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    Bartel Franz , master tailor, Tapiau, Königsbergerstraße 14, last Landesschütze in Pr.-Holland. Supplementary Managing Director of the Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen under No. 3/58! Hamburg 24. Wall Street 29

    Russia returnees! Berger Johannes , b. 30. 9. 1902 in Königsberg-Pr., Fieldposts. 2335. Comrades of the above fieldposts. I ask for more information about my husband. Ms. Erna Berger Soest / Westf., Steingraben 21, city hospital, formerly Johannisburg / Ostpr., Bahnhofstraße 10

    Beyer Franz , guest and farmer, born. 25. 3. 72; Beyer Hedwi g; b 4. 7. 76, both from Sollau, Kr. Pr.-Eylau; Beyer Paul , b. 12. 12. 01, merchant, from Rastenburg, only Nachr. In March 1946 under sender: USSR Moscow, Red Cross, PO Box 417; Beyer Fritz , Oberwachtm., Born. 9. 10. 12, from Sollau, last fieldposts. 21 160b. i. March 45 badly wounded admitted to the Heiligenbeiler military hospital. Messages Ms. Gertrud Papke b. Beyer , (23) Köhlen 7 via Bremerhaven

    Boehnke Julius , b. 23. 4. 1882, Obersteuerinsp. at the tax office Ebenrode, later Wehlau. Carried away on 10th February 1945 in Pr.-Eylau; together with Mr Kniep from Eydtkau, admitted Kreisbauernschaft Pr.-Eylau. Message from Dr. Ing. Boehnke , Ruhpolding-Obb.

    Nursing home (hospital) Bombitten over Zinten. January 1945, the old farmer Heinrich Lokies from Motzischken (Memelland) at that time 71 years old, ill from the trek in the nursing home Bombitten left behind. Who of the nursing staff or d. then inmates can give out. Bulletin H. Gudjons , (16) Gelnhausen (Hessen), Steinbrunnen 4

    Brandes Fritz , born 7. 6 1887, formerly Königsberg, Luisenallee 44, Hauptkasern. New police shelter, Gen.-Litzmann-Str., Last spoken 26. 3. 45, fieldpost no. 65 100 C. Brandes Wilhelm , b. July 26, 1891, formerly Königsberg, Aweider Allee 22. Had to bring in March 1946 steamer Maria No. 03327 as captain from Berlin to Königsberg. Last message from Königsberg of 2. 5. 46. Brandes Kar l ,, geb. 8. 12. 1897, formerly Königsberg, Beethovenstraße 33, drafted for the Volkssturm. Last message from Königsberg. Beginning of April 1945. From the union federation from foreground Roßgarten to the castle yard no more returned. Message Erb. Sister Lotte Brandes , (23) Wilhelmshaven, Rheinstr. 108, city. hospital

    Dennull Berta, b. Puchert , b. 9. 4. 1886, made of spruce, Krs. Tilslt-Ragnit. Message eib. Emma Broszuleit born. Puchert , z. Zt. (24a) Geesthacht (Elbe), Norderstrasse 25, Krs. Lauenburg

    Year Max , b. 18. 8. 18S7 in Stombeck circle Samland, in February 1945 by the Russians abducted with other civilians from the area Legiten circle Labiau. Bojahr Helmut , b. 8. 4. 1917 in Stombeck, Maat was on a submarine, last seen April 45 in Kiel. Bulletin Ms Gertrud Bojahr, Bremerhaven-G., Ibbrigheim 35 (23)

    Russia returnees! Camp 7808 Scheljabinks and recreation camp Manetagoohs. Botzki Kar l, b. 21. 2. 1889 circle Rastenburg, Botzki, Bruno , geb. 20. 9. 1929. Circle Rastenburg, Botzki Kurt , geb. 25. 3. 1924, Kr, Rastenburg, last apartment Rastenburg-Krausendorf. Message from her , Mrs. Maria Botzki , Hameln, Ohsenerstr. 60

    Doligkeit Albert , Rector i. R., born about 1875, had lived until the bombing in 1944 Königsberg-Pr., Hintertragheim, then attached. Schönfließ. Message of succession u. No. 944 to “Das Ostpreußenblatt”, (23) Leer.Ostfrld., Norderstr. 29/31

    Domscheit Gertrud , b. 14. 3. 93, Domscheit Fritz, geb. 12. 7. 91, from Kukers, Kr. Wehlau. On the run until Samland arrived, where it was overtaken by Russians. Fritz Domscheit zul.ges. in the penitentiary Tapiau, Gertrud Domscheit in retaliation. Schlossberg. Message request. Hedwig Soll geb. Domscheit , (20a) Nienburg, Weser, Triftweg 21

    Drangemeister Margarete , b. 12. 2. 1892, living Königsberg, Hufenallee 74 and her mother-in-law Drangemeister Hermine . Last message 18. 3. 1945. Who can tell me more? Message from her, Anna Nithack , early. Wohlau, Kr. Heiligenbeil, now Imshausen near Bebra

    Ehlert Horst , b. 5. 11. 24 Rosenberg-Helligenbeil, Gefp. Fp.-Nr. 05833. Last Nachr. 4. 1. 45 Goldap-Insterburg. Message asks August Ehlert , Neuchâtel about Varel Oldenburg (23)

    Faeth Ewald , Obgefr., (Born 1922), fieldposts. 28 680 B. Was in Viborg. Should Jan. 45 be used. Who knows his fieldposts? Message from the publisher Emil Faeth , (16) Melgershausen ü. Melsungen, Bez. Kassel (Hesse), formerly Moritzfelde, Krs. Insterburg

    Farinski Fritz and Mrs. Paula , owner d. Fa. Hermenau Ref. Königsberg-Pr., Bergplatz, handicrafts, embroideries, etc., both have been resident Königsberg-Pr., Maraunenhof, Sudermannstraße 8. Message erb. U. No. 943 to “Das Ostpreußenblatt”, (23) Leer-Ostfrld., Norderstr. 29/31

    Brandenburg (fr. Haff). Fischer Karl , Kfm. And wife, children Ingeborg u. Hugo . Bulletin Ludwig Brandt , Berlin-Friedenau, Wilhelmshöher Straße 29

    Russian returnees and comrades of Feldp.-Nr. 06847! Foltin Karl , Tax Assistant, Insterburg, born. 5. 2. 08 in Kurwien, Gefr. Feldp.-Nr. 06847 since August 44 at Kikuto, border Latvia-Estonia, missing gem. Message to Amalie Foltin , (23) Soltrum 224, Bez. Bremen

    Friese Helene , b. 6. 4. 1889 to Königsberg-Pr. Last living, Siebenschlößchen, Post Pieritz, Krs. Köslitz-Pommern. Prev. Königsberg-Pr., Hab. Neue-Gasse 39. Last seen in June or July 45 in Friedrichsthal ad Oder. Message from Berta Bogdahn (2ia) Bielefeld, Detmolder Straße 69

    Frommer Otto , from Karkeim, born. 28. 9. 98, Volkssturmmann, May 45 was in Gef.-Lager Neuhof-Ragnit. Who was with him? Bulletin Ms Johanna Nickel , now Essern 54 supra. Vechta, Bez. Bremen, formerly Angerhöh, Krs. Gumbinnen

    Georg Wilhelm , b. 9. 8. 1884. Last living in Karwinden, post office Schlobitten, Krs. Pr.-Holland, is missing on the retreat between Memel and Heydekrug on 9. 10. 1944. Who was with him and can give information? Bulletin Ms Clara Georg , (21) Herford-Westfalen, Ortsieker-Weg 30

    Glende Walter , from Goldap-Neidenburg, 5th Ld.-Sch.-Batl. 218 in Gr.-Seedorf, Neidenburg district. Who can give information about his fate? Message u. No. 3 * 2 Management Landsmannschaft Oslpicußen, Hamburg 24, Wallstraße 29 b