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    Nehmke Emil, Oberfr ., Inf.-Ers. -Batl., Fieldpost no. 20665 A, most recently 20664 or 20667 E. Write a letter to the author, Mrs. Anna Demke (22a) Barmen, Königsberger Str. 82 at Müller

    Neuber Fritz , Luxethen, Kr. Pr.-Holland. Last article number: LGPA Unna L 62 814. Last message March 1945. Ausk. Erb. Mrs. Ida Neuber , (20a) Immensen No. 53 on Lehrte, Kr. Burgdorf

    Neuber Friedrich , b. 28. 1. 89 Oberwerkmstr. i. RAW Ponarth zul. Volkssturm 36 100 W. Seen in June 45 in Stablack. Neuber Horst , b. 23. 2. 29, Königsberg, Barbarastr. 50, admissible fieldpost no. 37857. Message produced by Mrs. Neuber Bielefeld, Walkenmühle-Baracke or Irma Limmer b. Neuber, Munich 19. Arnulf str 196

    Neukamm Marie b. Steppputat , remained in Königsberg. Connection until 1945, after which every lane is missing. Messages under No. 4 63 to management board East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Neumann Kurt , Obergefr., Born. May 6, 11, Dom. Saalau, Kr. Insterburg, last living Königsberg / Pr., Kuplitzerstr. 6a. Was last at the 6th AR 37, Feldp.-Nr. 03 391 D in Courland. Last Nachr. 29. 12. 44. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Käte Neumann geb. Koslowski, Stangbeck near Kappeln, Kr. Flensburg / Holstein

    Neumann Erich , b. 8. 10. 95, Königsberg / Pr., Last living Königsberg / Pr., Flottweilstr. 17, has been engaged in city savings bank Königsberg. Convicted to the Volkssturm in Jan. 45, possibly in Pr.-Eylau camp. Nachr. Erb. Liesbeth Neumann , formerly Königsberg, Flottweilstr. 17, now (13a) Windsheim / Mfr., Hagelsteingasse 368

    Neumann Henriette b. Lemke born. 28. 4. 84, living Wehlau, Grabenstr. 7.1. January / April 45 in Königsberg / Pr., May 45 in Wehlau been seen. Nachr. Erb- August Neumann , Pyrmont, Lortzingstrasse 22

    Konigsberg! Nickel Robert , b. 15. 10. 83, living. Luisenallee 40. Was in the nursery Jan Müller , Albrechtstr. 12 busy, on 1. 4. 45 still in Königsberg. Message Ms Elise Nickel, (24b) Audorf, Krs. Rendsburg (Holstein)

    Nieswandt Artur, born. 18. 2. 90, from Bawien, Kr. Gerdauen. Who was with my husband on the Liep od driving school in use in Königsberg together? Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Margarete Nieswandt , (23) Ihorst about Damme Oldenburg

    Notz, Mrs. Elsa , b. 24. 9. 1899, is still seen in spring 1947 in Königsberg-Mittelanger. Succession of Otto Notz , Mehlbeck about Itzehoe. Post Huje (24b)

    Russia returnees! Noetzel Gerhard , Private from Königsberg-Pr., At the exit gate 42, geb. 3. 7. 1924 in Königsberg, Feldpn. 16784 B + M relay, Panzer-Regt 2. Last message at the beginning of January 43 from Njepopelrowsk. Bulletin : Mrs. L. Moetzel, (22c) Gumlerbach / Rhineland, Moltkestraße 34

    Oehlert Willi, Genadier, from Pogegen, b. in Galson-Joneiten on September 3, 1914. Message from the estate of Mrs. Maria Oehlert , (23) Detern, Kreis Leer

    Orlowski. Eherhardt , Dentist, born. 11. 2. 15, Königsberg / Pr., Luisenallee 58, sergeant, as a radio operator in France in 1943, advised there into captivity. His mother Emmy Orlowski, b. Gillmeister and his brother Werner , both Königsberg, Luisenallee 58th Nachr. Erb Eva Strogalski, (24) Eckernförde, Cathedral Day 38, Schleswig-Holstein

    Ossowski Margarethe b. Greifenberg , hostess from Wormditt. In Jan. 45 with wife butcher Höhne , Wormditt, in migraines at Wormditt by the Russians on trucks. Bulletin A. Kniffky , Bodenteich, Heide 36, Kr. Ulzen