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3. July 2014 at 1:17 pm #16348
Special exams
Augustin, Siegfried , son of the couple Erich Augustin , from Königsberg, Herzog-Albrecht-Allee 49, now in Lüdenscheid, Reichenberger Straße 6, has passed the master craftsman’s examination as a master heating engineer in front of the Chamber of Crafts in Stuttgart.
Bartnick, Elke , daughter of the Kirchschullehrers a. D. Curt Bartnick and Helene, b. Dembski , from Starkenberg, Wehlau district, now in 3354 Sievershausen, passed the exam as a kindergarten teacher and Hortnerin Kindergärtnerinnen Seminar in Großburg ‘Wedel.
Bergmann, Gerhard Josef, son of the railroad official Johann Bergmann , from Olsztyn, now in Remscheid-Lüttringhausen, Klauserfeld 31, has passed the engineering examination in the field of surveying at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Buttler, Karin, daughter of the farmer Heinrich Buttler and Edith, born. Schostak , from Stenzein, Kreis Lötzen, now in 4921 Entrup, Lemgo, passed the exam to become a graduate librarian in Göttingen.
Czekay, Horst Fritz , son of Fritz Czekay , who died on March 11, and Elisabeth, b. Klein , from Milken, Kreis Lötzen, now Fußberg, Fichtenweg 2, has passed his exam “Captain on a long journey (A 6)” at the Maritime School Hamburg-Altona. His address is: Hamburg-Lokstedt, Behrkampsweg 20. He is currently driving in the Africa service of the shipping company Gehrkens.
Czerwinski, Rüdiger, son of Siegmund Czerwinski (died) and Marta, b. Tresp , formerly Mohrungen, now in Neuss / Rhein, Düsseldorfer Str. 84, passed his exam as an engineer for mechanical engineering at the State Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering in Krefeld.
Eifert, Hans-Georg , son of Techn. Bundesbahnoberinspektors Josef Eifert , from Insterburg, now Oberhausen, Tannenbergstraße 86, has passed the engineering examination at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Feuchtner, Ilona , daughter of the police council Franz Feuchtner and Waldtraut, born. Alberti , formerly Königsberg and Elbing, now 23 Kronshagen via Kiel, Eckernförder Chaussee 22, passed her state examination at the College of Education in Kiel.
Fischer, Heinz , son of the roofer Ernst Fischer , from Schwägerau, now Gladbeck, Mittelstr. 20, passed the engineering examination at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Fiedrich, Gerd , son of the employee Erich Fiedrich , from Heiligenbeil, now Dusseldorf-Neuss, Bergheimer road 119, passed the engineering examination of the field of surveying at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Fleischer, Sylvelin , daughter of the pharmacy owner Gerhard Fleischer and wife Anneliese, b. Junken , formerly Angerapp, now in Obernbeck about wages, has passed the pharmaceutical exam before the government in Detmold with “good”.
Floreck, Lothar , son of the wheelwright Otto Floreck and Ehrengard, b. Nowack , from Kniglanken, district of Angerburg, now in 446 Nordhorn, Dr.-Stolze-Straße 9, passed his first teacher examination at the University of Education in Osnabrück.
Geelhaar, Annemarie , daughter of the 1961 deceased city youth pastor Otto Geelhaar and Berta, b. Dankert, formerly Königsberg, Altroßgärter Kirchenstraße 13, now in Gelsenkirdien, Franz-Bielefeld-Straße 39, passed her first teacher examination at the College of Education in Dortmund.
Giessau, Frank , son of railway inspector Reinhard Giessau +, from Königsberg, now in Essen, Vollmerstraße 16, passed the engineering examination at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Göhring, Joachim , son of Oskar Göhring + and Marie, b. Krafzik , from Kl.-Stürlack, Kreis Lötzen, now in 439 Gladbeck, Hegestraße 7, has passed the master craftsman’s test. – Christel Göhring passed the exam as a kindergarten teacher and Hortnerin.
Hellwich, Hubertus , son of the teacher Eduard Hellwich and Marta Hellwich , from Woplauken, district Rastenburg, now in 7201 Nendingen, Steinstraße 1, has passed his exam as Reg.-Bauassessor.
Hohmann, Cordula , daughter of the city inspector i. R. Andreas Hohmann and Magdalena, b. Herrmann , from Bischofstein, Bahnhofstr. 3, now in 5529 Scheitenkorb, Kreis Bitburg, has passed the teacher’s exam with “good” at the Päd. Hochschule in Trier.
Jenrich, Gisela , daughter of the fallen Studienrats Günter Jenrich and Elfriede, geb. Gonserowski , from Königsberg, Beeckstraße 32, now in 28 Bremen, Donaustr. 43, passed her first teacher examination with “good” at the Päd. Hochschule in Bremen
Jung, Friedrich , son of the priest Jung from Ragnit, now in Dortmund, Markgrafenstraße 123, has passed his final exam as an architect with “good” at the Werkkunstschule in Dortmund. Jung, Martin, passed his 1st theological exam in front of the Landeskirchenamt in Bielefeld.
Kaminski, Elke , daughter of the commercial teacher Fritz Kaminski and Betty, born. Mallien , from Heiligenbeil, now in 5145 Ratheim, Am Kirchpfad 3, passed her exams as a state-certified business manager and consultant at the Higher Technical School for Home Economics in Rheydt. She is now working as a technical teacher at an elementary school.
Koyro, Hans-Georg , son of the merchant Adolf Koyro and Hedwig, born. Plaumann , from Königshöhe, Kreis Lötzen, now in Hannover-Bothfeld, Thomas-Mann-Weg 24, passed his state examination in German and English at the University of Marburg with “good”.
Lochow, Burkhart , formerly Allenstein, completed his law studies at the University of Würzburg with a Prädikats-Examen. He works z. Z. as a legal trainee at the District Court in Kitzingen (Lower Franconia).
Lorek, Hubert , son of merchant August Lorek and Maria, b. Fischer , from Königsberg, Altroßgärter Predigerstraße 39, now in Krefeld, Hülser Straße 39, passed his first teacher examination at the College of Education in Essen.
Luther, Gerhard , and Luther, Reinhild , Children of the Agricultural Council Herbert Luther and Waldtraut, b. Eyber , from Königsberg, Gerhardtstr. 8, now at 286 Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Hafenstr. 1, passed the exam at the University of Saarbrücken as a business administration graduate and at the college for social professions the exam as a state-certified and recognized homemaker.
Morwinski, Bruno , formerly Kröligheim, Kreis Gerdauen, now in Geldern, Mühlenweg 16, has passed the master’s examination as a car mechanic.
Müller, Friederike, daughter of Martin Mülle r and Herta, born. Barth , from Memel and Insterburg, now in Lauenburg, Beuthener Strasse 14, passed her first teacher’s exam at the Pedagogical University in Kiel.
Plieth, Dietlinde , daughter of Police Chief Bruno Plieth and Trude, b. Schimmelpfennig , from Heiligenbeil-Rosenberg, now in Breidenbach, district of Biedenkopf, passed the first teacher examination for Volksschule and Realschule at the Pedagogical Institute in Weilburg / Hessen.
Rogalla, Karl-Heinz , son of the office manager Erwin Rogalla , from Olsztyn, now in Oberhausen-Osterfeld, guild street 13, has passed the engineering examination of the field of “building construction” at the State School of Civil Engineering in Essen.
Schäfer, Gisela , daughter of Helmut Schäfer and Ilse, b. Purkus , from Tilsit, Jagerstr . 8, now Bremerhaven-Lehe, Potsdamer Straße 43, passed her teacher examination at the College of Education in Bremen.
Schirrmacher, Karin , daughter of the farmer Heinrich Schirrmacher and Maria, b. Kastaun, from Annawalde, Kreis Gerdauen, now in Lübeck, Facken-burger Allee 31, passed the teacher’s exam at the College of Education in Kiel.
Segatz, Klaus , son of the district midwife Ida Rese-Segatz , from Neuendorf, Kreis Lyck, now in Elsfleth, Boltenhof 2, passed the exam as a captain on a long journey at the Maritime School in Elsfleth.
Strieb, Gerhard-Wolfram , son of former professional soldier Hans Strieb and Lisa, b. Stietz , from Insterburg, Skagerrakstraße 13, now in Eschwege, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Strasse 20, passed the first teacher exam with “good” at the Pedagogical Institute in Weilburg / Lahn.
Swaczyna, Margret , daughter of Alfred Swaczyna , who died in the war, from Neidenburg, now in Bremen, Wacholderstraße 178, passed her first teacher examination at the College of Education in Bremen.
Wedrich, Manfred , son of the fallen tailor Reinhold Wedrich and Fridel, b. Adam , from Küssen, Schloßberg district, now in Bremen, Münchener Straße 33, passed the construction engineering exam in Bremen as a construction engineer.
Zirpel, Winfried, son of the fallen teacher Otto Zirpel, and Gertrud, b. Stutzki, from Königsberg, now in Bremen, Emmastraße 228, passed the Examination in Hamburg before the Joint Examination Office.
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