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    No. 29 dated 22.07.1824

    Pastor Zürn , who was a member of the Protestant church at Naumburg am Queis, became a pastor at the Protestant church in Gebhardsdorf near Lauban

    In Niederrengersdorf near Görlitz, on July 4, the schoolmaster Mr. Johann Christian Nitschke , who died in the 72nd year, died of old age

    On July 5, Hauberzer Bräuer from Wanscha crashed in a quarry near Ostritz, breaking in on the breaking of the stone with an overhanging lump of stone which he wanted to work loose, and was so damaged by the rolling stones that after half an hour, notwithstanding medical assistance, various

    At a storm on July 10 at 5 o’clock on Sohland on the Spree pulled thunder storm, the gardener Johann Christian Zosel and his wife Anne Dorothee born. Paul , while the former stood in his living room at the table and the latter sat and worked behind the wicker chair, hit by a flash of lightning and immediately killed. The thunderbolt came in through the window and shattered it, but ignited it.

    On July 18, Hosptalitin, who was about 72 years old, was born in Görlitz in the same hospital at St. Jacob, widowed Christiane Berger. Fiebiger , found drowned in the river Neisse.

    <u> Bathing and strangers list of Hermanns bath to Muskau with arrival date </ u>
    1. Mrs. Pastor Kirchner from Sorau – May 10th
    2. Mr. Schementz, Particulate from Leipzig – June 7th
    3. Mr. Premier-Lieutenant v. Maltitz from Pförten – June 11th
    4. Ms. Geissler from Burg – 22 June
    5. Mr. Bernhardt, landowner on Strahlow – June 22
    6. Mr. Pietzker, bailiff from Sorau – June 22nd
    7. Herr Kaufmann Lutze from Cottbus, with family – 27th June
    8. Mr. Ober-Medicinal-Rath Dietrich from Liegnitz – 27th June
    9. Mr. Doctor Wolf from Carolath – June 27th
    10. Mr. Landrath v. Dertzen from Horno, with family – 27th June
    11. Mr. Hauptmann v. Favrat from Sorau – 27th June
    12. Mr. Doctor Treu from Königshayn – June 27th
    13. Herr Oberamtmann Kläbisch from Girdigsdorf – 27 June
    14. Mr. Kaufmann Vetter from Cottbus – June 27th
    15. Mr. v. Reibnitz, manor owner on Zilmsdorf, with son – 27 June
    16. Herr Körber, senior official from Rothenburg, with son – 27 June
    17. Captain V Zielberg from Cottbus, with family – 27th June
    18th Lieutenant Hoffmann from Cottbus – 27 June
    19. Mr. Stool from Sagan – June 27th
    20. Mr. Major v. Rethenburg from Frankfurt – June 27th
    21. Mr. Barfuss, merchant from Frankfurt – June 27th
    22. Mr. Hauptmann v. Vigny from Berlin – June 29th
    23. Mrs. Steuer-Einnhemer Richter aaus Priebus – June 29th
    24. Mr. Lieutenant v. Rabenau from Zibelle – June 29th
    25. Lord Prince v. Carolath-Schönaich – June 29th
    26. Ms. Fürstin v. Carolath-Schönaich – June 29th
    27. Misses v. Falkenhausen from Carolath – June 29th
    28. Mr. Scheide, Director from Cottbus, with family – 1 July
    29. Mr. Herrmann, Oberamtskanzler from Budissin – 2 July
    30. Mr. Baumeister, Oberamt-Regierungs-Rath from Dudissin – 2 July
    31. Major v. Werner from Frankfurt, with son – 4th of July
    32. Mr. Zobel, landowner on Sedow, with wife – 4 July
    33. Mr. v. Seckendorff, Government Vice President from Frankfurt, with family – 5 July
    34. Mr Naumann, Siefensieder from Görlitz – 5 July
    35. Mrs. Neumann from Sorau – 7th July
    36. Mr Donath, merchant from Weißhennersdorf – 7th July
    37. Mr. Brückner, merchant from Cottbus – July 7th
    38. Mr V. Burg from Budissin – 7 July
    39. Mr. Borott, preacher from Zittau – July 8th
    40. Mr Polenz, Hammerfactor from Creba – 8 July
    41. Mr. Friedrich, servant from Leipzig – 8 July
    42. Mr. Lieutenant v. Blücher from Beuthen – 10th of July
    43. Mr. Geisler, Senator from Görlitz – July 10th
    44. Mr Geisler, Advocat from Görlitz – 10 July
    45. Mr. Michael Schmidt, merchant from Görlitz – 10th July
    46. ​​Mr. Jeschke, merchant from Pförten – 10th July
    47. Mr. Heudsche, construction inspector from Pförten – 10th of July
    48. Mr. v. Meyer, manor owner on Schnellförtel – 10th of July
    49. Mr. Lieutenant v. Bülow from Guben – 10th of July
    50. Mr. Lieutenant v. Treskow from Guben – 10th of July
    51. Flor from Cottbus and son – 10th of July
    52. Mr. Neumann from Cottbus – 10th of July
    53. Mr Wieland from Cottbus – 10 July
    54. Mr. Werner, Tabagist from Cottbus – 10th July
    55. Mr. Koch, lumberyard manager from Cottbus – 10th of July
    56. Pastor Jänicke from Sacrow – 10th July
    57. Mr. Chamberlain v. Götz from Lietschen, with family – 11th of July
    58. Mrs. v. Mushwitz from Lohsa – July 11th
    59. Mr. v. Hofmann from Sagan, with family – 11th of July
    60. Mr. Amtsrath Groling from Pförten – 11 July
    61. Demoiselle Gretschel from Sorau – July 11th
    62. Mr. Inspector Wollkopf from Lieberose – July 11th
    63. Mr. Krüger, Syndicus from Cottbus, with family – 11 July
    64. Mr. Richter, city musician from Spremberg – July 13th
    65. Mr Miersch, forest forester – 13 July
    66. Mr. Fiedler, merchant from Neusalz – July 13th
    67. Mr Dettel, merchant from Görlitz – 13 July
    68. Mr. Steuer-Controlleur v. Jesnitz from Görlitz – July 13th
    69. Mr. Frank, pharmacist from Bebersberg – July 13th
    70. Mr Schulz, pharmacist from Gassen – 13 July
    71. Mr. Modler, soap boiler from Hirschberg – July 13th
    72. Mr. Gebling, tobacco manufacturer from Cottbus – July 14th
    73. Mr. Obrist v. Close from Crossen – 14th of July
    74. Mr. Neumann, landowner from Dittersbach – July 14th
    75. Mr. Melkelm, senior teacher from Liegnitz – 14th July
    76. Mr. Brückner, merchant from Cottbus – 15 July
    77. Mr Friedenreich, Pastor Primarius from Lieberose – 15 July
    78. Mr Kniepf, Nadler from Cottbus – 16 July
    79. Mr Helwig, Police District Commissarius from Gräfenhayn – 16 July
    80. Mr. Koch from Niesky – 16 July

    The provided with good residential and public buildings farm sub # 34 to Troitschendorf in Görlitz, including a hoof good country belongs, should be sold with all existing inventory items immediately from the hands. Those who are interested in shopping will find out more about the landlord Johann Gottlob Berndt in Niederhalbendorf near Schoenberg

    On a large lively parish-ground, through which a large post and commercial road leads, between Bautzen and Loebau, is a house in good condition for sale, in which except the junk, bake and Schank justice, also a few bushels of field and Meadow are located. The conditions are cheap and advantageous and Mr. Benjamin Kade in Görlitz, Neißgasse No. 352, to learn the details.

    A Captal of 800 Thalers Schs. Conventionsgeld lies to Michael d. J. against adequate pupillary insurance to borrow ready. Further information is available on postage-free inquiries – Wilhelm Schmidt in Muskau