Antwort auf: Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be

Startseite Foren Suchanfragen Familienname Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be Antwort auf: Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be


    • Beiträge: 157
    • ★★★★★

    Good Evening Ray,

    as far as I know, this page does not support the upload of user documents and files. You might want to upload your pdf-files of the the German records to google-drive for example and share the links in this forum.

    I would like to offer you to translate your documents to English, if you sent them to me privately. You will find my email, when you visit my profile.

    With regards,

    A Happy New Year To Everyone!