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    Marquardt Adele , b. March 16, 1904, Marquardt Rudi , b. March 21, 1933, Marquardt Gisela , b. 28. 9. 37 Homeland address Schrankheim, Kr. Rastenburg. Bulletin Rudolf Marquardt , Schöllisch 31, near Stade-Elbe

    Masuhr Paul , fisherman and wife, formerly Pulfnick, Kreis Olsztyn. Message from M. Pricekorn , (20a) Resse about Hanover

    Russia returnees! Stock no. Novo-Sibirsk 7199/1! Materne Fritz , b. 13. 2. 11 in Wroclaw, Bauing, u. Master mason, last living in Lötzen, Waldallee 3. 5. 5. 45 von Georgenburg b. Insterburg transported to Novo-Sibirsk, there in 1945, 1946 and 1947 as Bauing. used, lived in the spring of 1947 still. From this point on, every additional track is missing. Russian returnees who have been living after spring 1947 and former comrades who were transferred from the camp Novo-Sibirsk in the spring of 1947 to other warehouses are asked to submit their address under No. 2 38 of the Ospreßen team, Hamburg 24, Wall Street 29 b

    Mauerhoff Lieselotte , b. 28. 12. 1928. On 13. 4. 1945 in Treuburg abducted by the Russians. Last seen by a friend in the month of May / June 45 in the prison in Pr.-Eylau. There she fell ill with typhus and came to a military hospital under russ. Lagerleitung. Bulletin Rudolf Mauerhoff (20a) Eldagsen / Hann., Kr. Springe, Schulstr. 3

    Merker Ernst , Uffz., Born. 10. 1. 08, residing Lötzen. Who was with him in d. last days of battle or in captivity together. Last message March 45 from a city in Mecklenburg. Bulletin Amalie Merker Mesum near Rheine / Westf.

    Meitza Gustav, b. 31. 3. 86 and Meitza Ernst , born 26. 7. 27, both residing in Kallisten, Krs. Mohrungen. Both were probably nacl in January 1945 by the Russians. Siberia abducted. My father was last seen in the camp Mohrungen. Message from the author Otto Meitza , Dusseldorf, Johannstraße 18

    Milks , where are you? Write to your brother Fritz Annuss , Duisburg – Neuenkamp, ​​Klever Straße 20

    Naguschewskie Karl, b. 10. 4. 03 in Seubersdorf, Kr. Osterode, Ostpr., Last message Jan 1945 from Bialistok, Poland. Message from herbert Helene Naguschewskie , Rischenau N. 6, Kr. Detmold, Lippe

    Nieswand, Frau Maria , from Pr.-Eylau, Bärenwinkelweg 7. On 14. 2. 45 on d. Escape seriously diabetic on Hauptverbandsplatz Gr. Waltersdorf, Krs. Heiligenbeil, arrived, should from there with the next transport to the Reich. Who was with our mother at the HVP? Substitute Ms. Martha Schedwill , (13a) Miltach 97, Bayr. Forest

    Retirement home “Ostseeheim v. Red Cross “, Cranz, head Ms. Kulkies . Who can provide information about the fate of the inmates, allegedly transferred to new cases in February 1945? I search for the fate of my mother Mrs. Luise Nickel born. Graemer , born 1. 9. 74, Ebenrode. Inmates of the Ostseeheim. Where is the former leader? Message from her. med. Eva Stein , Teaching near Hannover, Gartenstraße 20

    Ottenberg Hermann , b. 16. 10. 86, last living Liebenfelde, Krs. Labiau, Should have come in January in Kaimen to the Volkssturm. Ottenberg Emma b. Skibbe , b. 21. 9. 96, last living in Liebenfelde. Has come in the trek to Poweyen (Samland), as separated from my sister. Hildegard Ottenberg (22a) Rheydt, Pestalozzistraße 42-44

    Paehr Fritz and wife Erna residing before the expulsion (23. 10. 44) in Angerapp, Schützenstraße 125, from the daughter of Russia homemaker Eva PaehrMayer Otto and Mrs. Elisabeth , living Angerapp, Fliederweg – Wiechert, wife, Johanna , meadow, Krs. Mohrungen, and Gail Otto , Gr.-Illmen, Kreis Angerapp – Symann Fritz , b. 25. 5. 12 in Kutten, Kr. Angerburg, butcher before his convocation leader d. Canned meat factory Brödlauken, fed z. a troop unit on the eastern front – Symann Helmut
    b 23. 1. 16 in Heilsberg, Oberfeldw. (Kriegsmarine), driving school Gotenhafen, from the father Fritz Symann , early. Courses at Soldahnen, Kr. Angerburg. Transcript by Wilhelm Haegert . (20b) Jerstedt 64 about Goslar, county representative Angerapp

    Palapies Ewald , b. 22. 7. 1892 in Sackein near Schillien, Kr. Tilsit-Ragnit, 11. 3. 45 in Karthaus abducted, brought in Graudenz in an epidemic hospital, Irma Palapies , geb. 29. 5. 1924, kidnapped in Karthaus, both living Birkenweide b. Schillen, Kr. Tilsit-Ragnit letters under no. N r. 1/168 to management of the Landsmannschaft East Prussia (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Paprotke Gebrüder, Königsberg (entrepreneur) and the employed employee Stanek are searched for the purpose of attestation of documents. News erb. The ev. Hilfswerk of Kurhess-Waldeck, Kassel, Dingelstedtstraße 10

    Paul Gerhard , b. 16. 6. 92. Königsberg, director of the commercial u. Hausbes. Pank, Königsberg. Was before the Russian collapse in Königsberg, lived Bärenstr. 3. Should have put an end to his life. Message requested Gertrud Fraenkler (22b) Klingelbach Post Katzenelnbogen / Taunus, Kirchstraße 1

    Pareike Gustav , b. August 18, 1882, Könlgsberg-Ratshof, Lochstädterstraße 109. From Wiesenschlößchen to Friedrichswalder Allee disappeared. April 1945 with Lulley Franz , together. Message from Erb. Mrs. Gertrude Günther geb. Pareike , at Werner , (16) Guxhagen-Breitenau at Kassel, formerly Königsberg-Juditten, Röderstraße 7

    Cranzer, Rauschener! Pawlick, Albert , b. 13. 8. 1874, Pawlick Martha b. Wondollek , b. 4. 11. 1881. Last apartment Königsberg, Beekstraße 29 Cranz, Talstraße 21. Last seen on 20 April in Rauschen. Nadiricht Erb. Mrs. Frieda Trox , Rotenburg-Hann., Ironmonger at the horse market

    Russia returner of the 1st Ostpr. Volksgrenadier – Div. Pawslzik Reinhold , b. 4. 10. 24 in Farienen, Kr. Ortelsburg, in the meantime living there Fp.-Nr. 48 397 D. Radio operator bd schw. Pak Abtlg. 1st front section at Schloßberg. Last message of 6. 1. 45. Bulletin Ms. Auguste Pawslzik , (21a) Bielefeld, Wellensiek 116

    Königsberg and Wehrmacht members! Pernack Fritz , U.-Feldw., Born. 29. 11. 06 Wengoyen, fr. Adm Sekr. at the Fest.-Plonier-Stab Königsberg. Who saw P. after 26/1/45 in Königsberg? Message from hereditary wife Maria Pernack née. Lau . (24b) Elmshorn, Schulstr. 45 (formerly Königsberg, Blumenstraße 5)

    Rastenburger! Perlowski Gustav , b. 19. 6. 1880 in Lyck, last residing Rastenburg, Hippelstrasse 20. beginning Febr. 1945 from the flat by the Russians abducted. Message Ms Maria Perlowski (24) Ascheberg-Holstein, Langenrade 38

    Johannes Zimmermann from Tilsit Hohestr 74/75 Now Gr.-Soltholz ü. Flensburg delivers again bedding and business laundry in old quality.