Source: Amtsgericht Leipzig – probate
502 VI 2340 /15
died born on the 13th 05th 2015 Dietmar Gomille on 08 12th 1961 in Zwenkau, last residing Prague road 234, 04289 Leipzig.
As the legal heir of deceased grandfather comes paternal to 1 /4 into account (name not known). The death certificate could not be taught. According to death case display of the deceased grandmother, Maria Anna Gomille, born Hannich, born 04. 02 1896, hidden. 03. 10, 1977, this however in 1942 died in Scholzhofen.
The eligible legal heirs want to log more accurate presentation of the kinship relationship within 6 weeks from the publication in the Probate Court of Leipzig, otherwise shall be granted a certificate of inheritance without performing their inheritance rights.
The discount should be bankrupt.