Lists from Noes
15. June 2018Lists from Alt Seidenberg
18. June 2018
On the 29th of August, 1830, he descended to a better life Mr. M. Johann Gottfried Tamm, faithful pastor of the communities Ober- and Nieder-Ludwigsdorf, Ober-Neundorf and Klingewalde. He was born on September 16, 1766 at Merseburg, where his father was a preacher at the cathedral church. His mother was born Sophie Elisabeth. Häubner. The first lessons he receives from his father, after which he attended the school in Merseburg. At the age of seventeen, he moved to the University of Leipzig, where he studied under Professors Morus, Beck and other theology from 1782 to 1786. After passing the exam by Mr. Superint. Schmidt to Merseburg, he received in 1786, the permission to preach, privatized some years there and then went as a tutor to Poseria at Lützen.
In 1794 he came to Lusatia to visit his brother who was then a lawyer in Görlitz. (Excerpts from the New Lausitz Magazine: Zeitschrift der Oberlausitzische Band 9 1831 p. 292/293)
Birth- and death lists from Nieder Ludwigsdorf – (source “Oberlausitzische Fama”)
No. 44 from 03.11.1825
October 16, Mrs. Inhabitant Horschig a son, Joh. Carl Gottlieb
No. 44 from 03.11.1825
The 30th of October, Joh. Carl Hopstock from Rietschen with Joh. Christiane Schneider here
No. 46 from 17.11.1825
The 6th of November, the widower and gardener Johann Christoph Zatschler in Schlauroth with Mar. Rosine Scheinert from Ober Neundorf
No. 41 of October 13, 1825
October 4, Ms. Milanie b. Byancenet , wife of the inhabitant Retzig , 34 years, 7 months, 20 days, she was born to Vesoul in the French Schweitz
The 5th of October, Carl August , son of the gardener Kliemt , 29 weeks, 4 days
No. 49 of 08.12.1825
The 2nd of December, Auguste Henriette , daughter of master-miller Meister Brocke , 2 weeks 11 hours
List is continued