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The jars of the Office Balga
Pitchers were allowed to be built only with the permission of the Commendatore to Balga. They were called in the villages ‘Kretschen, in the cities of taverns (innkeeper vorhanden- Kretschner -Still in Surnames Kretschmann or Taber).
In the villages, the mayor usually received permission to create a jug, either free and Quidde, d. H. without any charge or against an interest rate of half a mark.
Throughout the office were 24 pitchers, including 25 Huben land belonged. They did in 1675 on charges 176 Mark 12 Sgr, 3 Pf. Interest, 10 chickens and a horse pre gun. In addition, were in goods still noble pitchers.
So that his income was not reduced, no other pitcher could be opened. a second jar was opened in larger villages, its owner had 2 Mark to interest. The Kruger gave wine, mead and table beer. A certain amount of beer he had purchased from the office. The rest he could brew yourself or buy from the Mälzenbräuern in the cities.
From these statements, which may not be complete, of course, is to see that Kruger had the pitcher only as a sideline that he usually denied his living from farming or fishing, and that therefore the alcohol genus was not as widespread as it is today. The jars were mainly to stay for travelers and carters in the villages, on the highway of Foreign fishermen in the beach villages and to accommodate the carts of the farmers in the parish villages. In no case known to me a pitcher has been owned by a family for long.
The Schulze about Hermsdorf was even allowed to have in his jar of bread and meat shops, stalls where bread and meat were sold. He had one Mark to interest 1337. If more pitchers to be created, was of each as much to interest.
The pitcher in Schönwalde was sold in 1663 by the Great Elector Friedrich Wilhelm with four hooves land to Michel Dück 1,000 marks. 2 hooves he was 40 marks a year interest, provide a strong horse pre gun from the other in wars. Dückes descendants still live in the area.
The Tangible for the pitcher Waltersdorf is lost, and in the renovation of 1494, the pitcher is not mentioned.
The jars to Vogelsang, Hussenen, Rossitten and Stolzenberg are from a later period.
The Kruger to light field could sorts Hökerwerk as bread, fish, iron, light, meat, salt, butter, cheese, eggs and also sell rough Prussian and Lithuanian robes to a document of the 1543rd but with flax, cattle, hemp, corn and hops he could not act.
In Eisenberg, the pitcher was passed in 1664 by the Great Elector the local pastor George Schultz, because the farmer who had previously could not afford 4 Mark corkage and not ausschenkte the 4 tons Office beer. The priest had succumbed to the official statement of 1681 22 Mark storage charges, but went from the 4 Mark corkage fee. After the founding charter of 1308 the mayor allowed him to create free and Quidde. 1582 he took 40 marks in a sale.
The Kruger to Schönlinde received in 1490 two hooves crowd work freely against each 1 ½ Mark ½ interest and hoofs the jug for help against one Mark Zins.
The Kruger to Bladiau could even malting and brewing, and all sorts have cheap rate, but he had in 1480 the mayor’s office there from the pin 7 ½ Mark to interest in 1555 there are already 2 Kruger, could lay the upper Burggraf Christoph von Creytzen hereditary with beer.
Hans forest Handfeste for dien Krug was renewed in 1416: The Kretzner to 2 Mark to Maria Lichtmeß interest.
The Schulze in Hohen Prince could create a pitcher in 1332 against an annual interest rate of 2 marks.
German Thierau had a pitcher in 1681.
From the fishing villages, each a pitcher, Rosenberg had even two.
In Old Passarge the pitcher was founded by the Grand Master Winrich von Kniprode. The certificate has been renewed 1394th He received the pitcher, a field and 9 acres of meadow. He had free Holzung and Pasture. For this, but five marks a year and 6 Skot to interest. He’s heirs should be built with any pitcher us d. H. no other pitcher, it should be opened.
The pitcher to Leysuhnen was awarded the 1,476th The Kruger received 5 acres of fields to pitcher. Special favor he received the right to free storage timber for yourself, but not to pick up for sale from the state forest. Hazel sticks to Böcheln and the necessary Pricken for pinning the networks. But he had four small Mark ordinary Prussian coin 2 to Martini and 2 at Pentecost interest. He should put two year quest to shock Lagoon and deliver the fourth part of the income to Aalen the Order. When the commander of Balga in court to Bewern who was Leysuhnen, bored, Kruger had to supply fish for 4 people and create the Post Office until Heiligenbeil and Braunsberg.
Also Rade had a pitcher who only. had four hooves and was studded with seven fishermen.
The pitcher to Polish Bahnau was 1,498 new from Hyronimus of Gebesattek? Newly awarded to a Nicholas Clauen along with two acres of meadow at wheel and a garden. He was allowed to operate with small fishing Gezeuge in Lagoon and free in the river BAECKE before Bahnau softwood to the fire cut necessities, and free wood to fishing gear in carving and graze his cattle in carvers and a morning meadow. , vacate the Polish Bahnau. He was free from the crowd work, but had. , and 8 Mark to Martini to interest.
The pitcher Rosenberg is mentioned for the first time in 1469, where the Kruger M.. for him takes over the lucrative mayor’s office of the village. This pitcher was ausgetalket 1544? 8 morning. , , 2 acres of lawn and 4 acres of meadow, which the house. , belong?. He was allowed to . , and free firewood in // Caiden? Sculpting. Because it was a Erbkrug, he had to malting themselves and brew the right. He discounted 12 marks each of 20 pence. The other Rosenberger pitcher was originally in Reinschenhof, a Ordenshof close to Rosenberg, which today is only a house. The original of the Memorandum of 1564 is today the Good Bregden. It included 4 acres of meadow and 9 acres of farm. Duties and rights were like the first pitcher.
In the book erl. The jug was Follendorf 1494 fresh with 8 acres of farm and 4 acres of meadow on Michel Simon? Awarded with free fishing in the lagoon with sacks, a Fußwaien? And all sorts of small Gezeuge. He had a year as a shock Quepe? lay behind the castle Balga on the stones, that the Keuteln not have deshalben damage dare. At the same time, the mayor’s office, he was awarded with the usual rights and obligations.
In the book erl. The pitcher to Balga was first mentioned in the 1447th In the Order time he was very profitable. After waste places long time, he was in 1536 with land endowed by George of Poland, the former Bishop of Samland and to the clerk Georg Thilo (Thiel) lent fresh. Apart from him, no pitcher should be in front of the home, no one when he fired Börnen wine and pay. For this, the yeast should be genönnet from the castle and left him. He had free fishing in the lagoon with 15 sacks and small Gezeuge to the table necessities. He was allowed to work all Hökerei and give other than the official beer järlich 12 tons foreign beers for strangers and honest Gäpe. For this he should be storage charges for the ton as well as the Castle Beer 2 Skot, deed dated March 20, 1559
The pitcher has since 1905 owned by the Pultke family. The other inns are more recent.
The pitcher to Kahl Wood, founded in 1523, confirmed by Bishop Georg von Polenz 1533. The Kruger Albrecht Koch free fishing got a boat, with sacks and networks, free firewood and timber and the Reyge meadow on the way to the Wollitta against 9 Mark Zins. Except the pitcher Justice in 1536 awarded Lorenz Simon, as a pitcher no longer ausrechte in Kahl wood approval, there still create a pitcher. He had to carry as other Kruger post and auszuschenken 3 barrel Official beer.
The pitcher to Wolitta was awarded in the new village before Wolitta 1431 at St. Andrew’s day to Hans von Stolzenbergk. He was allowed beer, bread, meat, etc. pouring, received 2 acres of meadow, 2 acres break could hold eight main cattle and exercising free fishing from 5 Mark Zins. Between the house of Balga and his pitcher and the water Wolitta no other pitcher was allowed to be built. When the fishermen from Frombork fished here, they were only allowed from this pitcher or bring the beer to Balga.
In the book erl. The pitcher to Wolittnick mentioned in 1521, but which applied to Fedderau 1399, both before. They also had fishing justice.
In the book erl. On the great highway that led from Germany Marienburg, Elbing, Braunsberg, Heiligenbeil and Brandenburg to Kaliningrad, the Order has created early pitchers everywhere, often they are less than 2 kilometers apart. This should not infer the thirsty that time, but the time such bad roads.
In the book erl. The first pitcher behind Braunsberg was to Einsiedel, freshly awarded 1470. This included six morning and hooves. But the pitcher d should be harmless to the Ordenshofe. H. Do not disconnect customers. He was allowed to buy and sell, what is it from emergencies, and received free firewood and timber, even the lower courts. He zinste 1 Kramp Fund wax and 1 köllmischen or 5 preuß. Pennies.
In the book erl. The settlers of the village Grunau received 1,331 6 ½ hoofs the Schulz office for himself and the right to a free mug without all Beschatzung and weighting to own forever free. 1531, the pitcher was newly awarded with a kitchen garden and a desert land against Hube 4 Mark Zins.
In the book erl. The pitcher to stone village is founded 1434th 1631 reported the official account of Balga about the same. This pitcher stands alone quite desolate and unerbauet, yet cut down annually in interest and corkage.
In the book erl. Ritter Krug (now Knight Thal KSPL. Balga) was prescribed in 1516 with 9 acres of farm and 6 acres of meadow. He had nine marks a year to interest, 4 ½ the house Balga and 4 ½ the previous owner. He also had to make three trips with four horses with carriage or wagon to Pellen or Augam hunting.
In the book erl. In Hoppenbruch the pitcher in 1576 was rebuilt and new new prescribed for 8 Mark Zins.
The Rensekrug was newly prescribed interest rate and ‘half Stein Wachs before our women picture on the home Balga’ against 4 Mark 1,387th Between the Rensekrug and Fedderau and ½ mile from Heiligenbeil to no new pitcher should be built.
The wax was determined to lights that burned in those days before the picture of the mother of Jesus in the castle of Balga.