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On 10.2.1950 the bank director Max Querl from Tilsit (Ostpr.) Died at Grone of a heart condition in the 69th year of life. The deceased belonged for many years to the board of the advance club, the later Volksbank Tilsit, e. GmbH . and, in difficult as well as good times, has acquired the greatest merit for the bank which he conducts with the utmost compulsion, conscientiousness, and circumspection. Equipped with excellent gifts of the mind and the heart, he was an example to us all of the most faithful workmanship and a dear, unforgettable friend to whom we will preserve a lasting memory far beyond his grave. For the Management Board and Supervisory Board of the former Volksbank Tilsit dr. Krantz
On the 20th of March, 1950, after a long and severe illness at the Eutin Hospital, at the flourishing age of 28, my beloved daughter, sister-in-law, and aunt, my beloved bride died. DRK-sister Hildegard Graf . In deep pain in the name of all bereaved relatives: Friedrich Graf , Majenfelde, Kr. Eutin, formerly Labiau Ostpr.
After grave suffering and great distress, God took us on the kolkhoz farm Heinrichshof near Tapiau on May 7, 1947 our dear Mum wife Ilse Rose born. Bitterkien , Meterau, b. on February 17, 1908 in Meterau. It rests today far away from us in the home soil. The grieving children: Renate Rose , b. 1933, still missing, Karin Rose , Meterau, returned from captivity in Nov. 1949, now in Munich, Manfred Rose , b. 1947, via the Königsberg orphanage in 1947 into the Reich, since Jan. 1948 in Munich, Heidrun Rose , born Dec. 17, 1942, via the Königsberg orphanage in 1947 into the Reich and since February 1948 in Munich. As a mourner: Arthur and Franziska Rohse, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, (13b) Munich, Maximilianstr.3 / I
After all the hardships of the escape and internment in Denmark, on 21st d. Mts far from home and his beloved East Pr. Forest after a busy life my beloved, faithful father and father in law, our heartfelt Opapa, our paternal friend, the state forester IR Theodor Heisterhagen , former walls Forstamt arrow after a short, serious illness, one month before the age of 88. In quiet mourning Else Zietlow b. Heisterhagen, Johannes Zietlow , Forestry official a. D. Günther, Sigbert, Eberhard Zietlow , Family Zarnbach
Ahlbershausen ü. Uslar-Land, Hanover, 25th February 1950
By the will of God, on March 16th, 1950, gently and unexpectedly, at the age of almost 76 years, after a busy life, far from the beloved home, my dear, good man, my father, our father-in-law and grandfather, the landowner Paul Döring Louisenberg, Kr. Bartenstein. In deep mourning the name of the bereaved: Elli Döring born. Maeser. Rodewald, Kr. Neustadt a. Rbge./Hannover
All relatives u. Afterward, we acquainted ourselves with the fact that our beloved parents Karl Jeromin was born on 26 September 1945, Auguste Jeromin. Michel on 5. 11. 45 in Königsberg / Pr. have died. Early Reifschlägerstr. 2. On behalf of all surviving dependents: Ms Helene Steffen b. Jeromin , formerly Königsberg, Farenheidstr. 2, now Stade Elbe, Harburger Str. 191
Far away from the expensive home, the Almighty took us on March 20, 1950, 23 clock, after a short, severe suffering my dear wife and good stepmother, our only sister. Sister in law, aunt, cousin u. Niece Hildegard straw certificate geb. Keinke at the age of 41 years to his eternal home. She died in the St. Marienhospital in Bonn. In the name of all the bereaved in deep mourning: Friedrich straw certificate, Ilse straw note. Niederdrees, in March 1950, formerly Nordenburg Ostpr., Bergenthal.
The funeral took place Friday, March 24, 1950 at the community cemetery in Obeidrees.
All Tilsitei Fieunden and Eekannte subsequently noted that our dear Aunt Mrs. Lina Weitkonitz geb. Ehlert in the 76th year of life on 18. 1. 1950 in a rest home in Landshut is gently asleep. Burial took place quietly in Landshut. In silent mourning Paul Ehlert as nephew, Else Ehlert born. High-rise , formerly Tilsit, German Str. 31/32, Now Ingelfingen, Kreis Künzelsau Württembg.
After suffering a great deal, my dear wife Martha Schareyka died on February 4, 1950, far from home . Czykoll at the age of 53 years. In deep sadness: Friedrich Schareyka and son Siegfried, formerly Rastenburg, Bahnhofstr. 37, now Stocksee, Post Plön / Holst
After a long uncertainty, we received the sad news from our beloved home, that our dear and dearest. unforgettable parents, in-laws and grandparents died of hunger in Königsberg in 1945. Friedrich Jakubeit born November 5, 1868, Berta Jakubeit b. Mallusch born 31. 1. 1869. Our dear sister, sister-in-law and aunt Hertha Jakubeit born. 27. 5. 1905 was also starved in 1946 in Königsberg. In silent mourning on behalf of all relatives. Walter Baltrusch and Mrs. Emilie born. Jakubeit
Far away from our dear East Prussian homeland we fell asleep to a better life on 24.2. At the age of 85 years Mrs. Anna Hintzke geb. Wenk , formerly Brandenburg / Ostpr. In the name of the bereaved relatives : Hintzke family. z. At present at Sellmer , on Hoffeld over Bordesholm / Schl.-Holstein
On 1 February 1950 died after a short illness my dear husband, our good uncle and great-uncle, the kaufm. Employees Franz Sabalat , formerly Schlossberg Ostpr. Schirwindterstr. 26. These indicate: Margarete Sabalat b. Groth , Burghagen about Perleberg, Marta Janzen b. Barth , Bruno Janzen, Klaus-Peter and Ilse , Möllenbeck 40 via Rinteln (Weser)
It has become clear to us that our dear parents, in-laws and so on Grandparents Klempncrmeister Richard Krause and Amalie Krause b. Lutzemann from Wehlau / Ostpr., Kirchenstraße 29/30 died after the Russian invasion in 1945 in the homeland. We honor your memory. Irmgard and Martin Liers and children, Röhrigshof u. Hersfeld Hesse, Erich Krause , Landenhausen, Kr. Lauterbach, in March 1950
After years of waiting and hope, I now received the news that my dear husband, the farmer Eugen Pempeit died in the summer of 1945 in a GPU camp in Graudenz at the age of 53 years. On December 20, 47, God called my only sister, Ella Buchholz, to the eternal home. She died at the age of nearly 54 years of exhaustion in the quarantine camp Meiningen after shortly before returning from Königsberg / Ostpr. In silent suffering: Meta Pempeit born. Buchholz , formerly Gindwillen, Kr. Tilsit, now Mannheim-Waldhof, Sandhoferstraße 160
At the retirement home Völlinghausen near Soest, our dear Auntie Ottilie Knoepke from Heiligenbeil passed away on 10. 2. 50 at the age of 88 years. At the same time we commemorate our unforgettable mother Mrs. Marie Bardischewski from Heiligenbeil, who has disappeared in Pomerania at the age of 80 since the end of Nov. 1945. Family Walter Groll , Hanover, Family Otto Pazerat , Lägerdorf bei Itzehoe, Walter Bardischewski and wife, Itzehoe
Our dear, loyal father, father in law and grandfather August Weber Hauptlehrer u. Organist a. D., formerly Fließdorf Kreis Lyck, now Tübingen, Gartenstraße 9 has unexpectedly gone home to the eternal God at the age of 69 years. His life was filled with goodness. In deep sadness Reinhold Weber and Mrs. Lieselotte with the children Bernd and Manfred , Halle Westf., Wertherstr. 19, Ilse Herberger b. Weber and Gottfried Herberger with the children Peter, Joachim, Sabine u. Thomas , Tuebingen, Gartenstrasse 9