Lettkemann in Alt Passarge
13. May 2019Widder in Alt Passarge
18. April 2020
Cover page
Page 1:
National of the book owner.
First name and surname: August Heinrich Schött
Born on 8 December 1868 Zu Alt-Pasharge Administrative District Königsberg Heiligenbeil Federal State of Prussia
2. stand or trade: fishermen
3rd religion: Protestant
4. whether married: no yes
5. date and type of entry into service: On 3 I. 1891 as replacement
6. with which Navy Heil (indicating the company): 5. company I. Sailor’s Division
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Transfers (specifying date and company): On 20. VIII 1892 to 3rd Company I. Torpedo Division
Transportation (indicating the date and type):
7. date and manner of discharge: On 31 May 1893, on leave of absence from the I. Torpedo Division at Alt-Pahsarge, Heiligenbeil District, for the disposition of the I. Torpedo Division
To the Inv.Vers.g. Hbl 12.3.95
Page 3:
8. from which navy heal: 3rd company 1st torpedo detachment (=stamp)
No. of the naval roll: 29/90
9. orders and decorations
10. campaigns and wounds:
Page four:
11. on S.M. ships and vehicles resp. relief transport steamships: S.M. ship resp. relief transport steamer Mars – Blücher p. 34
Name of the posting after the stay abroad or in domestic waters Domestic waters
Page 5:
from – until now
J Mon. Days
6.4. to 5.5.91 – 1
11.6. to 30.9.91 – 3 20
25.11. to 8.12.92 14
Page 6:
12. special military training: torpedo, torpedo boat
Shooting class: *)
13th remarks: G. Schött has been instructed within the meaning of §§ 49 and 50 of the Instruction concerning the procedure for registration and examination of the pension claims of disabled teams.
Has the certificate of competence been issued by the :
Issued, keel
May 31st, 1893 Stamp
Page 7:
On clothing *) the same received on his departure:
tunic, trousers, underpants, hat, neckerchief, shirts, pair of boots (shoes).
The same received on the march to his future place of stay the railway
*) Applies to Marine Corps personnel only.
Page 8:
against military ticket or military beer and to use his other needs from the
this side with Mark Pf.
this side with Mark Pf.
this side with Mark Pf.
this side with Mark Pf.
Handled march fees baar to pay.
Page 9:
Converted to the 1st Marines: 5.4.98
Crossed over to the 2nd Marines: 19.4.03
Conversion to the Landsturm 2nd Squad is carried out in peace without further ado, as long as the transfer back to a younger year class was not ordered:
1. for crews, which entered before the age of 20, on March 31st of the calendar year, in which the same six years of membership in the second detachment were spent.
2. for all other crews, on 31 March of the calendar year in which the 39th year of age is reached.
Page 16:
…notices and leave of absence.
III 985 16/6.93
The owner is hereby granted a two-year leave for sea voyages at home and abroad from 16 June 1893 to 1895 under dispensation? from exercises and control meetings. Special reference is made to passages 20 and 21 of the pre-printed provisions.
Seal Signature ?Drogan – Drogaus
?Major retired and commander
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Notifications and leave of absence.
18. 18.6.95
Leave granted above is extended until 16.6.97 under the same conditions. Special reference is made to Sections 20 and 21 of the pre-printed provisions.
Seal Signature ‘Drogan – Drogaus
Colonel and Commander
Page 18:
Notifications and leave of absence.
The 6/16/97
Stamp III 1575
Advance leave is hereby extended for a further two years until 18.6.99, with dispensation for exercises and control meetings. Special reference is made to passages 20 and 21 of the pre-printed provisions.
Seal of Weggatzki
Premier-Lieutenant u Adjutant
Page 19:
Notifications and leave of absence.
District Commander
Braunsberg O/Pr. d. 19.6.99
J.-No. 987 Sect. III
Advance leave is hereby extended for a further two years until 18.6.1901 with the dispensation of exercises and control meetings. Special reference is made to passages 20 and 21 of the pre-printed provisions.
Seal Signature Stamp
Page 20
Notifications and leave of absence.
District Commander
Braunsberg O/Pr. d. 10.6.01
J.-No. 970 III Sect
Advance leave is hereby extended for a further two years, until 18 June 1903, with the dispensation of exercises and control meetings. Special reference is made to passages 20 and 21 of the passport regulations.
Seal Signature Stamp
Page 21
District Commander
Braunsberg O/Pr. d. 21.6.03
J.-No. Sect III
Adjacent holiday extended until 22.6.05.
Seal Signature Stamp
opted out
for sea trips Heiligenbeil, 23.6.05 Signature: Lange, District Sergeant
Page 22
opted out
for to Hamburg
Heiligenbeil, July 7, 1906
Signature Haberland?s district sergeant
Behind the Lemkentr… 12
II Hamburg, 26 July 1906
Neumann Bez… C 90/91 a 47
The following text is crossed out 3 times:
Off to Stubbendorf
I Hamburg, 30.4.07
Rehwinkel, Bez…