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Stalingrad fighters! Ober-Gefr. Helmut Kadgien , b. Oct. 22, 1913, act. from the autumn of 1938 in IR I Königsberg (Pr.). Feb. 42 field no. 37960, Oct. 42 Field no. 24 951. Last Nachr. 1. Jan. 43. Nachr. To Kurt Winkel , (13b) Landshut-Bavaria, Seligenthalerstr. 61
Kallmann Alfred , Oberregierung and Kulturrat, geb. 28. 2. 89 in Oels / Silesia, living Königsberg, Luisenallee 25a. Last message 2.4. 45 from Königsberg. Message Erb. Hauptlehrer Boldt , (20a) Sossmar on Lehrte
Kamann Marie b. Fischer , b. 28. 8. 94 to Duhna, Kr. Labiau. Last stay Königsberg, Artilleriestr. 31. Nachr. Requests Franz Kamann, Würzburg-Stüdingsfeld, Mergentheimerstr. 184
Kahnert Friedrich , farmer from Schönbruch, Kr. Bartenstein, geb. 28. 2. 99. In February 1945 in the prison in Friedland, Kr. Bartenstein, was seen. Message requested Mrs. Erna Kahnert, (20a) Eschede, Kr. Celle, Osterstr. 27
Kalix Fritz, b. 19. 12. 94. In Schichau, Königsberg, duty as a locksmith, there also living. Last message 20. 1. 1945 from Königsberg. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Berta Kalix , (24b) Edendorf-Itzehoe
Kankeleit Oskar, b. 20. 3. 93, last resident Königsberg – Pr., Sternwartstraße 4, established. as Volkssturmmann at Fort Charlottenhof b. Königsberg, last Nachr. March 45th Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Anna Kankeleit , Herford – Westphalia, Ulmenstraße 8
Calm Marie , b. 24. 9. 1928 in king village, Kr. Mohrungen. On. Escaped from the city of Elbing by the Russians. Bulletin Friedrich Kolberg, Hamburg-Altona, Sonderburgelstraße 12b, formerly Georgenau, Kr. Bartenstein
Kegler August , b. 12. 10. 1887 in Leunenburg circle Rastenburg, last hometown Tilsit, Garnisonstraße 32. In Ludwigsort Kr. Heiligenbeil in the ammunition factory employs, the last time still as Volkssturmmann pulled. Nachr. Erb. Ms. Ida Kegler, Lindenberg-Allgäu. Sun Street 5
Ragniter! Kehler Gustav , paper machine operator, pulp factory Waldhof, Ragnit. Last Volkssturm, b. Schools. Message issued by Karl Kehler , Itzehoe-Holstein at Hilbert, Am Kaiserweg
Kerwien Helene , b. 18. 12. 06 from Romau as a conscript in Heiligenbell airfield command center. Kerwien Heinz, Uffz., Born. 14. 6. 18, fieldpost no. 35246 D, last message Dec. 44 from Room Zichenau. Nachr. Erb. Elise Kerwien . (23) Northwood ov. Bremerhaven, DRK – Hospital, Else Kerwien , (22a) Süchteln-Johannistal, Kr. Kempen
Allensteiner! Kempa Heinriette , b. 24. 1. 72, living Wadangerstr. 28. Nachr. Erb. A. Junga , (14a) Geislingen-Steige, Fabnkstr. 19, formerly Allenstein, Bahnhofstraße 2
Kendelbacher Hans Dieter , Fahnenj.-Uffz., Born. 24th, 7th, 25th, 25th to 25th of August, 1945. It was reported that he was wounded at the hospital Georgenburg / Insterburg. Nachr. Erb. Mrs. Elfriede Kendelbacher, Berlin-Lankwitz, Charlottenstr. 1, formerly Königsberg-Pr., Gustloff-Strasse 51
Kessler Marga , student, born. 13. 11. 13, formerly living Tilsit, Lindenstr. 5, last Nachr. Jan. 45, or their parents Willi Kessler , teacher at the vocational school Tilsit and his wife Luci . Nachr. Erb. Returner Alwin Schneikhardt , Fless / Opf., Bahnhofstr. 38
Kievning Otto , b. 13. 10. 1896 in Wynoten, last address Siemens-Bau-Union Attnang Puchheim. Kievning Johanna b. Janz , b. 22. 3. 1898 in Vierzighuben, from Tapiau, Markt 5. Communications to Gerhard Kiewning , from Tapiau, Markt 5, now Traunstein, Mühlenstr. 5, at Egginger
Kiewski Karl , engine driver and wife Ida born. Schänke and daughter Ilse , from Olsztyn, Kl. Sandgasse 6a, as well as Kirstein Theodor , lawyer and Mrs. Lucie geb. Klammer, from Gehlenburg (Bialla). Last news from Zollbrück b. Stolp / Pomm. Message from Mrs Frieda Dirksen , formerly Königsberg, Krausallee 15, now (14b) Schussenriew / Württ., Burchardtstraße, Neubau
Kirchhöfer Karlheinz , reported missing in July 1944. Who used to have the East Pr. Unit FP 3402 listened to? Nachr. Erb. Fritz Negraßus, Eydelstedt 44 over Barnstorf, Bez. Bremen
Fa. Kinkel u. Co., general Transport Company, formerly Königsberg. Message Erb. Adolf Becker (14) Gensungen, Bez. Kassel, formerly Laukischken, Kr. Labiau
Kischke Paula b. Porrmann , b. 6. 12. 79 in Rössel, last living Königsberg / Pr.-Hufen, Hirtdenburgstr. 29, was with other refugees on 12. 4. 45 to Gut Corben b. Cranz kidnapped. Nachr. Erb. From Russian prisoner of war, Heimgek. Husband Arthur Kischke , Baden-Baden, Horhaldergasse 19
Klau Richard , and Mrs. Gertrud born. Tyrant , living Königsberg, Tannenwalde. Febr. 45 abducted by the Russians, and master baker Julius Sbresny , currently resident Königsberg, Meyer-Waldeck-Strasse 3. In February or March 1945 went to the transport to the west. Bulletin Hans Sbresny , (16) Wiesbaden 5 Freudenberg, Märchenland settlement
Klebanowski Margarete b. Schroeder , b. 26. 2. 87 in Königsberg-Pr., Last living in Zinten, Kreis Heiligenbeil, Bahnhofstr. 32, by Koltz . In March 1945 after the Russian invasion in Gdansk and had the intention to go back to Zinten. Aschaffen Kiefeld , (2la) Gronau-Westf., Enschederstr. 14
Klebeck Günther, b. 22. 3. 35 in Fritschienen, Klebeck Helmut , born. 14. 5. 38 in Fritschienen, Klebeck Kurt , born. 30. 8. 1937 in Szillenbruch. everything Kr. Wehlau. Add. No. 1/26 to management d. Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstr. 8th
Klein Udo is looking for his mother Martha Klein born. Oltersdorf , b. 28. 5. 07. earlier Königsberg-Pr., Steile Strasse 4, and his aunt Anna Feht , formerly Königsberg-Pr., Rothenstein, Kiebitzweg 66. Bulletin H. Herbst , (16) Münster 142. Kreis Oberlahn (Hesse )
Klein Erwin , b. 14. 6. 09, farmer from Arnau, Kr. Osterode and Köschen, Kr. Mohrungen, last Obergefr. b. field no. 21 439, missing on 20. 10. 44 b. Debrecen in Hungary. Nachr. Erb. U. No. 1 122 to management Landsmannsch. East Prussia, (24) Hamburg, Averhoffstr. 8th