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    Russia returnees! Beyer Otto , b. 18. 7. 1880, innkeeper in Pr. Holland / Zichenau, attached. seen on the Kommandantur in Pr. Holland; who knows more about. his destiny? Broschk Gustav , b. 25. 9. 1900, teacher, in Neidenburg, from 10. 3. 45 as sergeant serious wounded. Res Laz. Olmiitz (Czechoslovakia) Rep. II, last message 21.3. 45. Doctors, sisters, comrades, where did the wounded go, what fate befell the wanted? Bulletin Wilhelm Broschk , Bomlitz via Walsrode (20a), Bahnhofstr. 12

    Bierkandt Charlotte , b. 26. 2. 12, from Königsberg, Prinzenstr. 19. Message of succession Ms. Gertr. Tietz , Hennstedt via Heide / Holstein, formerly Königsberg, Prinzenstr. 19

    Blosat Erich , and wife, residing at Tilsit, Kleffelstrasse 12. Bulletin Ms Betty Gruber , formerly Krs. Pillkallen, now (22a) Dusseldorf-Stockum, Hortensienstrasse 8

    Returnees! Konigsberg! Braese Fritz , b. 15. 7. 1895 in Königsberg-Pr., Volkssturm Königsberg last seen 8. 4.45 at the observatory together m. Messrs. Queda and Panteleit Birth Hans-Günther , Volkssturm Königsberg. Last Nachr. March 1945. Bulletin Ms. Luise Braese , Lohnerbruch 249, Lingen-Ems district, Post Wietmarschen

    Konigsberg! Brandt Martha , Reg. – Surveyor – Widow, b. Gerlach , b. 25. 8. 1889 Saalau-Ostpr., Is said to have been left behind in her apartment in Königsberg, Scharnhorst-Strasse 9a on 26.2.45, together with her mother Margarethe Gerlach , b. Mertens , widow of the widow, born. 6. 12. 1857 in Mallwischken / Ostpr. Gerlach Elsbeth , unadorned, b. 27. 2. 81 In Wulfshöfen. Ostpr., Living Königsberg, Alter Garten 30.! Rußlandheirakehrer! Dembowski Paul , b. 6. 7. 02 in Rastenburg, Bank employee, Feldw., Feldp.-Nr. 48 788 Cottbus, Erk.-Stab Major Wieners. Last message 1. 5. 46 Moscow, Red Cross,: PO Box 3604, is said to have died on the helmet transport in front of Warsaw in late 46 or early 47. Bulletin Paul Brandt , (13b) Amerang sup. Eudorf / Obb

    Budnick Werner (photo) Wachtmstr., Art. Beob., Born. 13. 1. 12. from Königsberg, Rippenstr. 16, field pn. 01639. Africa fighter, then northern Italy. Last Nachr. 1. 4. 45. Who can give information about his whereabouts? Edited by Ms. Else Budnick b. Nilson . (2ia) Bielefeld, Theesenerb tr. 13

    Russia returnees! Breitmoser Gerda , b. 3. 10. 22 from Tilsit, at the beginning of February 1945 was taken from my apartment, Markushof, Marienburg, by the Russians. Nacnricht Erb. Mrs. Cecilie Puschmann b. Lüttke , Senne 1/353, Post office Friedrichsdorf (Westfalen)

    Rußlandheimkehrerin! Bringefski family, castle mill, as well as my relatives from Gerdauen. Message from her husband Betty Sprung , b. 20. 6. 1908, Gr. Dissack ü. Ratzeburg, Post Buchholz, formerly Königsberg, Blücherstraße 1

    Bruges Rudolf , b. 21. 03. 1888 Hauptwachtmstr. d. L.Sch.P. Königsberg-Rosenau, Pol.Rev. 11, FPNr. 65 100 C, living Königsberg, Otto-Reinke-Straße 7. Schukies Gertrud , Königsberg, Otto-Reinke-Str 7, zul. 7. 4. 1945 m. Man talked about message hereditary Ms. Gertrud Brugge , Klixbüll i. Niebüll, Schleswig

    Butkewitz Eberhard , b. 13. 5. 1935 Wünsdorf, went in the fall of 1948 on foot from Königsberg to Schaulen (Lithuania) and is said to have been lodged there with a forester. Bulletin Walter Schwiderski , Berlin-Marienfelde, Manntzstraße 12

    Returnee of Feldpn. L 62 737 J! Christahl Manfred , soldier, born. 7. 3. 26 Königsberg / Pr. Bulletin Gustav Christahl , (20a) Hannover-Linden, Im Bruchkamp 8

    Christoph Martha b. Wolge ride , b. 29. 4. 05. Christoph Horst , b. 5. 5. 30. Christoph Edith , b. 11. 3. 32. Christoph , Bruno, b. 12. 7. 33. Christoph Herbert , b. 5. 5. 40. Early Hammersdorf, Post Braunsberg, Kr. Heiligenbell / Ostpr. Bulletin Albert Christoph , now Engter 137 via Osnabrück

    Cyranka Alex , Königsberg / Pr., Börsenstr. 6. Was Schneider at the clothing office Königsberg. Message from Mrs Anna Cyranka , (23) Hooksiel, Krs. Friesland, Alten-Deich.

    Think Ernst , b. 24. 11. 90, at the post office 5 Königsberg. Homeland address Königsberg-Prappeln, home. ZI. Volkssturmmann in Königsberg, still on 5. 4. 45 in Königsberg been. Message from Ms. Gertrud Denk , (24b) Wankendorf, Kreis Plön, Dorfstraße

    Returnees! Konigsberg! Dohnert Hans-Ulrich , b. 3. 2. 28 to Königsberg, last residence Königsberg, Koggenstr. 11. Captured at the beginning of March 1945 to the Kampfgruppe Bahl (Yorckschule) captured at the surrender of Königsberg. About Stablack came to camp Georgenburg b. Insterburg, there still in June 1945 been seen. Who else was with him? Message from Paul Dohnert , master bookbinder, now (20a) Wolfsburg, housing estate “Am Hohenstein”, formerly Königsberg, Koggenstraße 11

    Domscheit Erich , Sorgenau (Samland), is said to be in July 1945 in Königsberg in the surgeon. Clinic, Lange Reihe, died of lung injury. A DRK.-sister from Memel should have cared for him. Ms Minna Domscheit , Gütersloh, Neuenkirchener Straße 65

    Dombrowski Adolf, b. 24. 3. 96, Kl.-Brudzaw, living Osterschau, circle Osterode. Who knows something or has been in a camp with him? Message from the Reverend Gertrud Dombrowski , (20b) Wense 6, about Brunswick

    Russia returnees! Osteroder! Ducar Erich , b. 26. 4. 07, last living Osterode / Ostpr., Schlageter-Str. 13, Angest. bd Kreissparkasse Osterode, is missing since January 45. Last message from 18. 1. 45. Feldw. ‘ bd 4th MG Comp. Ausb.-Batl.i 368, field no. 66 451 B, in ThomJ Gronau barracks. The unit is said to have come from Thorn in the Tucheier Heide used. Information about relatives or returnees of this unit, in particular about Comp. And Batl.-Führer erb. Ms. Maria Ducar , Benthe 44, supra. Hannover, formerly Osterode, Olgastr. 19

    Duddeck Fritz , b. 29. 1. 1912, Rastenburg, Ziegelgasse 16, Uffz. I. Pi., Adm. Jan. 45 Res. Laz. Maraunenh.-Kgb. Information provided by G. Duddeck , Twedt, Post Grumbi, Kr. Schleswig

    Dumpf Hans-Georg , SS man, born. 6. 12. 1928, Königsberg-Pr., Feldp.-Nr. 28258. Last Nachr. March 1945 from Fischhausen circle Samland. Bulletin Hans Dumpf and wife, formerly Königsberg, now (23) Delmenhorst, Rosenstr. 35