Birth list from Horka
7. January 2018
Lists from Nieder Zodel
9. January 2018
Birth list from Horka
7. January 2018
Lists from Nieder Zodel
9. January 2018

Loss of life through misfortunes

1585, April 7, the judge Christoph Möller was killed in a conflagration.
In 1702, June 18, Michael, the gardener Christoph Dietmann’s son, who had been rocking his bell on the church tower at Horka am Glockenstrange, fell, and to death.
1718, the 20th of August, drowned in the old Bach, the nineteen-year-old epileptic Johanne Hähnel.
In 1720, the 21st of December, the gardener and courtier Michael Richter was found frozen on the fields of Cunnersdorf.
1740, March 15, the cottager and bricklayer George Rieger was buried in a so-called stink cellar of a piece of earth and killed.
1780, March 19, was found between Mückenhain and cold water the lone Gottfried Riedel from Küpper, who fed on alms, dead.
In 1803, August 6, died Joh. Michael, son of the late gardener George Horschig, 9 years old, as a result of a fall from a tree.
In 1824, the 8th of March, the resident Joh. Gottlieb Uhse from Kodersdorf was found drowned in the creek near Mückhain.
1840, June 17, drowned Ernst Wilhelm, the lordly Voigt Gottlob Hantke (who later went to America) son of 1 1/2 years in a ton of reed water in the royal court. (Excerpts from The Parochia Horka in Rothenburg districts, consisting of the villages Upper, Middle, Lower Horka and Mückenhain, topographically, statistically, historically described by Ludwig August Theodor Holscher – 1856 p.


Birth list from Kodersdorf from 01.09 1825 – (source “Oberlausitzische Fama”)


No. 40 of 06.10.1825

September 7, Mrs. Häusler Hedrick a daughter, Marie
September 22, Mrs. Gedingebauer Hänel a son, Johann George


List is continued

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