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Haberstroh Eduard , locksmith at Eisenb.-Ausb.-Werk Königsberg Ponarth. Anschr.an Maria Haberstroh (17b) Rükenbach, Säckingen
Haering Karl, Erna and children, grocery, Königsberg-Pr., Beethovenstr. Soldier at d. Beobacht. Abbot. 1, Ponarth. February 1945 in Rauschen-Ostpr. been together. Nachr. Erb. W. Kiewer , Berlin-Friedenau, Wielandstraße 17
Hagen Siegfried , b. 25. 7. 1928 Königsberg, Willmannstraße 32, Volkssturm. On August 15, 1947 from amerik. Captive, released in Frankfurt am Main. Hagen Fritz , b. 14. 11. 1903, Königsberg. Which comrades of the company Wolf and Döring , Königsberg, were with him in Gef.-Lager Riga together. He should later be dead. Nachr. Erb. Grete Hagen , (14b) Pfalzgrafenweiler, Kr. Freudenstadt, Marktplatz 51
Haese Friedrich , farmer, Volkssturmmann, geb. 7. 8. 1898 in Pomehrendorf, from Marwitz, Kr. Pr.-Holland. Last address: 2nd comp., Ers.-Btl. I, u. Kreisleitung Pr. Holland, last message 11. 1. 45 from the area b. Angerapp. Nachr. Erb. Kurt-Walter Friedrich , (24a) Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg 2, post office box office. 1
Hauth Albert , administrative officer, b. 1876 in Königsberg, last active at the Landesbauernschaft in Königsberg, last resident Königsberg, Steinmetzstr. 28. Who was with my mother Mrs. Frida Hauth geb Kiehl ? Nachr. Erb. Bruno Hauth , Assessor, Bodenfelde / Weser, Reiherbachstr. 99
Harder August , master d. Schutzpolizei from Königsberg, Löbenn. Langg. 27, b. May 22, 1884. Who saw him in Konigsberg or in captivity? Schwerendt Willi , Königsberg, b. February 8, 1902, field no. 45952 A, last message 29. 9. 1944 Balkans. Message Erb. Elsa Schwerendt , Krössuln over Weißenfels II, Post Teuchern
Harnisch Fritz , b. 1. 4. 88 in St. Gallen / Switzerland, resident Königsberg / Pr., Hagenstraße 24b, since 7. 4. 45 missing. Nachr. Erb. Ms Hilde Harnisch , (20b) Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Zellbach 1
Russia returnees! Hartmann Herbert , b. 6. 5. 06. from Königsberg, fieldp.-no. 30840. Nachr. Erb. Wiesner , (16) Eschborn a. T.
Ortelsburger! House Franz , b. 31. 12. 92, carpenter from Ortelsburg, Posenerstr. 2. Ausk. Erb. Georg Haus , (22a) Dornap (Rhld.), Railway station
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Heinrich Franz , b. 14. 4. 04 in frills. Kr. Rößel. Gren., Fieldpost no. 12 736 D. Veimißt since 11. 10. 1944 south Dagiai (Lithuania); Herrndorf Albert , b. 30. 4. 03 in Krausen, Kr. Rößel, Obgefr., Feldpn. 58493, last in Samland. Message from her, Maria Heinrich , (24) Lübeck, Kronsforder Allee 7
Heinrich Herta , b. 27. 8. 16, from Korschen, Kr. Rastenburg. Who was with mine. Daughter together since March 1945? Nachr. Erb. Julius Heinrich , (22a) Kleve-Kellen, Mühlenstraße 51
Heintz Paulau , b. 24. 10. 1874, living Königsberg-Juditten, Hammerweg 93. Lost since the fighting around Königsberg. Nachr. Erb. Benno Heintz , Eberholzen about Elze / Hanover
Hell Anna Zerbe , admitted living Königsberg, Neuroßgärter Schulstr. 2 at Frl. Eysenblätter. Nachr. Erb. Lilly Boehmer , (24b) Neustadt / Holstein, Waschgrabenstraße 21
Henkel, Mrs. Elisabeth b. Haagen , b. 24. 2. 1873 from Königsberg, Steindamm 165/67, April / May 1945 allegedly with some 100 East Prussia from Gdansk, Chodowiekiweg, walked back to Königsberg to look for her daughter Margot , whom she was on 29./30. from the infirmary Exelsior, Danzig, Breitgasse. News Erb. Altersheim Münchehagen, Kreis Nienburg / Weser
Konigsberg! Heppner Marga , Königsberg, Corinthendamm 17 and Frank Elfriede , Königsberg, Lizentstr. 4th ed., Gerlinde Müller , now (22a) Neuß, Rheinstrasse 16
Returnees! Heske Fritz , Obgfr., Field no. 43399. Collecting his unit from 1 to 3 February 1945 Sollniken at Kobbelbude. Bulletin Hulda Heske , formerly Zinten Kr. Heiligenbeil, now Sachsenbande at autumn over Wüster, Kr. Steinburg, Schleswig-Holstein
Konigsberg! Hess Rudolf , b. 27. 9. 09. Who was with him in the hospital Schubertstr. 30 together? Perm. seen on 4. 4. 1945. Communications under no. 5/39 to management of Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen, Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8
Russia returnees! Heyden Kurt , farmer, from Pomehrendorf, Kr. Elbing. He was abducted by Pr.-Holland in February 1945 and was in a camp north in July 45. Ural, about 8 km from Karpinsk. Ms Br. Charlotte Heyden , (21b) Weidenau / Sieg, Bismarckstrasse 7
Attention keeps or war pastures! Hiddemann Fritz , Uffz .. geb. 17. 11. 07 to Hamm / Westf. On the 20. 1. 45 against 14 o’clock with two gushing, its. Comp. Assigned. Fliers sent on reconnaissance detachment from Bergfriede (near Ortelsburg) to the village Warweiden 2 km away and did not return from it. The 5. Kp., Replenishment Batl. 102, field no. 45 264, retired on the evening of the same day, a lieutenant. with the rest the next morning, without receiving any information about the whereabouts of the reconnaissance squad. Who can give information about these three comrades? Nachr. Erb. Luise Hiddemann . Hamm Westf., Adolfstrasse 4
Hinz Wilhelm , San. Staff member, born. 10. 1. 13 to Borchertsdorf, Kr. Pr.-Holland, Feldpn. 10105 B, Army Art. Regt. 57. On 17. 1. 1945 at the bridgehead Varka, north of Radom still been seen. Nachr. Erb. Margarete Hinz b. Amling , (24) Middelburg, Post Neustadt, Kr. Eutin, formerly Neumark near Mühlhausen
Homann Hans , b. 27. 3. 21, Königsberg, Masch.-Maat on submarine of the newest type (snorkel), last news January 1945 from Gdansk. Boat to be blown up in May 45 in Hamburg by its own crew. Nachr. Erb. Fr. Gertrud Vogler at Kucks , (16) Frankfurt am Main, Holbeinstr. 59
Russia returnees! Hinterthan Bernhard , Hauptm., 4th Lds.-Sch.-Batl. 209, Graudenz, Fest Courbiere. When breaking out of the fortress thigh shot. Message from Ms. Herta Hinterthan , (21a) Werne / Lippe, Horster Str. 64
Russia returnees! Rosa Hohmann , b. 30. 6. 07, living in Orteisburg, Jahnstr. 11. On January 20, 1945, she and other refugees came to Samland, where they were caught by the Russians and then sent to the camp. According to acquaintances, she was deported to the Urals. Last Nachr. Jan. 1945. Nachr. Bertha Hohmann , Neu-Isenburg-Hessen, Schillerstraße 1
Hoenig Leo , end of February 45 at Gut Buchau, Kr. Bartenstein, in Russian captivity, is reported to have died on transport to Siberia in mid-March 45, or to have been in the Pr.-Eylau camp at Christmas 45. Add to siblings Hoenig , (16) Bad Salzschlirf, Haus Bonifatius
Hopp Bruno , Reg.-Oberinsp. at the District Office in Heiligenbeil, b. 16. 9. 04 in Königsberg. Last prisoner in Jan. 46 in the court prison in Königsberg. Message Ms Eva Hopp b. Hahnke , (24a) Bad Oldesloe, Country I Rethwischfeld / Holstein
Hoyer Elsbeth , last lived Königsberg / Pr., Hammerweg 2b. Employed in the Pionierkaserne Mr. Göring-Str. Who knows anything about my daughter’s fate since 23/1/45? Nachr. Erb. Ms. Gertrud Hoyer , (24) Grabau, Post Schwarzenbek / Holstein
Hundertmark Willi , b. 15. 5. 11 in Königsberg. Last apartment Königsberg-Schönfließ, foreman at the company Krages u. Kriete , Königsberg, Heilsberger Str. 42. Caught in April 45 at Friedlander Torbunker. Ms. Ursula Hundertmark , (14b) Schönniünzach / Wttbg., Hauptstr.
War participant d. Heeresgr. North! Hupka Waldemar , Ltn d. R., formerly lawyer in Guttstadt – Ostpr. Who was shipped from Swinemünde to Pillau on 3 April 1945? Who attended the last fights in Pillau u. Samland part? Message of hereditary wife Maria Hupka , Winsen / A