintances subsequently aware that my dear son and good brother Ewald Buchholz (Obfw.) On March 21, 1945 at the age of 27 years in Karlovy Vary in the military hospital died of his wounding. My dear husband and good father Samuel Buchholz passed away on August 26, 1945 at the age of almost 72 years in Ober-Zschocken, Kr. Zwickau. In silent mourning: Mrs. Wilhelmine Buchholz and children Arnold Buchholz, Elly Buchholz, Willi Buchholz former dolls, Kr. Orteisburg now Gemmerich 82 Kr. St. Goarshausen
After a painful uncertainty I received the sad news that my beloved husband and faithful companion, our good, unforgettable father, brother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather and uncle, the photographer Paul Bast . 21. 1. 83 in Königsberg-Ostpr., Deported by the Russians on 17. 3. 45, died of debility and heart failure in May 45 in the hospital of the camp Gorki (Ural). His worried, busy life has come to a bitter conclusion. In deep pain: Erika Bast b. Gliemann and children: Ingeborg Rühlmann geb. Bast , Gerda Rhode born. Bast, Günther Bast, Erna Bast b. Andreas, Heinz Rühlmann, Willy Rohd e and 8 grandchildren
According to God’s unfathomable decision, he died too soon and far from his beloved East Priest. Homeland after a short, heavy, patience-borne illness in the 65th year of my life on March 30, 1950 at 12.15 pm my dear wife, our kind mother and mother. Mother-in-law, our dear grandmother Mrs. Anna Schaefer geb. Strukat Our dear dormant will always be remembered. In deep sadness: Albert Schaefer , Fam. Heinz Schaefer, Siegfried Schaefer, Fam. Bruno Riechert
Unterthingau / Allgäu and Dieburg / Hesse, March 30, 1950, formerly Kreuzingen / Elchnied., Wehlau / Ostpr. and Königsberg / Pr.On March 7, 1950, God took my beloved wife, our kind mother, Kate Dost. Borries at age 45 after a short illness to eternity. Wilh. Dost , teacher, Klaus, Gundula, Gisela, Heidemarie, Jörg, Beate,
formerly: Lyck, Ostpr., Yorkstr. 9, now: (14b) Schwenningen a. N., Garden School -
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