Hello Genealogists,
who has further clues to the FN von BELTZIG, probably the lower nobility in the Halle area?
It is known:
93 606. by Beltz, Matthias, was Pfänner to Hall 1452,
by Beltzig, Margarete, *. 1480, † 31.03.1521, Easter 1521,
Remark: ancestral sequence not quite certain;
Sources: http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vd18/content/zoom/2221022 , Genealogical Tables or Sex Register, Hall 1750,
212. Beltzig or Belz, Carl, was Pfänner at Halle, 1440; this noble family of nobility flourished at Prußendorff in Saxony, near Zorbig, and under the nobility Pfennerschaft at Grossen-Salza, and is of the same king’s history. II. Pag. 151 with several;
of Beltzig or Belz, Carl, was Pfänner to Hall 1440,
Source http://digitale.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vd18/content/zoom/2221022 , Genealogical Tables or Sex Register, Hall 1750,
It thanks in advance and greets the Erzgebirge
Arthur (Beier)