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    Packhouses Otto , Zollinspekt., From Eydtkau, Ida Wiedner born. Packhouses from Bladiau, Kr. Heiligenbeil. Message produced by Ms. Lina Meyer , Hamburg-Hummelsb., Am Gnadenberg 9, early. Königsberg Sackheim 91 (Lighting Center)

    Paehr, family, Königsberg, Hint.-Rossgarten 16, now Piritsheide VL. 139, Detmold, looking for relatives and acquaintances. Who can give a message about Paehr Erwin , Schirrmeister, Panzer-Marsch-Komp. Herford, formerly Allenstein, Roonstraße

    Paleit Otto . Staff Sergeant, b. 27. 12. 1907, Bersbrüden, circle Ebenrode. Last Nachr. March 1945 room Heiligenbeil. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Berta Paleit , Relliehausen about Kreiensen Einbeck

    Pallmann Ernst , b. 16.10.1904 in Königsberg, last living Nelkenweg 8 a, locomotive driver at BW. Ponarth plant. Berliner Str. 7. On 1. 2. 45 in Metgethen together with his 70 years old father-in-law Michael Nage! kidnapped by the Russians. It is said that in the fall of 45 they were forced to perform locomotive services on the Leningrad route. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Emma Pallmann, (21b) Gevelsberg, Theodorstr. 17

    Paschke Horst, Uffz., Resident of Insterburg, Otto-Reinke-Straße 6. Feldpn. 20 067 D. Missing since 1944. Communications u. No. 3’40 to management d. Landsmannschaft East Prussia, Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Parplies Hans-Georg, b. 3. 5 27 in Trempen Kr. Angerapp. As an agricultural assistant pulled in the trek to Danzig. There in March 1945 called for military service. Last Nachr. March 5, 1945 Panz.-Gren. Gdansk Langfuhr, 3rd HJ comp. Feldherrnhalle, Leibhusarenkas., El. 55th Ed. , Master tailor Fritz Parplies , (21b) Masses at Unna, Afferder Weg 23. (formerly Trempen, Kreis Angerapp)

    Passenheim, Mrs. Ella geb. Gösch , b. 21. 9. 1913 in Kirtigehnen circle Samland, last seen in August 1946 there. Clara Potreck , Lindhorst 37 Schaumburg-Lippe, District Hannover (20a), formerly Königsberg-Ponarth, Godrienerstraße 13

    Paulat Fritz , foreman , b. 31. 1. 1900, from Königsberg Pr., Schönfließer Allee 73. Most recently as Volkssturmmann with frozen feet in the lazy hill Königsberg Prummstr (gynecological clinic). Nachr. Erb. Ms. Gertrud Paulat , Höxter-veser Bahnhofstraße 3

    Pelzer Berta b. Gesper , born. 23. 7. 04 in Ischdaggen Kr. Gumbinnen. Shall be deported to Pr.-Holland on May 22, 1945. Message to Rudolf Pelzer , Pewsum about Emden, formerly Ringfließ, Kr. Gumbinnen

    Attention! Russia returnees! Penner Horst, Gefr. 14. 3. 1913, from Kl.-Wolfsdorf, Kr. Rastenburg. 4. Landessch.-Patl. 208, since 15. 4. 44 under fieldpost no. 04 618 D, from the Narva area. Nordabschn. (Russell) reported missing by the unit. Ms Emmy Proßeit (24a) Hamburg 21, Hofweg 19 ptr.

    Piek Elli Frau, from Olsztyn, Pärenbruchabbau Pfeiffer and foster son Werner Schimanski geb. 13. 1. 30 in Olsztyn. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Hoffmann-Gerlach Hoppecke. Kr. Brilon / Westf. (21b) Premecketal 14, formerly Tilsit, Flottwellstraße 3

    Russia returnees! Piplak, Erwin , Obgf., Born. 5. 7. 22 in Ukta, Kr. Msg Abt. Courland, field no. 66 617 A. Last Nachr. Middle Jan. 45. Mid-April 45 seen and spoken by a well-known person in Naumburg ad Saale. Nachr. Erb. Friedrich Piplak , Fümmelse No. 17, Kr. Wolfenbüttel Braunschweig

    Plohnke Richard , born 24. 4. 1880 misses since April 45. Königsberg, Beydritterweg. Used to bombing pre-fetiomes. Lina Plohnke , (24) Uetersen (Holst.), Seminarstraße 39 I

    Podszuck Erich , b. 13. 3. 85, from Königsberg, Hohenzollernstr. 14, fieldpost no. 36 100 ABL. Nachr. Erb. Ms. Martha Podszuck , Flensburg, Teichstr. 10 l

    Pohl Willy , Obergefr., Born. 15.5.1912, field no. 23 914 C, previously 14 700 from Königsberg / Pr., Steindamm. Kirchenplatz 5, missing 19. 10. 1944 in the fights around Moosheim, Kreis Schloßberg. Nachr. Erb. Widow Louise Pohl. Gehrden on Hanover, Gr. Fergstraße 4 near Schulz

    Polksdorf Artur , born 26. 6. 03 in Freudenberg, Kr. Rössel. Last place Tüngen at Wormditt. From Stolp / Pommern abducted by the Russians. Nachr. Erb. Ida Polksdorf, Langenfeld-Rhld., Hauptstraße 29 (22a)

    Potreck Anna , b. 1. 12. 1872, last in KöniBsberg / Kummerau, Funkerweg. Nachr. Erb. To H. Potreck , (14b) Reutlingen, Zaisentäle 2a

    Prellwitz Ms. Wanda, b. Wiebe , born. 1903 or 1904, from Kl. Kalwen at Sodehnen. Kr. Darkehmen. Nachr. Erb. Charlotte Follmann , Plön Holst., Johannisstr. 7, formerly Königsberg / Pr. Dieffenbachstr. 8th

    Preuß Willi, b. 24. 9. 05, and wife Anna, b. Trapp , b. 7. 6. 05, from Königsberg, Appelbaumstr. 13 and children Richard Trapp, Peter, Erwin, Erna and Eva Preuss . Communications requested u. No. 1157 to management Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstr. 8th

    Russian returnees – Press Erich , b. 22. 2. 1913, missing since 24. 11. 1942 at the Volkhov. 8. Comp. IR 22. Last home address: Matzhausen, Kreis Gumbinnen. Message from O. Press , Sorsum via Hildesheim, formerly Königsberg Pr .. Claasstraße 10

    Prill Wilhelm , last living in Wieplack, Kr. Bartenstein. Who can give information about whereabouts or death? Notifications were issued by the District Welfare Office in Waldshut (17b) Landratsamt

    Russia returnees! Pruhs Paul , Oberfr ., Field no. 03089, b. 25 1. 1909 hometown Treuburg-Ostpr., Missing 22. 7. 43 near Ssobakino, southeastern. Orel. Message from Erb. Lina Pruhs , Camp over Emden (23), Kr. Norden