Looking for Battügge in Mossin / Wulflatzke and Battüge in Mossin / Flatow / Be

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  • #6202

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      My grandfather Carl F. A. Battüge was born in Mossin 4 December 1873. He emegrated to USA in 1892 and moved to Cleveland Ohio where he met and married my grandmother.


      It is interesting that his parents were Frederich A Battügge and Emilie Auguste Drews. They were married in Mossin on 9 January 1871. Notice that a ‘g’ is missing on the son’s name and after the marriage the family name was Battüge. I am not sure if this was a ministers change of if it was changed in duplicating or submitting to the registration office.

      Frederich A Battügge was one of seven children born to Johann Wilhelm Battügge and Friederike Ulrich on 22 October 1844 in Wulflatzke. I have the data for the other children since one of them emegrated to the US and another had a son that emegrated to the US.

      I have been unable to find the marriage data for Johann Wilhelm Battügge and Friederike Ulrich or anything about their parents.

      I know that I have some ‘cousins’ who live in Berlin with the last name Battüge, and at one time some cousins in Poland with the last name Battügge, however I believe this last group has all passed.

      I have seen a request at rooteweb for information on a family with the last name of Battügge in Flatow and also have found family members with the last name of Battüge in Flatow.

      I apologize that I am relearning German from my childhood and it is taking more time than I imagined, so I am writing in english.

      I would like to upload some pdf files of German Records so you can see the pages and help me translate everything on them for my family members, however, I cannot find a way to do that on this site. If there is a way, please tell me.

      I thank you for any help and suggestions you may have! Seeing more information than is found at the LDS site in Salt Lake is really wonderful.

      Happy New Year to everyone!



        • Beiträge: 157
        • ★★★★★

        Good Evening Ray,

        as far as I know, this page does not support the upload of user documents and files. You might want to upload your pdf-files of the the German records to google-drive for example and share the links in this forum.

        I would like to offer you to translate your documents to English, if you sent them to me privately. You will find my email, when you visit my profile.

        With regards,

        A Happy New Year To Everyone!


          • Beiträge: 1321
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          Hallo lieber Carlo,

          Ray hat bei uns unter der Auflistung von Stefan die Hochzeit von Haase-Battüge gefunden und kann natürlich dieses Deutsch (handschriftlich) nicht lesen. Vielleicht kannst du ja da helfen.

          liebe Grüße Kerstin

          Hier der Link für die Hochzeit von 1895

          135 Haase- Battüge


            • Beiträge: 157
            • ★★★★★

            Hallo Kerstin,

            dass die Information von Deiner Seite stammte, war für mich nicht zu erkennen. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich mir die betreffende Quelle herausgesucht und werde bei nächster Gelegenheit die Übersetzung hier posten.

            Viele Grüße,


              • Beiträge: 157
              • ★★★★★

              Good Evening Ray,

              please find the translation of the Haase-Battüge Wedding-Page in Stettin 1895:

              Name: Hermann Wilhelm Haase
              Profession: Mason
              Religion: Evangelical
              Day Of Birth: June 8, 1869
              Place of Birth: Lauenburg/ Pomerania
              Resident: Stettin, Fort Preußen 8

              Father’s Name: Wilhelm Haase
              Profession: Worker
              Mother’s Name: Albertina, nee Gruh
              Resident (both): Lauenburg/ Pomerania

              Spouse’s Name: Johanna Auguste Wilhelmine Battüge
              Profession: Worker
              Religion: Evangelical
              Day Of Birth: July 23, 1854
              Place Of Birth: Falkenwalde, County Schlochau
              Resident: Stettin, Fort Preußen 8

              Spouse’s Father’s Name: Carl Battüge
              Profession: Worker
              Spouse’s Mother’s Name: Anna, nee Pommerening
              Former Resident (both dead): Hahselberg

              1. Georg Krause, Constructor, 40 years old, Stettin, Ober? 20a
              2. Adalbert Dohrau, Worker, 32 years old, Stettin, Fort Preußen 8

              Please note: The original wedding pages are written in a formal, 100-years-old German. To make the translation a little bit easier for me I have extracted all relevant information and put it in the summary. If you feel, that some information is missing, then please let me know.

              With regards,

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