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    Kleist Helene , who has been with Frau Emilie Milde , resident of Königsberg / Pr., Claaßstraße 18, from 1945-47 and knows more about her death, is asked to contact us. Add. 1 33 Management Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Knochenhauer Richard , teacher, from Richtfelde (Gerwischken) Krs. Gumbinnen, most recently at Volkssturm Devau in Königsberg. By whom, when or where was he seen or spoken after the enemy invasion in 1945? Nachr. Erb. Ms. Luise Sieg , formerly Königsberg-Pr., Kummerauerstr. 26 a, now Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Mainzerstraße 12 IV

    Returnees! Koglin Horst , Uffz., Born. 10. 5. 22 to Berlin. From 15. 1. 1945 on military leave in Juditten, Hammerweg 115. He joined a Feldkommandant., Which was quartered in our house, to. End of February in action around Metgethen. On April 5, his unit was in Rosenau, near Schlachthof, where he was still seen as a Kradmelder. Since our escape on 28. 1. 45 no sign of life. Nachr. Erb. Bruno Koglin, (20a) Hannover, Körtingstr. 7

    Come Werner , Königsberg, Str. SA 80, looking for parents Gustav Komm , Königsberg-Ponarth, Palwestr. 49. Who else can report about my parents? Königsberg friends announce you! Add. No. 5 59 to management of the Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Returnees! Gustav Komossa , Uff., Field no. 24 459 D, ​​b. May 5, 1914 in Offenau Kr. Johannisburg. Who was in camp No. 102,16 Chelyabinsk / Ural. Nachr. Erb. Elfriede Romeiko , (23) Neulehe near Aschendorf / Ems

    Kopowski Bernhard , district chimney sweep master, Lötzen, geb. August 15, 1894 in Olsztyn, last living in Mönsdorf bei Rössel. In early March 45 deported by the Russians. Nachr. Erb. W. Gallmeister , (20a) Celle, Bremer Weg 95

    Goldap! Koschorreck Lina b. Petan, b. 24. 3. 86 in Makunischken. Kr. Goldap, Apartment Freiberg, Kr. Goldap. Nachr. Erb. Otto Koschorreck, Wöbs, district of Eutin Holstein

    Kupries Johann , Obgefr., Born. in Wilkieten, Kr. Memel. Field no. 47243. Since Jan. 45 missing in Poland. Last home address Memel, Große Landstr. 7 at Schuckies . Nachr. Erb. Martin Kupries , Hamburg 1, Koppel 30, III. at cock

    Kossack Herbert , b. 26. 12. 20, Reuschenfeld, Kreis Gerdauen. Last address Res.-Laz. Braunsberg, recovery comp. End of Jan. 1945 over the lagoon in the direction of Gdansk. There in February 1945 still been seen. Bulletin Franz Kossack , Hamburg, Grüner Deich 62, formerly Nordenburg, Kr. Gerdauen

    Kossack Kurt , from dismantling Nordenburg, Kr. Gerdauen, had not fled and was abducted in early February 1945. Communications u. No.13 to the management of the Landsmannschaft East Prussia, (24) Hamburg 21, Averhoffstraße 8

    Koyro Meinhard , b. 14. 3. 1930 in Albrechtsfelde, circle Treuburg. On 13. 3. 45 from Arlen b. Rhein, Kr. Lötzen, deported to the camp Rastenburg. August 1946 seen in a boys camp in Tapiau. Bulletin Fritz Koyro , (24b) Brokstedt, Kreis SteinburgHolstein

    Krause Martin , b. 23. 8. 27 in Wartenburg, apartment Königsberg-Metgethen, Mr. Göring Square 6. Last Nachr. Jan. 1945. Last known fieldpost no. 54,708 C, LGP. Posen. Nachr. Erb. Willy Krause , (2lb) Schwelm (Westf.), Bahnhofstrasse 32