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11. July 2014 at 1:50 pm #16326
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Who knows full orphan Rosemarie Thiel , b. 22. 6.1941 in Schloditten, district Pr.-Eylau, lived in the places Vorwerk arches or Tharau or Jesau circle Pr.-Eylau 1946/47? Rosemary (picture), alt. about 4 years, was a tender child with blond., wavy hair. Mother of Rosemarie , Mrs. Anna Thiel, b. Lapehn , died 30. 8. 1947 at the age of 25 years in the infirmary Pr-Eylau. An acquaintance Rosemarie should possibly take. Who knows this acquaintance? In November 1947, only a few months after the death of Anna Thiel , a major trans-shipment of transports (No. 11) from Pr.-Eylau to Coswig (Sachs.-Anhalt) was handled. It was not possible to determine in the registration whether Rosemarie was included in the transport. The following persons, who could possibly give information about the whereabouts of the child, please report: Mrs. Gertrud Müller with son Wolfgang (1947 in the relocation camp Coswig to have been).
Mrs. Meta Wüsenburg geb. Homfeld, b. 23. 2. 1906, last lived. i. Pr.-Eylau (also went through the relocation camp Coswig). Mrs. Hedwig Kalks , b. Matern , born 28. 3. 1917 in Stuhm, Westpr., Zul. Wohnh. in Pr.-Eylau, Walter-Fink-Str. 42, with daughter Hannelore , b. November 5, 1940 (also gone through the relocation camp Coswig). Next could possibly be the German doctors dr. med. Gürtler , dr . med. Wolf and dr. med. Albrecht, who worked before their relocation in the infirmary Pr-Eylau, the sought-after remember. For each Nachr. Would be very grateful Friedrich and Maria Lapehn, Ludwigsburg at Stuttgart Friedrichstr. 105Attention, Kreis Schlossberg! – Wanted. Relatives of Emil Pallokat born. on 5. 3. 1893 in Jodszen circle Pillkallen, later residing in Masziken (Blockswalde) son of the married couple Friedrich Pallokat (died 1909) and Marie geb. Baltruschat (missing since 1945). Nachr. Erb. To Alexander Schreiber 4967 Bückeburg PO Box 33
Search Ad – From Greater Jerutts. Kr. Orteisburg, East Prussia, is looking for my wife Frieda Frassa, b. Frontzek , b. 23. 5. 1906. last living in Groß-Jerutten. Kr. Orteisburg. Ostpr. The wanted is allegedly at the end of January 1945 on the run in the area Braunsberg-Frauenburg, Ostpr. lost. Nachr. Erb. To Emil Frassa 6308 Butzbach (Hess), Goethestraße 15, Waldsiedlung
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Information is requested via:
1. Major Behnke, commander of the Sturmgeschütz- and training department 600. Location: Deutsch-Eylau.
2. Work colleagues of Siegfried Butschkau (born 23. 6. 1900) from the company Lindemann , Nachf., Alienstein, and Lindemann Nachf .. Orteisburg.
3. Mrs. Frieda Hill last in camp Popelken, municipality Bartenhof. District Wehlau.
4. Harry K1abun (born 12. 10. 1930) from Adlig Neuendorf. Community Gutenfeld. Königsberg district. He was separated in April 1945 in the camp Rothenstein by his father August Klabun , and has since been missing.
5. Waldemar Kujehl (born 2. 5. 1921) from Schulzenwiese, district Elchniederung. He was a soldier in the 12th Company, Infantry Regiment 23rd and was reported missing on 29.12.1941 in Laxinow-Ostrow.
6. Maria Magdalena Luschnat (born 3. 4. 1900) from Gerdauen. She is from her son. Kurt Luschnat . who lives in France.
7. Lina Oschinski b. Frenzel (born March 19, 1890). from black stone. District Rastenburg. She should stay with her daughter in the Black Forest.
8. Gerhard Eichel about 33 years from Osterode, Boelckestraße 23 settlement. He is said to have been in Mannheim in 1951
9. Ms Martha Leskien from Ortelsburg. She lived until 1957 in Frankfurt (Main). Moorfelder Landstraße 186. and should then be moved to Darmstadt.
10. Miss Renate Teufert is looking for relatives (presumably from Osterode) of her father Hermann Teufert, who died in 1943.
Communications request the management of the Landsmannschaft Ostpreußen, 2 Hamburg 13. Parkallee 86 -
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