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    Radau Johanna , from Tharau, born. March 9, 1879. Should at the end of the war in Schloßberg-Ostpr. have found. On the way back to Tharau (June 1945) fell ill and came to the hospital Breitenstein. Message Ms Käte Puzicha b. Radau , Bielefeld. Hohenzollernstr. 45, formerly Königsberg, Rich.-Wagner-Straße 49

    Radtke Hermann , mechanic, b. 7. 4. 1892 in Schrombehnen, Kr. Pr.-Eylau. Last apartment Königsberg, Hindenburgstr. 55a. Wachtmeister bd Techn. Emergency aid 1945 in Stablack got ill after Bartenstein or Pr.-Eylau in a military hospital. Message from Mrs. Berta Radtke , Mülheim-Ruhr, Gracht 126

    Rapetzki Aloys Franz , formerly living Königsberg / Pr., Hammerweg 120, i. Feb. 45 to the one. b. Heiligenbeil-Braunsberg gek. Nachr. Erb. Luise Rapetzki (20b) Weende-Göttingen, Hannoversche Str. 159

    Recklies Gustav , b. October 23, 1990. Who was with him in Konigsberg in civilian captivity or in the infirmary? Add. No. 176 to the managing director. Landsmannsch. East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstr. 8th

    Reddig Ingeborg (Junglehrerin) geb. 22. 12. 25 Königsberg? Last bek. Address Birkenfelde, Kreis Dietfurt (Warthegau). Nachr. Erb. Anneliese Jonck , formerly Königsberg-Ouednau, Ringstr. 44, now (20b) Ringelheim (Harz), mill

    Russia returnees! Reimann Eduard , Sensburg.-Ostpr., Gartenstraße 39. Abducted by the Russians from Sensburg on 19. 1. 45 and died on 16. 4. 45 in the Ural, camp Karpinsk. Message from the publisher Margarete Reimann , (2la) Schötmar-Lippe, Aechternstraße

    Reincke Fritz, Postass. i. R., b. 17. 2. 68, and Mrs. Anna. Grimm , b. 18. 6. 64, and daughter (?), Born. 6. 5. 99, having lived Königsberg, Alter Garten 58a I. After destruction of the flat 1945 to Schönfließ bei Königsberg. Nachr. Erb. Paul Reincke, Augsburg, Wolframstr. 13

    Regge Wilhelm , b. 29. 1. 1900 in Tublauken Kreis Gumbinnen, living Ebenflur, Kr. Ebenrode. Was on March 9, 1945 by Brendemühl, Kr. Kammin-Pom. taken by the Russians to the horse transport. At d. A large number of men have been abducted by Brendemühl for days. Nachr. Asks Mrs. Emma Regge , Klaustorf, Heiligenhafen, (24) Holstein

    Rekittke Erich , fr. City Inspector in Ragnit, b. 5. 1. 1905 in Liebstadt. Last at the Volkssturm, district administration d. NSDAP schools, II. Driving department. Last seen with landowner Bader in the area of ​​Breitenstein. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Erna Zupp , (21a) Shhh 12a about Burgsteinfurt, Kr. Münster, Westphalia

    Judge Alfred , Lieutenant, b. August 29, 1913 in Locken, Inf. Gesch.-Ers.-Komp. Troppau, Sudetengau. On 16/1/45 he had to report for use in Königsberg. Nachr. Erb Erich Richter , Neuss-Rhine, Dahlienstrasse 38

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    Remmel Hermann , b. 29. 12. 18 In Engelskirchen Rhelnl. On 31. 1. 45 as a wounded soldier on the left arm with civilians in Trankwitz b. Konigsberg, East Prussia. kidnapped by the Russians. Last place of residence was Trankwitz. Communication. Erb: wife Hildegard Remmel b. Zippel, z. At the moment in Rösrath-Stümpen near Cologne, Ahornweg 12

    Rhode Kurt , district forester from Stockhausen, circle Bischofsburg, geb. 9. 6. 95. On the run! At the beginning of March 45 in the area of ​​Lauenburg in Pomerania separated from his family by Russ. probably deported to the interior of Russia. Nachrieht Erb Wwe M. Rhode , Gellersen about. Hameln / Weser

    Roever Hans , b. 29. 7. 10, Obergefr., From Kleinneumühl, circle Wehlau, last message v. Jassy, ​​Romania (Flak). Nachr. To Mrs. Roever, Hamburg, Flottbecker Chaussee 185a

    Rogalla Wilhelm , Osterode, B1ücherstr. 5; b April 21, 1871. Abducted to work by Russians (or Poles) in the country and killed there. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Meta Struwecker geb. Rogalla , (14b) Wannweil ​​near Reutlingen, formerly Königsberg-Pr., Schindekopstr. 26

    Rohrmoser Paul , b. 1905, Kreis Schloßberg, working at Ueberlandwerk Königsberg. In the last days of Königsberg came from the Volkssturm to Wehrmacht. Nachrieht Erb. Walter Rohrmoser , Quisdorf at Eutin Holstein

    Köniigsberger! Romahn Fritz , born! 29. 12. 1881. Obersekretär Telegrafen-Bauamt, Königsberg, Tragheimer Pulverstr. 22, is said to have been with telegraph overseer Fritz Morgenstern in 1945 in Königsberg. Mrs. Minna Janzon , b. 24. 3. 1895 and her sons Hein and Gerd laundry, Mittelanger 28, Nachr. Erb. Fi au Berta Romahn , now (24) Wischhafen over Stade

    Drugehnen, Rose Martha b. Buchholz , b. 24. 6. 07 and foster son Dieter Meier , geb. 11. I, 43. Nachr. Erb forged master Alfred Rose , (20a) Gifhorn, Schulplatz 2

    Rose Emil, farmer, Meterau near Tapiau, born. 31. 7. 01 in Schönhofen, Kr. Treuburg, since Jan. 45 at Volkssturm Ostpr., Unit unknown. Last message from Olsztyn to Meterau on 21. 1. 45. Missing. Should have been in Soviet prisoner camp and murdered. Rose Renate , daughter, b. 14. 4. 33, in meters. From 45 to 16. 6. 47 on the collective farm Heinrichshof near Tapiau. Should be in Lithuania or abducted. Nachr. Erb art dealer Arthur Rohse , (13b) Munich, Maximi-Manstraße No. 3 I

    Rosenfeld Else b. Hill (born 25. 8. 05), u. Children Martin (born 11/12/35) and Edith (born 17/12/36) left Labiau in the fall of 1947 in the direction of Lithuania. Nachr. Asks Ernst Rosenfeld (24a) Borstel üb. Bad Oldesloe

    Russia returnees! Posen fighter! Rößler Heinz , Fhj.-Uffz., Born. 10. 6. 22 in Königsberg, Pr., 4. Sturm-gun Ers.- and Ausbild.-Abt. 500 poses, camp Kuhndorf. Missing in Poznan in 1945. Bulletin Walter Rößler , (24b) Eckernförde. Norderstr. 58

    Rothger Ernst , Fp.-Nr. 00084 A, b. 18. 9. 1912, last living Goldap, Bergstr. 23, last message from 20. 6. 44 from the area Vitebsk middle section. Message issued by W. Maker , Gr. Giesen Hildesheim (20a)

    Heiligenbeilkämpfer! Art. Obgef r. Runglack Kurt , b. 17. 1. 22 in Peremtinen, Kr. Labiau. Filed for vacation on 6. 2. 45 in Heiligenbeil. Nachr. Erb. Ms Elisabeth Runglack , formerly Peremtinen, Kr. Labiau, now Mariawald, Post Gmünd, Kr. Schleiden / Eifel

    Roski and Goldbach , merchants, textile u. White goods shop Gumbinnen, Adolf-Hitler-Str. Message produced by Emma Stege , Großstangenwald, Gumbinnen, now Tolk, Schleswig

    Rösnick , wife, u. Miss Möbius, until 1947 in Königsberg, Rippenstraße 17 resident, for information on the deceased in Königsberg Elektrom. Max Meyer , (Lighting Center), Sackh. 91. Nachr. Erb. L. Meyer , Hamburg-Hummelsb., Am Gnadenberg 9

    Members of the Pomm.-Mecklenburg Castle Löwendlvision! Rudat Georg , Obergefr., Born. 22. 4 1908, fieldpost no. 24 987 D. Nachr. Erb. Käte Rudat , Bargteheide, Tremsbüttlerweg 3, formerly Birklacken, district of Insterburg

    Rudat Friedrich , b. 19. 12. 78 in Gr.-Algawischken, Kr. Niederung residing in Kuckerneese, Gartenstraße 3b, employed in Naval Equipment Pillau 2 as an unskilled laborer, missing since February 45. Zuschr. U. No. 1 153 to management (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstr. 8th

    Russia returnees! Ruff, Emil born. 26. 12. 1898 Königsberg-Pr., Friedmannstr. 40, last Pillau, fortress pioneer staff, Mar. Artl. as a security guard. Nachr. Erb. Elisabeth Ruff , now Altershausen No. 40 via Haßfurt / Unterfr. (13a)

    Romania fighter! Ruschke Gerhard , b. 26. 1. 24, Königsberg, field no. 29 473, Verpfl.-Staff. d. Stabskomp. GR 371, unit last between Bulbuaka u. Tigina gel. Nachr. Erb. Frieda Ruschke , Cologne-Longerich, Grethenstr. 38