Death list Seidenberg of 09.1825
26. November 2017Birth list from Muskau 1825
26. November 2017Birth list from Seidenberg from 09.1825 – (source “Oberlausitzische Fama”)
No. 41 of 20.10.1825
The 25th of September, Mrs. Vorwerk owner Scholz a daughter, Clara Tugendreich
No. 44 from 03.11.1825
October 14, Mrs. Wirthschaftsbesitzer Klimt a son, Carl August
No. 46 from 17.11.1825
The 1st of November, Mrs. Maurermeister Ballowitz a daughter, Joh. Dorothee , Mrs. Haußdorf a son, Heinrich Eduard
The 5th Novermber, Mrs. Tuchmachermeister Wagner a daughter, Johanne Amalie
No. 49 of 08.12.1825
November 20, the day laborer Malt, a son, Johann Gottlieb
No. 4 from 26.01.1826
December 19, the citizen and Stadtmüller master Wehner a son, Benjamin August Ehrenfried
The 31st of December, the citizen and clothmaker Weise a son, August Wilhelm
No. 7 of 16. 02.1826
The 12th of January, the citizen and clothmaker Starke a son , Friedrich Wilhelm
January 29, the citizen and basket maker Stricker a son, Friedrich Wilhelm
January 30, the citizen and Messerschmidtmeister Rennert a daughter
The 1st of February, the citizen and potter Hillmann a daughter, Auguste Amalie
No. 13 from 30. 03.1826
The 20th of February, the citizen and shoemaker Helle a pair of twin children, of which the oldest is a girl, Johanne Christ . the other a boy, called Carl August Louis
The 20th of February, the citizen Hückel a dead son
The 24th of February, the citizen and potter master Osswald a son, Ernst Friedrich August
No. 19 from 11.05.1826
The 28th of March, the citizen and white tanner Arnold a daughter, Joh. Friedericke Auguste
April 3, the citizen and cloth-maker dust a son , Carl Eduard Louis
No. 22 from 01.06.1826
The 24th of April, the citizen and master butcher Haase a son, Joh. Adolph
May 5, the citizen and cloth maker Gähler a daughter, Amalie Auguste
May 7, the screwdriver. Citizen and Apothker Mr. Schneider a daughter, Clara Auguste
May 12, the bourgeois and clothier champion Walter a dead son
May 19, the citizen and cloth maker Schäfer a daughter, Emma Charlotte Wilhelmine
May 21, the citizen and day laborer Big a daughter, Dorothee Henriette
No. 30 dated 27.07.1826
May 23, the citizen and potter Haase a daughter, Louise Mathilde
June 1, the royal. Prussian. Ober-Zoll and Steuer-Controlleur Mr. Seefeldt a daughter, Adolphine Emilie Cäcilie
The 18th of June, the citizen and master clothmaker Scholze a son, Friedrich August
The 22nd of June, the citizen and white baker Stephan a son, Carl August
The 27th of June, the citizen and shoemaker head a daughter, Juliane Auguste Helena
The 2nd of July, NN Kahl into an illegitimate daughter, Johanne Christiane