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Konigsberg! Bonacker Walter , from Königsberg. Wife born Gerlach , formerly Lawske Avenue, confectionery. Nachr. Erb. Ruth Hoffmann , Bremen, Tettenbornstrasse 11a
Brehmer Peter, Zollsekr., Born. 2. 8. 89 to Laurahütte OS., Last living Danzig-Langfuhr, Arthur-Conrad-Str. 4, on 4. 4. 45 arrested by Russians from the apartment. Nachr. Erb. U. No. 1133 to management Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Aver hoffstraße 8
Brettschneider Maria , b. 27. 2.?6 in Braunsberg, living Braunsberg, Gärtneistr. 16, on April 19, 1945, was forcibly snatched from his father by a Russian commander and worked in a baker’s farm until the beginning of 1946, from autumn 1945 to early 1946. Met in 1946 by a returnee in the Urals, where she worked in a nursery, later in a tank factory, was said to have been in the internment camp 7602 USSR. No. 14 to the management d. Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstr. 8th
Bromundt Bruno , b. 17. 5. 97, home address Gr. Yauth, Kr. Rosenberg-Westpr., Last Nachr. February 45 from Pomeiske b. Bütow-Pomerania. Nachr. Erb Adeline Bromundt , Heidelberg Kirchheim (17a) Extended Birkenweg
Buchholz Frieda geb. Rims , with children Werner and Doris , 16 u. 12 years old, from Heinrichshof near Tapiau. Relatives and acquaintances, please contact us. Nachr. Erb. Johanne Buchholz , Fam. Paul Eisenmenger , formerly Sielkeim, Kreis Labiau, now Groß-Zimmern, Kr. Dieburg Hessen, Kieuzstr. 5
Konigsberg! Budeweit Heinrich , road builder, born 6. 11. 01 and wife Anni geb. Wiesbaum , b. 30. 3. 02, daughter Erika , born. 1. 1. 33, home address Königsberg, Wilhelmstr. 7th Ed ., Walter Studtfeld , Feuchtwangen, Unteretorstr. 214/15, Mittelfr., Formerly Königsberg, Bülowstr. 13
Buhren August , master electrician, formerly Sackheim 123, Königsberg, family Willi Wiete , formerly Sackheim, Bülowstr., Königsberg, family Kurt Prawitt , Krugwirt, Yorkstr., Königsberg, family Buttgereit , Sackheim, Bülowstr., Königsberg, lawyer Krüger , formerly French Str , Königsberg, Bruno Wulf , Krugwirt, formerly Königsberg-Sackheim, Georg Moses , electr., Formerly Königsberg-Sackheim 94, now Blumberg Baden (17b), Gartenstraße 28
Bultmann Lina from Sorgenau, formerly landlady in the alcohol-free dining house Königsberg, Vorderroßgarten and Eva and Else Gelhaar , who were cashiers there. Nachr. Erb. Marta Goy , Stade / Elbe, Hökerstraße 9. I
Bunsas Friedrich , (called Fritz), 72 years, farmer on the old part, from Kalkfelde Krs. Labiau, last message 15. 2. 1945 from Hotel Schmidt in Neustadt / Westpr. Who was with him in Neustadt? Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Antonie Bunsas , (24b) Budelsdorf via Rendsburg, Meyerstraße 11
Buttler Gertrud geb Kiepatz , b. 26. 8. 19 in Raschung Ostpr. Son Ditmar , b. 11. 2. 40, and Odo , born. 13. 8. 1941, last address Heilsberg, Landsberger Straße 13. Message from the publisher Heinz Buttler, (22) Duisburg. Homecoming home, Mülheimer Straße 3
Chilinski Heinz , Uffz., Born. 17. 8. 1920, radio operator on a seaplane, last address Dievenow / Wollin LNS 6. 12 Schuko. Last message January 45 from Dievenow / Wollin. Nachr. Erb. Herbert and Marianne Neumann , Königsberg, Cattle Market 12. now (21a) Bielefeld, An der Walkenmühle 2-6
Cranzer Ostseebad! Rosenberg Adele born Blank , b. 4. 3rd 1884, and family Fritz Rautenberg , forestry fund. Nachr. Erb. Arnold Blank (23) Sellstedt via Wesermünde
Czwalinna Samuel , farmer and head of the administration, Seegutten, district Johannisburg Missing Jan. 1945. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Ida Czwalinna (22a) Krefeld-Verberg,