Parish Balga

A collection of documents, records and data for the parish Balga from the estate of the ancestors researcher Karin Rauschning

List of names from the database parish Balga (currently 4756 records online)

Name with A, B, C
Adebohr, Adler, Albäck / Albeck / Albaeck, Albrecht, Anies, Anton, Apsel, Arndt, Augustin, Auschwitz

Babel, Bahr, Bähr, Ballasus, Balschinat, Bandt, Banduhn, Baransky, Bartel, Bartsch, Bartz, Basmer / Baßmer, Bastian, Baum, Baumgart, Bechler, Becker, Behnert, Behrendt, Bellgardt, Bendrich, Besmöhn, Besmöhn, Bewernick, Biensfeld, Bilaw, Birth, Blank, Blankenberg, Blech, Bledau, Blöß, Blumberg, Bobeth / Pojeth, Bödder, Bogdan / Bockdahl / Buckdahn, Bohl, Böhm / Boehm, Bollner, Borchart, Bortz, Braun, Brosell, Brunst, Bunck, Büttner

Christian, Clemens, Collien / Kallien
Name with D, E, F
Dannowski, Dieck, Dittloff, Domnick, Döpner / Doepner, Dornbusch, Dorsch, Dreier, Dröse, Dunst

Eberlein, Ebert, Eckloff, Eckstein, Eggert, Ehlert, Eisenschmid, Eisler, Engel, Engelke, Ewert

Fabricius, Fallack, Fehre, Feiber, Feint, Finke, Fischer, Fischmeister, Födtke, Forcke, Francke, Freitag, Freudenberg, Friedrich, Fritsch
Name with G, H, I
Gehrke, Gehrmann, Gerlach, Gertel, Gerwien, Glagau, Glinka, Gloy, Göritz, Grabb, Greber, Gritzahn, Gurreck, Gutsch, Gutzeit

Hack / Haak, Hagen, Hamann, Hambruch, Hantel, Harder / Harter, Harnack, Hasenpusch, Hecht, Heckmann, Hein / Heyn, Heske / Hescke, Heß, Hildebrandt, Hill, Hinz, Hippler, Hoffmann, Höflich, Höpfner / Hoepfner, Hopp, Hornberger, Huhn, Hülse / Hülsen

Name with J, K, L
Jahn / Janke, Joswig, Jucks

Kähler, Karlin, Kaschmann, Kasmekat, Kersten, Kinder, Kirchner, Kirstein, Klang, Klapkowski, Kleimann, Klitsch, Klotzki, Klug / Kluge, Knorr, Koch, Köck, Kohn, Kohnert, Kolkowski, König, Korell, Korn, Kossack, Kramer, Kreutz, Kroll, Krüger, Kuhn, Kuhr, Kunert, Kuntz, Küßner / Küssner, Küstzler

Lammert, Langanke, Lange, Lau, Lauser, Laxdehn, Lemke, Liedtke / Lütke, Lindenau, Lobien, Loest, Loheit, Lonnert, Lopens, Löwner
Name with M, N, O
Mallien, Margenfeld, Marter / Martern, Maser, Meitz, Mentzel, Mey, Meyer / Maier, Michel, Mielke, Mix, Mohr, Möller, Moritz, Möser, Müller, Mürlich

Nabrotz, Nagel, Neumann, Neweck, Nieswandt, Nitsch

Obat, Ohnesorge, Oltersdorf
Name with P, Q, R
Packhäuser, Paetsch, Paletzki, Partsch, Perbandt, Perlich, Pettelkau, Pick, Pischke, Plog, Potrek / Potreck, Pregel, Preiß / Preuß, Prieß, Pultke, Puos, Putzer, Putzke

Quaas, Quandt, Quednau, Queiß

Raabe, Radtke, Ratzke, Rautenberg, Rehberg / Reheberg, Reimann, Rentel, Richard, Ritter, Robitzki, Rödder, Rogge, Rohd / Rohde, Romahn, Rommel, Roschitzki / Roschetzki, Rosenbaum, Rosenski, Rosinsky, Ruhnau
Name with S, T, U
Sachs, Sager, Samland, Samlowski, Sander, Scharff, Scharfschwerd, Scheffler, Schikowski, Schimmelpfenig, Schirmacher, Schlittke, Schmeer, Schmid / Schmidt, Schneider, Schönfeld, Schöttke, Schramm, Schröder, Schulz, Schwark, Schwarz, Schwedland, Schwerwinski, Schwill, Sibert, Siemund, Sienknecht, Silz, Simon, Singmann, Sögnicks / Söcknicks, Sowitzki, Sperling, Sperwin, Spruth, Stegmann, Steinau, Steinke, Sterner, Stolzenwald

Taschinski, Teschner, Thiel, Thimm / Timm, Thurau, Tiedmann, Tilsner, Tischer, Titz, Tolkmitt

Name with V, W, Z
Vallentin, Venohr, Vogelke, Volkmann, von Bülow, von Glasow, von Kreytzen, von Portugal, von Sanden, von Seeguth-Stanislawski, von Tettau, von und zu Maßenbach, Vorwald

Walter, Wedekind, Wegner, Weinreich, Wenk, Wermke, Werner, Wichmann / Wiechmann, Wiechert, Wien, Will / Wille, Winkler, Winterfeld, Witt, Wohlgemuth, Wohlgethan / Wolgethan, Wölk / Woelk, Wulff

Zebandt, Zeichner, Zierck, Zimmermann, Zink, Zipperke, zu Dohna

Parish Balga - database

To the parish Balga (Vorreform) Royal, 1603 souls, five schools = *, 6L - 4200 M G, 54,05,90 ha - 52000 M PfWB, c. 7 ha PFWL - Railway United Hoppenbruch 5km.
Among the varieties include: * Balga & removal, * Follendorf, * Gr. -Hoppenbruch * Kahlholz, Lindenberg, Newecken, Rensegut (Rensekrug), Ritter Thal, Romansgut, Schneckenberg, Schrangenberg * Wolitta.
The municipality Balga comprises the rural communities Balga spots, Balga Good, Kahlholz, Lindenberg and Wolitta and agricultural estates Lokehnen, Mükühnen, Part Heinen, Wesslienen, Wolittnick and Forstrevier Födersdorf (partial) 2 (10 municipalities / Estate districts).

  • the mill pond to Hoppenbruch, 9 great morning holding 2 trains, was not seeded. It was only spit fish and was known to be fishing for the table of the House of balga.
  • there were approx. 1650 to the full setting in Hoppenbruch 3 farmers.
  • punishment in Hoppenbruch in 1607 /08: 5. 80 MK the former Hoppenbruch that their horses uff winter saatt to damage they let go / EinwLi Hbl 1a S22
  • 5 winter Heller with a ground floor and trays, 6 small pieces were at the mill to Hoppenbruch and Gullies in the insulation between the whitening. Because but 3 Heller were at the to mountains, and the water in it is poorly kept, so the Castle Captain allowed 3 Heller lapse of ora.
  • the farmers of Bladiau, Hoppenbruch, Lank and King village had the seeds from the Hoppenbruchschen whitening in the ponds to Lank and Bladiau seduce.
  • Handfeste since approx. 1350 prescription Rensekrug 1387: After her no further Kretscham (jar) should be put on by the Rensekrug up to the Fedderau River and the Rensekrug up to half a mile towards Holy hatchet book Natg
  • 1811 was Gustav IV, King of Sweden guest in 'Pitcher of order of' Balga
  • 3. 11 1919 – Rittmeister of Glazov in balga. < / li > < li > population 1 12, 1910, the community: balga - 483
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: balga, good 219
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: Farooq - 145
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: large Hoppenbruch - 207
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: Kahlholz - 217
  • population 1 12, 1910 of the village: Newecken, estate district - 36
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: Rensegut, estate district - 33
  • population 1 12, 1910, the community: Ritterthal , estate district - 39
  • 1 12, 1910, the community population: Romansgut, estate district - 48
  • population 1 12, 1910, the town in the Parish Balga: worm mountain u Schrangenberg missing

Records from the parish of balga

1The köllmischen outside the Office Balga according to the state of 1681
Holy be parter newspaper summer 1920

The köllmischen outdoor earlier formed a special stand, kuzr ten your goods after köllmischem rights, which is named after the town of Kulm. Then, the estate after the death of the father sons and daughters could inherit. He could also sell it. You were free from the Scharwerk service, but to make a rider in the wars with Roß and armour. The natte to a light duties. Because the free only per about 4 to 8 had hooves on the average, every free a village together made this service. You delivered will 1 bushel of wheat and a bushel of grain to Martini in balga on the fees of the Pfluge (about 2 ½ hooves). Then they had a köllmischen spiked to the characters that they recognized the rule of the order (to the witness or the confession of rule) a year = 5 Preuß. Pennies and a Staples Fund to produce wax. These services were still as East Prussia had long since become a Duchy. Today, these special rights and special obligations are long resolved. Also the social position of the free is increasingly disappeared since lifting of Scharwerks revocation of Erbuntertänigkeit 1808 to 1815. Only in the churches, they have still their special stalls. Many of these köllmischen economies have become large goods through the purchase of farm sites, others have remained unchanged. Many are, as the list shows, today after centuries in same family, others have on female lines. The most former outdoor living but still numerous descendants in the circle of Saints axe.

the dates indicate the year of the founding or ceremony by the order. The originals of the documents are still mostly for the owners. Copies are in the State archives to Königsberg in the Castle.

still an accurate inventory exists of the year 1681. 1681 59 free, who together held 336 hooves were all over the world.

  • Galiny is occupied with 3 free 1681: George Böhm, Andreas k. and Hans Hinzke. Everyone has 3 fields.

  • Steindorf has 1681 3 free: Hans Drews, Peter Böhm and Merten Krüger.

  • Mingen has 1681 2 free: George dumbbell and Peter Tolkmit, up 16 1 /2 hooves.

  • feudal farms has 1681 3 free: Peter Höpfner, Christoph and Matthes Tiedemann Hooves together 15 1 /2.

  • new awakening has 1681 2 free: Christoph Thiel and George Baumgart together 7 hooves serve 2 with horse and harness.

  • Kildehnen has 1681 2 free: Peter and Hans Tolkemitt together 12 1 /2 hooves.

  • Bregden has 1681 1 outdoor, Michel Birth 4 hooves.

  • Rohmansgut has 1681 1 outdoor: Friedrich scantling with 6 hooves.

  • pores (1494) has 1681 2 free: Hans dumbbell and Jakob Kroß.

  • Weißels (1398) has 1 outdoor 1681: Friedrich barbell with 4 hooves.

  • Klaußitten (1637) has 1 Free Martin Gruel 1681 3 hooves of 20 acres.

  • Woydittcken (1623) has 1 outdoor 1681: Christian Götlich, wilderness heater.

  • Gedau (1639) Gedau has 1681 5 free: Friedrich Schulz, Hans Tolkmith, Michel Tolksdorff, Friedrich Radau, Peter Schwark together 22 hooves, 11 acres, 1 make efficient service.

  • Oerbabdeb / 1498) has 2 free 1681: George Tolkmit and George Sternberg hooves together 16 1 /2.

  • Preuß. Tair (1469) has 2 free 1681: George Böhm and Hans Bruchmann, together 12 hooves.

  • Macdonald farms (1546) has 1 free Jakob Maypole with 10 hooves.

  • Bartken (1495) has 2 free 1681: Andreas Sternberg and George Belgarth, together 9 hooves.

  • Quilitten (1422) has 2 free 1681: Ambrose birth and Michel Gruel together 18 hooves.

  • Gabditten (1495) has 2 free 1681: Jakob Kienast and Hans Hintzmann together 8 hooves 10 morning.

  • towing stone (1493) has 2 free 1681: George Tiedemann and Hans Lange, up 12 1 /2 hooves.

  • Bickiehnen has (in 1560 and 1568) 1 outdoor 1681: Martin Schröter 5 hooves.

  • Nemeritten (1425, 1509, and in 1508) has 4 free 1681: Peter Radau, Salomin Beyer, Friedrich Mick, Michel Schirrmacher together 13 hooves.

  • Kupgallen (1494, 1535) has 1 outdoor 1681: Frederick Steinhagen with 6 hooves

  • Bickiehnen (1560 and in 1568) 1 outdoor has 1681: Martin Schröter 5 hooves.

  • cherry village (1358) has 2 free 1681: Peter Ahrend and Friedrich Perband, together 11 hooves.

  • grinding village has 2 free 1681: Hans Höpner (= Hans Döpner, to a clerical error in the certificate is based.

  • the number of his descendants) in the various villages of the district with the exception of Prussian Donny is not to count and Peter Böhm, together 10 hooves.

  • Sahai (7 stalwart of 1488, 1319, 1533, 1499, 1534, 1429 and 1497) 5 free 1681: Hans Hübner, George Bötcher, Peter Blumenthal, Christoph Kuhnke, Augustin Böhm, together 26 hooves.

  • Claußitten (1496) has 2 free 1681: George Behr and Hans Blankenberg 5 hooves 20 acres total.

  • Kupgallen (1614) has 1 outdoor: Christoph Kirschnick 3 1 /2 hooves.

  • Cumgarben (1439 and 1440) has 3 free 1681: Michell Schicknick, George Hartmann, Michel Rob 12 hooves total

  • Nemmeritten (1487) has 2 free: Framitz-Hermann, Peter Klein 7 hooves.

  • Gedilgen (1584) has 1 of free Hans Hagen.

  • Prussian Donny, suffered from (now PR. Donny part) and Wermten were among the AMTE Carbene.

  • Wołów (Handveste 1506) 1 free in 1681: Jakob Roß with 6 Huben.

  • these outdoor are called free farmers, because they do not live in villages on their own, but in larger farming villages.
  • 2The Chatoullgüter of the Office of Balga
    Not often one sees chatoullgut old village boards along the way. One asks what that means, the owner, so he can respond only with a shrug that he has broken the head is never. The Chatoullgüter of our district have been formed mostly in the time of the great elector and his successors. While the duties of the farmers, citizens, craftsmen, etc. flowed mostly into the coffers of the State, the revenues from State forests fell to the Prince, they flowed in their Chatoullkasse. To increase this revenue now, the princes were eager to pass parts of forests, especially in the Randern, brave settlers that they reclaimed. The settlers were not the official captain in balga, but the electoral head forester. To attract many settlers, conditions for cultivation were very cheap. They received several free years, so could they digging deep into the ground and to build houses. Then the plot of land or goods has been calculated or be frames and the settlers were given a prescription or be framing, in which their rights and obligations were laid down. You were free from the Scharwerk like the Kakaar, but had ground rent to pay head lap (Kopfcassise) and protection money. The basic interest rate amounted to approximately 2 to 5 Reichstaler depending on the quality of the soil for the hooves, the head lap was calculated for each person with 30 dime. Some Chatouller enjoyed the same rights as the Kakaar. Often Kakaar, Salameh and nobles annexing some Chatoullhufen their domestic goods.

    Friedrich Wilhelm I. the special position of the Chatouller picked up and it was under the administration of the offices, at the same time he significantly increased their donations. In our circles following Chatoullgüter were allowed continued after capable of 1720 (year = year of Foundation), which are square rods at the size.

    the official invoice from 1720 comprised the Chatoullgüter 50 Huben 15 morning 261 quadreatruten. They brought a 130 thalers 14 Dimes 3 Pfennig Hube interest, 6 Valley 62 dime 10 ½ PF. Protection money, 19 t 30 dime Kopfaccise (for 58 persons).

    only a few of these items are still in the same family, many have passed on female lines or into foreign hands. Some have later been divided, some have become greater goods, by they vacuumed up farmer places, some have been bought out by the Bauernhängerei.

  • Büsterwald (1698) 1 Hube 14 morning 1720: Martin Rubin, he was waiting for services in the forest to perform.

  • Heidehof (1703) 4 Huben 13 morning, 1720: woman Lieutenant Heydendorf.

  • Hochcarben 1703 Martin Dickert, 1707 Gottfried Shepherd, 1712 Louis Herholz. They had all 3 together 21 morning and 50 rods. Moved their residence, to Rosenberg.

  • Kahlwalde (1703): 1 Hube 23 morning 1720 Hans Taka.

  • Kleinwalde (1709) 3 Huben 26 morning 1720 Hans Kleimann and Christoph Ewert.

  • Laue field (1711) 1 Hube 10 acres, the forest warden in Hermsdorf Friedrich has long 1720.

  • Leisuhn (1662) 2 Hardman has the area in 1720. The original of framing of the be was burned already in 1720.

  • Neuhöfchen (1662) 4 Huben has 1720 Christoph Wilk.

  • Neudamerau (1669) 3 Huben 8 morning Johann has Oehm and wilderness conditioner Friedrich Schulz. 1720

  • Neu-Damerau (1708) 1 Hube 3 morning has 1720 George Albrecht.

  • Preuschhof (1710) 1 Hube 28 morning. In 1720 Johann George Preyß

  • Preuschwäldchen (1702) 4 Huben 15 morning, of which half acre and half pasture. Awarded the wilderness heater Christian Görlitz. 1720 Christoph Söcknick.

  • Rosenhof (1702) 5 Huben, 1720 Obestleutnant by Brandt.

  • Schöndamerau (1702) 2 Huben 12 tomorrow. 1720 wilderness conditioner Friedrich Schulz (descendants lived over 100 years in Wermten, now in Schönlinde)
  • Streitswalde (1702 and 1704) 4 Huben 10 acres and 15 acres, as long as the owner provides the warden service. The owner of Oberwart Johann Marquardt lived in Grunau köllmischem Salam gut and needed no Kopfcassise to pay.

  • Vorderwalde (1699) 3 Huben 17 morning. 1720 Christian Rosenick

  • Waltersdorf (1685) 2 morning 150 rods, 1720 Neumann's Inheritors.

  • Wermten (1615) 3 tomorrow. 1720 Hans Taman 2 morning, Schulz 15 morning Fabian Heyn 1720.

  • Kopfcassise (Chatoullgut new d) George Albrecht and his wife 60 penny, George Rentel and be 60 pence, 1 working man Christopher Springer wife and be 60 pence, 1 woman Working woman Maria Eiseler 30 groschen, total: 2 Taler 30 groschen
  • 3The mayor of the Office Balga
    Today, the village mayor is elected in larger villages of the municipal council, in smaller of the church members. Formerly the mayor's office was hereditary and the village mayor had as many Kölmer prerogatives before the farmers. The Commanders of Balga that populated our area, were quite a lot of immigrants to fix, because the closer a country was populated, the more taxes could move in the Order. The commander gave a trusted immigrants a piece of land for settlement. He heranzog quite a lot of settlers, he received the tenth part of the populated area as the property interest free kölmischem rights. However, he had to make a slight service in larger villages with all Geschreien, Army rides and wars, d. H. a horse with her husband and armor or in later times a horse pre gun. Often he had the right to put a pitcher or a mill waters were nearby, he could sometimes fish for his schematic necessities. the property was often shared later by sale or inheritance, for example. B. Eisenberg, or the pitcher or the mill were diverted. The Schulze was a judge in the village. A distinction was small dishes where the punishment was to 4 shillings and large dishes where it was more. From small dishes of Schulze received the whole amount of the big only the third part. About foreigners and indigenous Prussia he had not to judge. he could not impose dishes neck and hand (the death penalty and limbs mutilations), but sometimes of blood and blue (corporal punishment). the village was fully populated, so the mayor went with the elders and Patleuten the Commander of Balga. Which made the village surveyed and issue the Tangible by the write brother who still today - is aufbbewahrt by some mayors - for 5-6500 years. The following are the einnzelnen villages with their Schulz goods and the year of the award of the certificate. Individual families have for centuries occupied the mayor's office and are still among the indigenous farming families.

    In all were in office in 1681 Balga 28 mayor with 92 Huben and 6 morning. They made seven services a horse pre gun, three kölmische pennies, three Kramp Fund wax and 50 Mark Zins.

    In office carbene were 1,675 9 mayor with 28 Huben, who performed 3½ services.

    For centuries, this word voltage of the Order has been proven, but when the settlement was dense, the roads were better and the number of civil servants grew, a franchise of the mayor dropped by one, first the jurisdiction.

    Those who want to teach in more detail about the different rural estates, the purchase, the book of the Konigsberg scholar Dr. Robert Stein 'The rural constitution of East Prussia at the end of the 18th century. '

    Mayor, which is equal to farmers have to order the crowd works together with Post:

    Hoppenbruch (1470) 2 Huben, he shall bring letters from the Office Balga to the nobility and others in the parish Bladiau. 1681 his name Fabian Hein.

    Bare wood (1497), a garden, 1681 he is Christoph Simon.

    Wolitta (1681) has no country in 1681 his name because of the Schulz Office, Peter Pojet.

    Follendorf (1494) 1681 his name Christoph Hoffmann.
    4The mills of the Office Balga
    The indigenous people of our province crushed their crops mostly in mills, of which some in Prussia - Museum in Kaliningrad and in the collection in the park can be seen to Schettnienen. Also on the heap of stones some farm is one, unnoticed, perhaps even shattered. It was a trough-shaped hollowed stone in which the fruit is poured. With a fist-sized stone they were crushed.

    The Order reserved the right to approve the facilities of mills. Nobles and Kölmer were given the right to apply mills. There was only water mills. Because at that time were still many forests, and artificial drainage was not well known, the water flowed much more slowly, so that the millers had all year water. Fishing in ponds mill stand to the village mayor or the miller. The miller had to deliver to the office of each swing a certain amount of grain, flour or a certain amount of fattened pigs.

    In many cases, the mills Fliehburgen, where residents took refuge in wars were. By inheritance or purchase the mill sites were independently.

    There was Mühlzwang, the residents of each village were assigned a determinate mill as customers. Mahlgeld was rarely collected, instead, the Metz grain was collected from 16 bushels to Metzen 1 Metz, or customers had to drive the grain to Metz Balga to vacate the mill pond and repair the dams. ,

    The mills in the country belonged almost entirely to the nobles.

    Grinding mills with two aisles were Wolittnick (1570), Fedderau (1469), Neusieden = Naußeden, Hasselbusch to Pellen duly Bahnau (1632) to Lindenau, Pochlulen? (1570), towing stone, stone Ahren (1543), Kling Beck (1539), Wilkenith (1510), Partugallehoff (1475), Rödersdorf.

    In Hoppenbruch the house mill for the castle in Balga was. Besides grinding mills were cutting mills, Bark Mill and for clothier fulling mills.

    The two saw-mills of the Office Balga in Wilkenith (1510) and in Arenstein often incumbent duty to cut a certain amount of boards for the office.
    5The pitchers of the Office Balga
    Pitchers were allowed to be built only with the permission of the Commendatore to Balga. They were called in the villages 'Kretschen, in the cities of taverns (innkeeper vorhanden- Kretschner -Still in Surnames Kretschmann or Taber).

    In the villages, the mayor usually received permission to create a jug, either free and Quidde, d. H. without any charge or against an interest rate of half a mark.

    Throughout the office were 24 pitchers, including 25 Huben land belonged. They did in 1675 on charges 176 Mark 12 Sgr, 3 Pf. Interest, 10 chickens and a horse pre gun. In addition, were in goods still noble pitchers.

    So that his income was not reduced, no other pitcher could be opened. a second jar was opened in larger villages, its owner had 2 Mark to interest. The Kruger gave wine, mead and table beer. A certain amount of beer he had purchased from the office. The rest he could brew yourself or buy from the Mälzenbräuern in the cities.

    From these statements, which may not be complete, of course, is to see that Kruger had the pitcher only as a sideline that he usually denied his living from farming or fishing, and that therefore the alcohol genus was not as widespread as it is today. The jars were mainly to stay for travelers and carters in the villages, on the highway of Foreign fishermen in the beach villages and to accommodate the carts of the farmers in the parish villages. In no case known to me a pitcher has been owned by a family for long.
    The jug was Follendorf 1494 fresh with 8 acres of farm and 4 acres of meadow on Michel Simon? Awarded with free fishing in the lagoon with sacks, a Fußwaien? And all sorts of small Gezeuge. He had a year as a shock Quepe? lay behind the castle Balga on the stones, that the Keuteln not have deshalben damage dare. At the same time, the mayor's office, he was awarded with the usual rights and obligations.

    The pitcher to Balga was first mentioned in the 1447th In the Order time he was very profitable. After waste places long time, he was in 1536 with land endowed by George of Poland, the former Bishop of Samland and to the clerk Georg Thilo (Thiel) lent fresh. Apart from him, no pitcher should be in front of the home, no one when he fired Börnen wine and pay. For this, the yeast should be genönnet from the castle and left him. He had free fishing in the lagoon with 15 sacks and small Gezeuge to the table necessities. He was allowed to work all Hökerei and give other than the official beer järlich 12 tons foreign beers for strangers and honest Gäpe. For this he should be storage charges for the ton as well as the Castle Beer 2 Skot, deed dated March 20, 1559

    The pitcher has since 1905 owned by the Pultke family. The other inns are more recent.

    The pitcher to Kahl Wood, founded in 1523, confirmed by Bishop Georg von Polenz 1533. The Kruger Albrecht Koch free fishing got a boat, with sacks and networks, free firewood and timber and the Reyge meadow on the way to the Wollitta against 9 Mark Zins. Except the pitcher Justice in 1536 awarded Lorenz Simon, as a pitcher no longer ausrechte in Kahl wood approval, there still create a pitcher. He had to carry as other Kruger post and auszuschenken 3 barrel Official beer.

    The pitcher to Wolitta was awarded in the new village before Wolitta 1431 at St. Andrew's day to Hans von Stolzenbergk. He was allowed beer, bread, meat, etc. pouring, received 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres break could hold eight main cattle and exercising free fishing from 5 Mark Zins. Between the house of Balga and his pitcher and the water Wolitta no other pitcher was allowed to be built. When the fishermen from Frombork fished here, they were only allowed from this pitcher or bring the beer to Balga.

    Ritter Krug (now Knight Thal KSPL. Balga) was prescribed in 1516 with 9 acres of farm and 6 acres of meadow. He had nine marks a year to interest, 4 ½ the house Balga and 4 ½ the previous owner. He also had to make three trips with four horses with carriage or wagon to Pellen or Augam hunting.

    In Hoppenbruch the pitcher in 1576 was rebuilt and new new prescribed for 8 Mark Zins.

    The Rensekrug was newly prescribed interest rate and 'half Stein Wachs before our women picture on the home Balga' against 4 Mark 1,387th Between the Rensekrug and Fedderau and ½ mile from Heiligenbeil to no new pitcher should be built.

    The wax was determined to lights that burned in those days before the picture of the mother of Jesus in the castle of Balga.
    6The farmers of the former Office Balga
    From the local history Hbl newspaper 09 1921
    The great mass of the rural population were farmers. The privileges of the nobility, outdoor, Kölmer and Kruger went from them. If many flock factory farmers and tenant farmers are differentiated, they were in office Balga usually flock factory farmers and tenant farmers at the same time as the following compilation will tell. At the foundation of the villages of the commander gave a man who had his confidence, the mayor a piece of land that he had to be filled with farmers. 1-5 hooves were assigned for each farmer point. For large plots of land could not be properly tended by the owners, because they did not have enough horses, cattle and human forces for thorough processing. For them, sometimes a large piece remained undeveloped. In general, about three hooves formed a arable food. Putting together the purchase of several peasant holdings was not tolerated. Then the number of arable foods would have decreased and the number of the dispossessed would have risen. A fragmentation and fragmentation was not tolerated. By permanently constant number of peasant holdings the determination of loads, duties and troop works was greatly facilitated servants of the farmer could set hard, because by the many wars, epidemics (plague, cholera) and Hungersnäte it was rarely possible the rule, all farms to keep always busy. Who decreed in his marriage through a pair of strong hands to work, could obtain a peasant heritage in office easily.

    If the farmer only had the labor of himself and his wife, his sons and daughters available, with wooden plows, harrows and wagons had to work ranged those 2 to 5 hooves just bare existence out.

    Has the great need in the 30-year war following remark in the official statement of 1610 toward: Most farmers are very waxen poor in the Swedish wars and all come to yours. Although they still live on the heirs, they still have not been able to create their stocking because of the increasingly devastating passages again anywhere, so of them is therefore not to extort been. The oat debt must therefore be deleted.

    The farmer (plowman, farmer husband and Mitnachbar) was not the master of the property, which he built, he had not bought it, but the government had set it in any way and could be grounds with another occupy when he could not pay the Huben interest, or did not come to work crowd or if he desert the land lie or let expire the building. Only the government had the right to his farm when he was old to be filled (for reasons of age) with his son or son. Goods not suitable for adoption, the farmstead could be occupied easily with a stranger.

    duties of farmers:
    Newspaper Hbl 25. 9. 1921

    The farmer had first to pay the interest hooves, the hoof depending on the quality of the soil about 5 Mark money, three bushels of oats and two chickens. So small this is deemed today, so the farmers were but sometimes unable to raise this interest, as witness the official bills year after year. At the official courts in Balga and carbene were large estates, forests and lakes and individual fish ponds. These lands were only tilled by farmers plowed, sown and harvested. From the forests every farmer had to depart 1/8 year wood (= 1 shock 5 feet long clamp, the 5? Feet wide and 9 feet high). The fishermen farmers in the Haffdörfern had to fish the lakes and ponds in the country every year. For 1681 following crowd Services had died set and executed: 1. garrison funds from the Hube 30 pence, 2. shoeing, 3 dimes, 3 Böttelgeld 3 dimes, fourth in the fishing villages of the host 4 pence Hay and Strohsch. , the host 7 pence, 5. Everything to do crowd work of the outworks and seduce the fish from the ponds, the sixth to hit the fields from Vorwerk Balga, sheep farm and Stuterei and austen, 7. Post Went to Konigsberg and other offices to perform, 8 churches and schools to help get in constructional nature, 9 December, which the churches have ordained 10 roads and paths better in their limits and get 11. the parking place (in the wilds racks paths in state help Wälern) evacuate 12 from each Hube ¼ Pella Utsches? give grain, 13. In addition, each year had to pay different heights contributions.

    Originally, the obligation to pay day crowd work, that was. H. the farmers had to a certain number of days, about 40 to 60 a year, to appear in the court for all sorts of different services that are part of a farm. Gradually, however, the Office farms were equipped with full trim (horses, cattle, wagons, farm implements) and the place of the daily work crowd joined the throng for the farmer convenient plan work, d. H. every village had to work a plan to build a meadow, or plow a field, harrowing to seed or harvest. Under Frederick the Great was also more and more abolished, in most villages in 1779. The farmers had time to give up the right to get free lumber for construction and repairs of the building from the state forests free. But they were allowed to freely dispose of their farms and they also sell, but only with the full trim and with the approval of the war and domain chamber. Everything crowd work they were now single, only the hand and clamping services for church, school, community and the army remained. The full right to dispose of their heritage they received at abolition of serfdom by law after the unfortunate war. The tenant farmers were now high Zinser because the interest rate was increased. Due to the increasingly declining purchasing power of money, it was easy for them to replace these hooves interest over time so that it is no longer likely to be many high Zinser today probably. Those who want to teach in more detail concerning the legal situation of the farmers in 1808, the study the book by Dr. Stone: The rural constitution of East Prussia, Publisher: Fischer in Jena. It was supposed to be in every farm and Gutshause. / 75

    are now following is a compilation of all tenant farmers in the villages of the Office Balga according to the state of 1681. As the descendants of many of these farmers still live in those villages, or at least in a circle, they are listed by name

    Hoppenbruch had 9 hooves, including 5 Interest hooves of the past were from the hooves to interest 6 marks money and three bushels partner. They were manned by Martin Mohr 1 hooves, Peter Hagen 1 hooves, Hans Drauschke 1 hooves, Jakob Engelke 1 hooves, George Wiechert 1 hooves, Peter Kuntz 1 hooves.

    In the fishing villages located not farmers, special fishermen farmers whose main occupation was fishing.

    1681 has Balga. Basic and land charges paid to the office: Matthes Wieck, Koch 6 Mark Martin Schwenk Schuster 6 Mark, Lorenz Braun 3 Mark, Michel Wolf 3 Mark, Barthel White 6 Mark, Fritz Bär 3 Mark, Joachim Schwedland Bräuer servant 3 Mark, Hans Witt 6 Mark Andreas Zimmermann widow 6 Mark, George Schart 6 Mark, Michel Tolks Villages widow 6 marks, Andres Helmer organist 6 Mark Matthes Hoffmann 6 Mark, Hans Eberling 9 Mark, Hans Schröter 6 marks, Christoph Arndt 3 Mark, of 88 marks.

    1681 has Kahl wood, two hooves 28 acres, 21 hosts. Schulz and Kruger is Simon. The residents have free fishing in the lagoon with sacks and networks and interest per 3 Mark to Martini. Christoph Rode, Hans Rentel, Hans Harnack ?, Martin Rentel, Hans Korn, Michael Zipper, Pfilipp Dornbusch, George grain, Stephan Tiedemann, George Rentel, Martin Ritter, Peter Tiedemann, Friedrich Rünau, Hans Harnack, Martin Engelke, Ventur Kohnert, Hans Rosensky, Bartel Tiedemann, Martin Rünau, George Stegemann ?. A wild heritage has the village community.

    1681 Wolitta has. 1 hooves meadow wax, with 12 hosts and the Krüger Peter Poset ?. The inhabitants have the justice to fish with sacks and nets in the lagoon and interest per 2 Mark 30 Pfennig. Michel Teschner, Chsistoph Schmeer, Simon Harder, Jakob Feuerke, Michel Korn, Michel Harder, Ambrost Dick, Martin Teschner, Peter Pojet, Volltin Teschner, George Korn, Martin Lammert? 40 Mark paid the village community of four unoccupied heirs ?.
    1681 Follendorf has. 1 hooves 28 morning. , and 20 acres are occupied by 12 hosts that everyone? Mark interest rates. 10 acres Jakob Engelke has kölmischen. , against 2 Mk. Interest. Kruger Christoph Hoffmann pays. , Mark Krug interest. The residents have justice. , to fish with sacks and networks. Christoph Hoffmann, Martin Ritter, Jakob Rode, George Hoffmanns widow, Matthes Hoffmann, Jakob Engelke the Younger, George Wohlgethan, Christoph Tiel, Michel Ritter, George Hoffmann, George Thiel has a wild heritage, Jakob Engelke.

    Residents anno 1693


    Gerge Hamann - sons, Michel 11 Years, Jacob 3 years
    Christoff Thiel - sons: Hans
    21 years, 18 years Gerge Martin Ritter - sons: Martin 18 years
    Peter Rohde - sons: Martin 7 years, Hans five years
    Hans Hamann - sons: Hans 13 years Jacob seven years
    Hans Tiedke - sons: Michel 7 years
    Gerge Rödder - sons: Martin 12 years Gerge 10 years
    Hans Meybaum - sons: Hans 7 years, Jacob four years
    Jacob Kohnert - sons: Martin 13 years Jacob nine years, Christoff four years
    Gerge Wolgethan - sons: Christoff 17 years, Mathes 11 years


    Peter Kunß - sons: Merten 25 years and Peter 21 years
    Jacob Engel - sons: Jacob 20 years, Christopff 11 years
    Merten Walters - sons 3 years Christoff 11 years, Merten
    Christoff Heßcke - sons: Christoff 4 years, his biological son, the others are stepsons, alß: Martin Hagen 18 years, Peter Hagen 12 years, Christoff Hagen 9 years, Joseph Kamlesh 9 years
    Christoff Tan
    Hans Drauschen Witt love

    Hans Wichert - a Radmacher

    operate external
    Hans Haagen - a Riemer company, away went
    Christoff Hagen - a cobbler in Malbork


    Andres Klaffcke - sons: Michel 9 years, 7 years, Merten 6 years, Peter 4 years are Andres Hauß
    Hans Rentel - sons: Merten 14 years, Hans 4 years
    Bartel Rentel - sons: Bartel 19 years, 11 years, 8 years Christoff, Merten 1 1 /2 years
    . Michel Harnack - sons: Jordan 7 years (his son), Merten 8 years (stepson)
    Hans Rosensky - sons: Martin 2 years
    Christoff Korn - his brother: Jordan 15 years
    Gerge Korn - has no children, his brothers: Hans 21 years, Siemon 19 years and Michel 15 years
    Michel Zipper - sons: Hans 15 years, 12 years Christoff, Michel 11 years, Merten 8 years
    Philipp Dorenpusch - sons: Merten 30 years, Hans 26 years, Jordan 23 years, Jacob 16 years, Philip 12 years and Christoff 10 years
    Christian Tiedemann - sons Merten 4 / 2 years
    Joseph Rentel - sons: Lorentz 29 years
    Michel Techner - sons: Martin 9 years, Michel 7 years, Hans 5 years, Jordan 4 years and Jacob 2 / 2 years
    Michel Tiedemann
    Christoff Korn - sons: George Korn 4 years
    Friederich Runau - sons: Friederich 26 years, Mathes 16 Years
    Martin Engel - sons: Martin 12 years, Jacob 3 years
    Ventur Kant - sons: Valtin 29 years (his son-in-law)
    Hanß Rosensky - sons: Christoff 16 years, Siemon 14 years, Jacob 12 years
    Bartel Tiedmann
    Martin Rienau - sons: Bartel 26 years, Mertin 12 years
    Hans Siemon - sons: Martin singing man 24 years (his son-in-law)
    sons Jacob long -: Jacob 1 /2 years

    Jordan Rentel - sons: Jordan 4 years
    Jacob Rentel - sons: Michel 4 years, Christoff 2 1 /2 years
    . Christoff Markuth - sons: Hans 8 years, Mahar 6 years, Christoff 4 years
    Martin Tiedmann - sons: Christoff 1 year

    while still in the same Dorff to leave. Children, which are used for servant and boys
    Hans grain 24 years, Merten Rentel 17 years, Christoff Rentel 10 years, Michel Engel Bartel Rentel 12 years, 18 years, Christoff Korn 19 years, Hans Zipper 21 years, Peter Rohd 24 years and Hans Rentel 19 years

    away involved
    Michel singing m - 20 years, Ramy to Lake


    Paul Fiercke - sons: Christian 10 years
    Mertin Teschner - sons: Martin 10 years, 5 years Christoff
    Christoff Pojeth - sons: Christoff 2 years
    Michel Korn
    Baboolal Korn - sons: Michel 4 years
    Martin Teschner - sons: Christoff 16 years Martin 11 years, 4 years, Michel 7 years
    Gerge Korn - sons: Christoff 11 years (Siefsohn), Samba 1 years
    Michel Rentel - sons: Michel 3 years, Hans 2 years < br / > Christoff Schmeer
    Martin Lammert - sons: 9 years, Jacob 6 years
    . Hans Fiercke - sons: Peter 4 years
    Jacob Fiercke - sons: Christoff 19 years, Michel 16 years, Jacob 11 years, Lorentz 9 years
    Mertin Lammert - sons: Christoff 3 years
    the Teschner´sche Wittib - sons: Jacob 9 years

    away involved
    Michel Harder - Kahl wood, harder´schen son of the Heyde
    Martin Harder 13 years - as above
    Hans Teschner 9 years - seel. Mahar Teschners sons serve in Kahlholtz
    Christoff Tagoe 10 years - as above
    Christoff hack 11 years - is used in Partheinen
    Hans Hack 8 years - is used in Kahlholtz

    clerics anno 1695 / 96

    Balga: Pastor master Christopher Schönfeldt

    the Salameh anno 1695 / 96

    Wolitta: Peter Pojeth
    Hoppenbruch: Fabian Hein
    Kahlholz: Philipp Siemon
    Follendorf: Christoff Hoffmann

    Residents of the District of Balga 1926

    01 * Balga: District: Balga, head: v. Glazov, balga, magistrate: Otto Samlowski, parish: balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: balga. S. 61

    05. Lindenberg (see Farooq) S. 110l
    06. Newecken (good): District: Quilitten, Director: Boehm, shrines, head of estate: v. Bülow, novel, parish: Balga, Country hunters Office: Sahai, post office: Bladiau.
    07: Rensegut (good): District: Stuthenen, Director: v. Bülow, novel, head of estate: Moritz, Rensegut, parish: Blaga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: Gr. Hoppenbruch.
    10. Worm mountain
    11. Schrangenberg
    12: Wolitta: District: balga, head: v. Glazov, balga, magistrate: Carl schmeer, parish of balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: Wolittnick S. 146l

    2. * Follendorf: District: balga, head: v. Glazov, balga, magistrate: Volkmann, Farooq, parish: balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: Gr. Hoppenbruch,

    3. * Gr. - Hoppenbruch: District: Keimkallen, Director: Boehm, Gabditten, magistrate: Albert Rommel, parish: balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: Gr. Hoppenbruch. S. 80R

    4. * Kahlholz: District: balga, head: v. Glazov, balga, magistrate: Albert Unruh, parish: balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: balga.

    8. Ritterthal (good): District: Keimkallen, head: Böhm, Gabditten, head of the estate: Doepner, Ritterthal, parish: balga, post office: Gr. Hoppenbruch

    9. Romansgut (good): District: Stuthenen, Director: v. Bülow, Roman goods, farm Director: v. Bülow, novel, parish: balga, Landjäger Office: balga, post office: Gr. Hoppenbruch

    Surnames with H
    + Albert Haack, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Gustav Haak, Railway operation Assistant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Hermann Hambruch, Sanjeev master in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Paul Hambruch, Sanjeev journeyman in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Friedrich Hildebrandt, Hofmann in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Friedrich Hornberger, bell ringer und Schneider in Balga S. 61
    - Alfred Hecht, station master in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Willy Harder, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Gottlieb Hagen, Rottenführer in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Albert Hill, owner in Balga S. 61
    - Karl Hill, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    + Franz Hill, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Adolf Heske, sailor in Balga S. 61
    - Albert Heßke, carpenter in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Anton Heßke, Altsitzer in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Auguste Heske, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Karl Heske, workers in Balga S. 61
    - Albert Heßke, owner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Gottfried Hamann, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Fritz Heckmann, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Richard Heckmann, fisher in Balga S. 61
    - Otto Harnack, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Gustav Hopp, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Heinrich Hopp, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Charlotte Höflich, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Louis Höflich, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    - Karoline Hasenpusch, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Adolf Hippler, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    - August Hippler, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Emma Hippler in Balga S. 61
    - Albert Höpfner, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Franz Höpfner, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Justine Höpfner, widow in Balga S. 61
    + Paul Hoepfner, owner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Rudolf Höpfner, workers in Balga S. 61
    - Fritz Höpfner, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Gustav Hasenpusch, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Otto Hantel, miller in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Julius Huhn, bricklayer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Gottfried Hülse in Balga S. 61
    - August Hinz, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    Surnames with A
    - Berta Adler, widow in Balga S.61l
    - Paul Apsel, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Albert Arndt, owner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - August Arndt, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Ferdinand Arndt, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Franz Arndt, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Friedrich Arndt, workers in Balga S. 61l
    - Fritz Arndt, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Heinrich Arndt, pensioner in Balga S. 61l
    - Hermann Arndt, workers in Balga S. 61l
    - Hermann Arndt, mariiner in Balga S. 61l
    - Robert Arndt, farmer in Wolitta S. 46l
    - Georg Augustin, locksmith in Balga S. 61l
    Surnames with B
    - Friedrich Babel, pensioner in Newecken S. 115l
    - Friedrich Bartz, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - tailor Balschinat in Balga S. 61l
    - Ferdinand Blumberg, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    - Gustav Blumberg, fisher in Balga S. 61
    - Auguste Behnert, Eigenkätnerin in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Willy Behnert, room journeyman in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Hugo Besmöhn, teacher i.R. in Balga S. 61
    - Fritz Behrendt, gardener in Balga S. 61
    - Albert Behnert, mariner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Ferdinand Birth, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Albert Bellgardt, carpenter in Balga S. 61
    - Georg Belgardt, mariner (oo Liesbeth) in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Georg Bellgardt, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Friedrich Blank, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Heinrich Blank, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Julius Bledau, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Grete Baum, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Gottfried Bohl, Altsitzer in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Johanne Bollner, widow in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Friedrich Blöß in Balga S. 61
    - Berta Bödder, widow in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Berta Boehm, reindeer in Balga S. 61
    - Henriette Böhm, social pensioner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Hermann Boehm, farmer in Balga S. 61
    - Rudolf Böhm, farmer in Balga S. 61
    + Rudolf Blöß, workers in Balga S. 61
    - Karl Braun, workers in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Eduard Basmer, Seefahrer in Balga S. 61l
    - Karl Basmer, mariner in Balga S. 61l
    - Marie Basmer, widow in Balga S. 61l
    + Anna Brosell in Balga S. 61
    - August Bartel, reindeer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Paul Büttner, machinis in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Albrecht Bewernick, Instmann in Balga S. 61
    - Hans Bewernick, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Otto Baransky, Inspector in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Hermann Bortz, farmer in Gut Balga S. 63
    Surnames with C
    - Berta Clemens, widow in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Carl Clemens, innkeeper in Wolitta S. 146l
    Surnames with D
    - Berta Dieck in Balga S. 61
    - Hermann Dieck, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Emil Domnick, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Fritz Domnick, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Karl Domnick, Altsitzer in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Hermann Dorsch, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Hermann Domnick, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Hermine Doepner, owner in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Robert Döpner, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Rudolf Dreier, pensioners in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Ferdinand Dröse, reindeer in Balga S. 61
    - Fritz Dröse, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Wilhelm Dröse, Bahnwärter in Balga S. 61
    - Berta Dunst, pensioner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    + Fritz Dunst, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Berta Dannowski in Balga S. 61
    - Eduard Dannowski, sailors in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Hermann Dannowski, mariner in Balga S. 61

    -Theodor Dittloff (* 18 12, 1899, Evangelical, finally hired: 1 4 1929, 1 LP 11-18 6 1920 Ragnit, 2 LP 23 6 1925 large Hoppenbruch, secondary school teacher testing 18-26 10 1929 Königsberg, from 1 5 1930 ribs EV.) VS ribs, 16 6 1936 Königsberg), teachers in large Hoppenbruch S. 83L

    Surnames with E
    + Leopold Ebert, teacher in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Johann Eggert, Eigenkätner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Justine Engel, widow in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Wilhelmine Engel, pensioner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Ferdinand Engel, pensioner in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Ferdinand Eisler, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    + Karl Eckloff, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Hermann Eckstein, Deputant in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Adolf Ewert, coachman in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Franz Ewert, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Luise Ewert, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Mathilde Ewert in Balga S. 61
    Surnames with F
    - Franz Fabricius, smith in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Robert Fabricius, innkeeper in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Rudolf Fallack, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Karl Freudenberg, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - William Fehre, owner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Gustav Finke, Postschaffner in Balga S. 61
    - Gustav Fischer, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Wilhelm Fischer, tailor master in Balga S. 61
    1 - Wilhelm Fischer, mariner in Balga S. 61
    + Rudolf Födtke, owner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - VN Francke, switchman a.D. in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Selma Friedrich, agent post in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Karl Fritsch I, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Karl Fritsch II, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Marie Fritsch in Balga S. 61
    - Antonie Feint, widow in Balga S. 61
    + August Freitag, ground-warden in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Hermann Freitag, Deputant in Romansgut S. 126l
    Surnames with G
    - Karoline Gehrke, Deputantenwitwe in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - August Gerlach, reindeer in Balga S. 61
    - Auguste Gerlach, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Heinrich Glagau, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    + Emil Gerlach, machinist in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Paul Gerlach, teacher in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Wilhelm Göritz, reindeer in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Adolf Gertel, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Auguste Grabb, war widow in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Albert Gutsch, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Heinrich Gutsch, Chaussee warden in Balga S. 61
    - Paul Gutsch, mariner in Balga S. 61
    + Bernhard Gurreck, ticket inspector post in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83L
    - Heinrich Gerwien, workers in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Eduard Gritzahn, mariner in Kahlholz S97l
    - Heinrich Gutzeit in Balga S. 61

    o Glinka, teachers (possibly Curt BRUNO Glinka * 29th 7th 1896, evangelical, teacher finally made 29. 7. 1923 -zurückdatiert- first LP 25. 6. 1915 Elbing, the second LP 6. 5 . 1920 Elbing, from 1. 10. 1929 in Königsberg, Farenheid-boy primary school, he could therefore have been in Balga 1925 to 1929, there is only one teacher with this FN) in Balga p.61

    Surnames with I und J
    - Walter Ignee, top Swiss in Newecken S. 115l
    - Karl Jucks, workers in Kahlholz S. 97l
    - Hans Joswig, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Johanne Joswig, widow in Balga S61
    Surnames with K
    + Karl Kähler, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Walter Kinder, Orchards administrator in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Albert Kirchner in Balga S. 61
    - Karoline Klang, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Friedrich Klitsch, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hermann Klitsch, coachman in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Adolf Kluge, fisher in Balga S. 61
    - Amalie Kluge in Balga S. 61
    - Justine Kluge, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Wilhelm Klug, feeder in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Gustav Kluge, fisher in Balga S. 61
    - Adolf Kaschmann, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Heinrich Kaschmann, shepherd in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Paul Kaschmann, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Therese Kaschmann, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Klara Kleimann, Eigenkätnerin in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Rudolf Kleimann, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Leopold Knorr, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    - Reinhold Kohnert, social pensioners in Follendorf S. 80R
    + Fritz Knorr (oo Maria geb. Schmidtmann + 21.2.1945), trader in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Theodor Kohn, fisher in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Arthur Korn, farmer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Auguste Korn, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Benjamin Korn, owner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Julius Korn, farmer in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Marie Korn, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Otto Korn, farmer in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Rudolf Korn, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Anton Koch, points guards in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Franz Koch, mariner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hermann Kohn, master tailor in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Ernst Köck, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Julius Köck, mariner in Balga S. 61
    - Gustav König, pensioner in Balga S. 61
    - Johann König, Deputant in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Lina Kramer in Balga S. 61
    - Auguste Kroll, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Gottfried Kroll, workers in Balga S. 61
    - Max Kuhr, machinist in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Paul Kroll, signalman in Balga S. 61
    + Johann Kuhr, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Gustav Kirstein, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - August Kossack, signalman in Balga S. 61
    + Otto Kasmekat, bricklayer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Hermann Kuhn in Balga S. 61
    - Otto Kuhn, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Minna Krüger, widow in Balga S. 61
    - Karl Klapkowski, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Edmund Kreutz, butcher master in Balga S. 61

    - FRITZ Hermann Küßner * 23rd 2. 1889 ev. -. Luth., teacher finally made 12. 10. 1906, the first LP 21. 8. 1903 Prussian. -Eylau, the second LP 2. 5. 1906 Prussian - Eylau. , From 10. 2. 1910 in the Protestant einkl.. Elementary school in Wolitta, 1. 4. 1937 retirement S. 146l

    Surnames with L
    - Hermann Lammert, owner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Karl Lammert, Altsitzer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Wilhelmine Langanke, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    + Otto Lammert, owner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Meta Lange, widow in Balga S. 62
    + August Lange, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Heinrich Lindenau, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Wilhelmine Lindenau, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Emil Lemke, captain in Balga S. 62
    - Fritz Lemke, machinist in Balga S. 62
    - Heinrich Lemke, a night watchman in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Albert Liedtke, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Albert Liedtke, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Ernst Liedtke, Deputant in Newecken 1vu S. 115l
    - Gustav Liedtke, pigs fairweather in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Marie Lobien, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Otto Lobien, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Oskar Loest, upholsterer in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Gustav Löwner, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Friedrich Lopens, gardeners in Romansgut S. 126r
    Surnames with M
    - Hedwig Matern, war widow in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Julius Marter, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    + Wilhelm Mallien, owner in Balga S. 62
    - August Matern, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Auguste Michel, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Wilhelmine Michel, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Willi Michel, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Heinrich Margenfeld in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Johanne Mielke, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Berta Maser, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Maser, heater in Balga S. 62
    - Hugo Müller, carpenter in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Emil Müller in Balga S. 62
    - Albert Maier, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Marie Meyer, pensioner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Gustav Mentzel, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Hermann Moritz, landlords in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Betty Meitz in Balga S. 62
    - Eduard Meitz, mariner in Balga S. 62
    Surnames with mit N
    - August Nabrotz, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Friedrich Nagel, coachman in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Friedrich Nitsch, dealers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hedwig Nitsch, nurse in Balga S. 62
    - August Neumann, Deputant in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Carl Neumann, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Neumann, points guards in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hermann Neumann, coachman in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Otto Neumann, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Paul Neumann, farmer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Wilhelm Neumann, reindeer in Balga S. 62
    - Friedrich Neumann, Deputant in Newecken S. 115r
    - Auguste Nieswandt, midwife in Balga S62

    - KARL Georg Paul Nitsch (* 8 3 1883, teacher and organist, finally 1 LP 10 9 1902 hired 1 1 1908, Ortelsburg, 2 LP 1906 Ortelsburg, 1 4 1925 EV.) Elementary school in balga, 1 2 1938) Cantor in balga. 62

    Surnames with O
    - Betty Obat, widow in Balga S62 + Auguste Oltersdorf (*21.9.1876, +14.4.1951 in Lüneburg), workers in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Friedrich Oltersdorf, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hermann Oltersdorf, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Rudolf Ohnesorge, War Damaged, mason in Balga S. 62
    Surnames with P und Q
    - Albert Paetsch, Deputant in Newecken S. 115r
    - Auguste Paetsch, workers in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Minna Perbandt, Eigenkätnerin in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Adolf Perlich, oven-setter inKauf Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Heinrich Packhäuser, Deputant in Newecken S. 115r
    - Paul Pischke, farmer in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Hubert Pettelkau, trader in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Alfred Potreck in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Potreck, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Potreck in Balga S. 62
    - Rudolf Potrek, railwayman in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Walter Plog, Inspector in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Henriette Prengel, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Otto Prengel, burgundy voigt in Gut Balga S. 63
    - August Prieß, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Friedrich Pultke, innkeeper in Balga S. 62
    - Magda Pultke, mariner woman in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Walter Pultke, innkeeper in Balga S. 62
    - August Putzke, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Ferdinand Putzke, Altsitzer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Fritz Putzer, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Margarete Putzke, war widow in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Richard Putzke, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Karl Paletzki, cobbler in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Heinrich Quandt, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Adolf Quednau in Balga S. 62
    - Friedrich Queiß, pensioner Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R

    - Artur Potreck and brother Alfred Potreck, (inheritance and purchase two fishing boats with fishing gear) sailors in Balga (oo Emilie Kinder: Walter Rudi * 15 10. 1928, oo.) P.62

    Surnames with R
    - Karl Raabe, Deputant in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Friedrich Rautenberg, wrought masterpiece in Gut Balga S. 63
    - August Rehberg, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Ernst Rehberg, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Franz Rehberg, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Rehberg, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Wilhelm Rosenbaum, social pensioner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Hermann Rehberg, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Friedrich Rehberg, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Arthur Radtke, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Amalie Richard in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Ritter, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 47: Franz Reimann, farmer in Balga. S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 49; Albert Reimann, farmer in Balga. S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 60: Karl Reimann, mariner in Balga. S. 62
    - Johanne Reimann, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Willy Reimann, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Gottfried Romahn, pensioner in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Gottfried Rogge, small pensioner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Albert Rommel (oo Martha geb. Hantel, f. Erich), landlords in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    + Erich Rommel, farmer Gr.Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Jenny Rödder, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Margarete Rödder, widow in Balga S. 62
    - William Rödder in Balga S. 62
    - Carl Rentel, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Wilhelm Ruhnau, Eigenkätner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Hermann Roschetzki, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Otto Roschitzki, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    + Hermann Rosenski, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    o Otto Robitzki, teacher in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Fritz Ratzke, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Lina Ratzke, workers in in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Johann Ratzke, mariner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    Surnames with S
    - Jakob Schmidt, workers in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Karl Schmidt, signalman in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Karl Schmidt, carpenter in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Gottfried Sander, Stellmacher in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Otto Scheffler, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Ernst Schönfeld, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Karl Schirmacher, Deputant in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Christian Sienknecht, pensioner in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Henriette Steinke, widow in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Hermann Steinke, blacksmith in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Albert Schlittke, upperland hunter in Balga S. 62
    - Arthur Schmeer, farmer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Carl Schmeer, farmer in Wolitta S146l
    - Friedrich Schmeer, Altsitzer in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Marie Schmeer, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Max Schmeer, farmer in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Otto Schmeer, owner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - August Siemund, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Ferdinand Siemund, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Berta Stegmann, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Lina Stegmann, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Paul Schneider, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Paul Schneider, post guard in Balga S. 62
    - Hermann Schöttke, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - August Schimmelpfennig, Deputant in Romansgut S. 126r
    - William Sperwin, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Marie Spruth, Eigenkätnerin in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Wilhelmine Schramm, widow in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Gustav Schröder, innkeeper in Balga S. 62
    - Auguste Steinau, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Johannes Sterner, pastor in Balga S. 62
    - August Schulz, bricklayer in Balga S. 62
    - Eduard Schulz, Deputant in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Friedrich Schulz, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Fritz Schulz, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Otto Schulz in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Theodor Schulz, Rendant in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Hermann Schulz, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Henriette Schwark, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Schwark, pensioner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Wilhelm Schwark, mariner in Balga S62
    - Wilhelmine Schwedland, reindeer in Balga S. 62
    - Johanne Stolzenwald, workers in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Otto Samlowski, meter in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Schikowski, meter in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Johannes Sowitzki, land agent in Newecken S. 115r
    - Emil Scherwinski, baker master in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Samlowski, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Albert Schwarz, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Franz Schwarz, Deputant in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Margarete Silz, Plätterin in Balga S. 62
    - Wilhelm Silz, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S83R
    Surnames with T
    - Hermann Teschner, owner in Wolitta S. 146r
    - Eduard Teschner, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Albert Teschner, owner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Eduard Teschner, owner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Hans Teschner in Wolitta S. 146l
    - Hermann Thiel in Balga S. 62
    - Albert Thimm, carpenter in Balga S. 62
    - Anna Thimm in Balga S. 62
    - Therese Thimm in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Tilsner, Hofmann in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - August Tiedmann, reindeer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Berta Tiedmann, reindeer in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Tiedmann, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 17: Artur Tiedmann, mariner in Balga. S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 29: Hermann Tiedmann fisher in Balga. S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 45: Gustav Tiedmann, fisher in Balga. S. 62
    - Haus Nr. 64: Alfred Tiedmann, mariner in Balga. S. 62
    + Haus Nr. 78: Karl Tiedmann, mariner in Balga. S. 62
    - Franz Tolkmitt, Upper milker in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Wilhelm Thurau, workers in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Gustav Taschinski, Deputant in Newecken S115r
    Surnames with U
    - Auguste Unruh, widow in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Erna Unruh, tailor in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Ernst Unruh, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Hermann Unruh, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Karl Unruh, owner in Wolitta S. 146r
    - Karl Unruh, trader in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Max Unruh, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Fritz Unruh, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Robert Unruh, Eigenkätner in Follendorf S. 80R
    + Albert Unruh, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Albert Unruh, carpenter in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Gustav Unruh, owner in Wolitta S. 146r
    o Rudolf Unruh, fisher master i.R., in Balga S62
    Surnames with V
    - Bicco v.Bülow, landlords in Romansgut S. 126l
    - Lina Venohr, workers in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Albrecht v Glasow, landlords in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Peter v Glasow, tenant farmers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Rudolf Volkmann, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - VN Vallentin, war Damaged in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Friedrich Vorwald, wrought masterpiece in Groß Hoppenbruch S83R
    Surnames with W
    - Karl Walter, upper inspector in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Eduard Wiechert, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Willy Wiechert, trader in Balga S. 62
    + Julius Wiechert, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Adolf Wegner, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Ferdinand Wegner, night watchman in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Friedrich Wegner, Deputant in Ritterthal S. 125r
    - Wilhelmine Wegner, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Otto Werner, Melker in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Rudolf Werner, mariner in Balga S. 62
    + Heinrich Werner, owner in Follendorf S. 80R
    - Ludwig Winterfeld, workers in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Wilhelmine Wenk, widow in Ritterthal S. 126l
    + Eduard Wermke, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Gustav Wermke, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - August Will, Instmann in Gut Balga S. 63
    - August Will, pensioner in Newecken S. 115r
    - Hermann Will, Railway Wizard in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    + Adolf Will cobbler in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Marie Will, Melker widow in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - August Winkler, Deputant in Follendorf S. 80R
    - August Wichmann, farmer in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - August Wichmann, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Friedrich Wichmann, Hofmann in Ritterthal S. 126l
    - Johanne Wichmann, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Luise Wichmann, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Therese Wichmann, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Otto Weinreich, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Auguste Wohlgethan, Nähterin in Balga S. 62
    - Otto Wohlgethan, workers in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Friedrich Wohlgemuth, gardener in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Berta Wohlgethan, social pensioner in Follendorf S. 80R
    + Hermann Wohlgethan, owner in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Klara Wohlgethan, Altsitzerin in Kahlholz S. 97r
    - Fritz Wölk, Deputant in Romansgut S. 126r
    - Hugo Woelk, team leader in Rensegut. S. 125l
    - Marie Wölk, pensioner in Balga S. 62
    - Wilhelm Witt in Wolitta S. 146r
    Surnames with Z
    + Hermann Zebandt, Deputant in Groß Hoppenbruch S. 83R
    - Ludwig Zeichner, workers in Balga S. 62
    - Anna Zink, widow in Balga S. 62
    - Karl Zink, mariner in Balga S. 62
    - Fritz Zimmermann, Gutsstellmacher in Gut Balga S. 63
    - Rudolf Zimmermann, treasurer in Gut Balga S. 63

    online Genealogy

    News of category parish balga

    Inhabitants in 1693

    Residents of the District of Balga 1926