Hirschberg 1813
3. January 2018
Hirschberg 1863
4. January 2018
Birth- and death lists from Hirschberg 1843 – (source “Der Bote”)
No. 35 dated 31.08.1843
* 03.08.1843 – Mrs. Handelsm. Schüttrich , a daughter Emma Clara Marie
* 03.08.1843 – Mrs. Lohnbediente Aust , a daughter Josephe Ottilie Agnes
* 06.08.1843 – Mrs. knit master Scholz , a son Julius Albert Paul
* 08.08.1843 – Mrs. Riemenmeister Krause , a daughter Clara Agnes Ernestine Friederike
* 15.08.1843 – Mrs. Lohnkutscher Hartert , a daughter Marie Auguste
+ 22.08.1843 – Verwittw. Mrs. Buchbinder Johanne Christiane Hop born. Zeisberg , 79 years 6 months
+ 25.08.1843 – Johanne Christiane born. Lohse , wife of police officer Henke , 41 years, 10 months, 27 days
+ 25.08.1843 – Richard , son of the master shoemaker Patzeck , 8 years, 8 months
+ 26.08.1843 – Marie Pauline Emilie , daughter of the shoemaker Hentscher , 8 months, 5 days
+ 28.08.1843 – Ferdinand Steffan , tailor’s journeyman from Gdańsk, 23 years
List is continued