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Relatives wanted!
In February 1946 Erich Rogge from Königsberg, about 40 years old, was a prisoner hospital in Konigsberg, a profession probably an electrician or similar. Among his belongings was an amateur photograph showing him with his wife and two children. This image was taken by a comrade who claimed to be related to Rogge (Gustav? Of the Reichsbahn in Insterburg, about 35 years old). Inquiries possibly accompanied by a photograph to Kurt Franzkowski , (24b) Rade about Kellinghausen
Sagittarius Johannes Schwark , 1st Comp. Panzr-Jäger-Ersatz- u. Education Department Allenstein was buried on 16. 2. 1945 on Lateinenberg near Grunwalde, Kreis Heiligenbeil. At the dead was a letter from his sister Olga Schwark , Bishop’s Castle , v. Chr. Perbandstraße 41. Relatives please contact Mr. Ernst Horn , Koblenz-Niederberg, Arenbergerstraße 197
Gerhard Adomeit , Krefeld, Küperstr. 7, can provide information about the following persons: Herbert Pabke , b. 1928, Emil Helwig , b. 1928 and a girl, about 21 to 25 years, with surname Ewert , were sentenced in October 1948 from the camp 1100 an internment camp to fifteen years of forced labor. Hugo Plutat , b. In 1928, died in the internment camp (Mamins Ural) in October 1945. The named persons come from East Prussia; Place and circle are unknown.
Heinz Abromeit , (22c) Gummersbach, Ludwigstraße 16, retains the following as a returnee: Lieutenant Ebel , b. about 1920, last 206. ID, living in Schloßberg or Ebenrode (pharmacy) died in September / October 1945 in the camp 7150
August Bondowski from Süßenberg, Kr. Heilsberg, now (23) Hemsen No. 53, Post Meppen (Emsland) has news about the chief sergeant Scheffler from Angerapp or Angerburg. Members of the Scheffler please contact Mr Bondowski directly. Mr. Bondowski is also looking for connections with compatriots from Süßenberg Krs. Heilsberg
Mrs. Maria Gudd . former DRC sister in Königsberg, Kreuzburgerstraße 66, now living Fürth Bayern, Flughafenstraße 199 has important news for members of the following compatriots: Bischoff Horst , b. Jan. 28, formerly Königsberg, allotments Wickbolderstr. 100, Schütz Fritz and Mrs. Anna , formerly Königsberg, Domnauerstr., Törner Alfred and Mrs. Charlotte , formerly Königsberg, Kreuzburgerstraße. Relatives should contact Ms Gudd directly
Fritz Rehberg , formerly Königsberg, Kohlhofstraße 1060 31, now Hamburg 13, Pöseldorferweg 22 can give notice about Ing. Borchert from Königsberg, Ing. At Migiod, car repair shop Weidendamm and about Groß , Königsberg, Roonstraße 13. The relatives are asked, directly with Mr Rehberg
Karl Krause , (21a) Oelde (Westf.), Industriestraße 5, formerly Königsberg, Sackheim 120, can provide information on Inspector Maschinjack and Inspector General Amling , both formerly in Königsberg (city administration, Fuhramt) grant. Relatives are asked to contact Mr Krause directly
Mr. Karl Faerber , Stuttgart-N., Parierstraße 28, informs that he can give information about the fate of Horst Schernowski and about Magath (called: Baracken-Magath) both from Palmnicken (Samland). Relatives receive further information from Mr. Faerber . Please enclose return postage
Günter Gerber , (21b) Eichen, Kreis Siegen, Feldstraße 7, gives more information about the following members of the city administration Königsberg (return postage requested): Ulrich , Construction Director Schmidt + , members of the Board of Directors Brenke and Radtke , Hildegard Will (Körtelyzeum), Medical Councilor Petersen , chief officers Albert Mertsch + and Pfennig +, bailiff Paul Schulz +. City Inspectors Graf + , Gronwald and Federmann +, City Planning Superintendents Westerhausen and Wiemer +, City Inspector Singpiel +, city secretary a. D. Frieda Schulz and stenographer Missau
A returnee from Russia is ready for information about the following persons: Herta Antelmann , 21 years old, Elchniederung district, 5 years prison camp, Helene Baron , 22 years old, Kr. Elchniederung, 5 years prison camp, Dora Wipel , 22 years old, Königsberg, 10 years penal camp, Elsa Blaskowltz b. Wipel , 38 years, Königsberg, 7 years prison camp, Anna Krol l, 24 years, Königsberg, 3 years prison camp, Hildegard Gissa , 28 years, Königsberg, 3 years prison camp, Elfie Jäger , 36 years, Königsberg, 3 years prison camp, Gerda Kraas , 21 years, Königsberg, 2 years prison camp, Frieda Gutzeit , 40 years, Königsberg, 7 years penal camp, Lotte Becker , 38 years, Königsberg, 3 years prison camp, Frieda Bogarski , 39 years, Königsberg, 7 years prison camp, Erna Jorks , 21 Years, Königsberg, 2 years prison camp, Friedel Kappel, 21 years, Tapiau, 7 years penal camp
About Albert Kaiser , b. 5. 12. 1887, from Königsberg, Tiepoltstraße, there is a Heimkehrernachricht. Inquiries should be sent to the management of the Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen Hamburg 24, Wallstraße 28b
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Who can give information? It will be the veterinarian Dr. Roth from Rhein, Kr. Lötzen / Ostpr., Wanted. News that can say something about the above is asking Dr. Faerber , now living Winsen-Luhe, Eppensallee 4
Who can provide information about the fate of the Russians moving into the Kortau Health and Care Center near Olsztyn-Ostpr. remaining remaining caregivers and sick inmates? News requested: Richard Polenz , (16) Eschwege, Marktstraße 21
Addresses of former officials and employees of Military District Administration I, Königsberg I, Cranzer Allee are searched. Please send letters to Gerhard Broehl , (13b) Munich 8, Weißenburger Straße 19 L, and to the management of the Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen, Hamburg 24, Wallstraße 29 b
Who can give information about the husband Friedrich Hensel , born 21. 1. 1902 in Cöllmen, circle Mohrungen, last residing in Cöllmen. On 14. 12. 1944 drafted as Volkssturmmann, from the time lacks every trace. Occupation: estate worker. The certificate is used for the purpose of official documents.
Who knows August and Margarete Rauschning from Neplicken bei Fischhausen? The eldest son Gerhard Rauschning , b. on May 28, 1931. was separated from the parents and his eight siblings in 1945 and still has no connection with his relatives. Countrymen,
Nachbaren der Frau Voss , b. on 18. 10. 1910 in Leip, circle Osterode / East Prussia, residing in Königsberg, Lindenstrasse 1. In September 1944 bombed out and to escape living in the Jägerstrasse 55. Mrs. Voss has lost all papers and now needs well-known compatriots from Königsberg, the You can certify that the above information is correct.
Who can give information about Miss Hildegard Goebel , b. 16. 3. 1925 in Nieden, circle Johannisburg, last resident of 1942 until the escape (1944) in Königsberg with canine tenant Milinski (Luftnachrichtenkaserne)? Who can confirm the above information and the employment relationship with Milinski ?
Looking for pension matters, former members of Landesversicherung Königsberg are being looked for: Mr. Ehrhardt , Specialist for Dentures, Mr. Brandt , Land Inspector, Mr. Albert Lange, State Inspector
The dentist Erwin Büchler from Königsberg, Beethovenstraße 22, and the State Building Inspector Herbert Schröder and Mrs. Maria geb. Ley , from Königsberg, Carolinenhof, plot 584/1
We are looking for members of Hildegard Michalski to submit an important notification. Hildegard M. should. from the circle Lötzen / Ostpr. or come from the district of Sensburg
In order to issue official documents, testimonies are needed that give some indication of the whereabouts of Mrs. Varkojis. Abrotis , b. on 11. 6. 1901 and the children Ruth and Waltraut Varkojis , can report. The mentioned persons were already evacuated at the end of 1944 from Memel to Düsterbeck in Pomerania. Last message from March 20, 1945 from Pomerania