Death list Rothenburg 1825 and 1826
10. December 2017
Birth list from Holtendorf
30. December 2017
Birth list from Rothenburg 1825/1826 – (source “Oberlausitzische Fama”)
No. 43 of 27.10.1825
The 11th of October, the wife of the citizen and Dreirüthners Henke a daughter Joh. Elenore Christiane
The 13th of October, the wife of the inhabitant Werner a daughter, Joh. Eleonore
No. 45 of 10.11.1825
The 23rd of October, the citizen and cartwright Bräuer a daughter , Christian. Erdmuthe
No. 47 of 24.11.1825
November 5th, the citizen Mr. Jentzsch a daughter, Henriette Louise Emilie
No. 50 of 15.12.1825
The 30th of November, the wife of the tailor’s stallion Rettermann, a son, Carl Friedrich Gustav
No. 3 from 19.01.1826
January 8, the wife of the burgher and mayor Schonert a dead son
No. 6 from 09. 02.1826
January 24, the citizen and Neunrüthner shepherd a daughter, Johanne Eleonore
No. 8 from 23. 02.1826
The 8th of February, the bauer of the citizen and witness weaver Lindner a daughter, Joh. Christ. Juliane
The 9th of February, Auguste Blank an extra-marital son, Carl Christian Heinrich
The 12th of February, the wife of the citizen and master tailor Hansel a daughter, Amalie Therese
February 13, the wife of the herrschaftl. Mühlenmeister’s stamp on a daughter, Joh. Friedericke Louise
No. 30 dated 27.07.1826
The 14th of July, the citizen and locksmith Dumpling a son, Immanuel Gottfried
The 14th of July, the citizen and half-breeder Rothe a daughter, Anne Marie