Antwort auf: Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be

Startseite Foren Suchanfragen Familienname Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be Antwort auf: Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be


    • Beiträge: 4

    Hello Carlo,

    Thank you very much for translating this marriage information. I believe she is a family member but now I need to fit her into my tree. So far I have found 14 relatives in within 30 km of Neustettin (now Szcecinek, Poland). My German is not so good but my Polish doesn’t exist. I am amazed how you took that old script and did such a wonderful job! I can see I have a lot to learn to be more sucessful tracking the family tree.