from the estate of Karin Rauschning
Excerpts from the inventory
in the Saxon State Archive Leipzig
(Signatures in the finding room of the DZfG, possibly with a short assessment)
These excerpts were created according to my research interests and areas .
It is also a 2-volume inventory of the Saxon State Archives Leipzig
Directory, which can be purchased locally.
Bernd Vogel, Rodleben (Dessau-Roßlau)
AB 13383 DZfG
History of my ancestors from the circle Elbing and the circle Heiligenbeil , East Prussia 1938, 24 pages
Theodor Böhm
A 2001/195
700 years Heiligenbeil 1301-2001 , 264 pages, Rautenberg 2001,
ISBN 3-7921-0623-X
Kreisgemeinschaft Heiligenbeil is in the original version
AB 10769 DZfG
The KB of the East Prussian churches , including Heiligenbeil, 13 pages, Königsberg 1906
Ernst Machholz I have the listings of the surviving church books from East Prussia
AB 7248 / Z 1624 b
The civil book of the city Heiligenbeil from 1770-1918 , I have copied in 90 pages , and Balga out
Emil Johannes Guttzei t
A 2002/436
From Alt Passarge to Zinten (pictures + texts), 478 pages
Kreisgemeinschaft Heiligenbeil / Georg Jenkner Buch is available to me
A 16311 / Ma
From the local history of the office Balga , Kr. Heiligenbeil / East Prussia
(from: Heiligenbeiler newspaper 1922, by Otto Schulze) I copied in the original
A 16312 / Ma
The farmers of the former office Balga . I have copied 4 sequels in the original
(from: Heiligenbeiler Zeitung 1922)
A 16313 / Ma
The Chatongüter the Office Balga I have written off in the original
(from: Heiligenbeiler Zeitung 1922)
A 16314 / Ma
The Köllnischer Freien of the Office Balga after the state of v. In 1681 I wrote off in the original
(from: Heiligenbeiler Zeitung 1922)
A 16315 / Ma
The Schulz of the Office Balga
(from: Heiligenbeiler newspaper 1922, by Otto Schulze) I copied in the original
A 16682 / Bu
The pitchers of the office Balga
(from: Heiligenbeiler newspaper 1922, by Otto Schulze) I copied in the original
A 16683 / Bu
The Scharwerksbauern and high interest of Balga
(from: Heiligenbeiler newspaper 1922, by Otto Schulze) I copied in the original
A 5519 / Bu
Overview of the holdings of the Saxon State Archives and its state archives , Leipzig 1955
By Hellmut Kretschmar
A 63/95
The holdings of the Saxon Main State Archives and its branches Bautzen, Chemnitz and Freiberg , Leipzig 1994, 2 volumes
A 16438 / Bu
Saxonian newspapers in libraries, archives and museums of the district Dresden, a catalog of the stocks until 1945 , Dresden 1971
A 7957 / Bu
Baltic Addressbook containing the addresses of German-Balten living outside of the Baltic homeland , Berlin 1925
A 9902 / Bu
Address Books Elblag (AB Elblag)
1820, 1881